Cover Image for Presents: Institutional Crypto Ecosystem Night| 加密货币生态之夜
Cover Image for Presents: Institutional Crypto Ecosystem Night| 加密货币生态之夜
208 Going Presents: Institutional Crypto Ecosystem Night| 加密货币生态之夜

Hosted by Sora Ventures & 4 others
Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

Introduce Virgo to institutional and high net worth clients in Taiwan. Start with company intro by Adam, CEO of Virgo Group.

Virgo is a leading cryptocurrency platform known for its commitment to providing secure and transparent trading solutions to its institutional clients. With a foothold in Canada, US, Australia, HK. Virgo has established itself as a forward-thinking player in the digital currency space. Our platform offers a robust set of tools designed for high net worth individuals and institutional investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with digital assets. We prioritize security, user experience, and market analytics to empower our clients to make informed trading decisions. At Virgo, we believe in the transformative power of cryptocurrency to redefine the financial landscape, and we are dedicated to facilitating a smooth and trustworthy trading experience.

Official Website:

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM: Registration and Welcome Reception

  • Guests arrive and check in.

  • Mingling and networking with a welcome drink.

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM: Opening Remarks

  • Introduction to the evening's agenda.

  • Brief overview of Virgo and its impact in the Canada/Australia/US

6:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Keynote Address - "The Future of Institutional Crypto Trading"

  • Insights into market trends.

  • Virgo's approach to secure and transparent trading.

6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Panel Discussion - "Navigating the Cryptocurrency Landscape"

  • Discussion with industry experts.

  • Q&A session from the audience.

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Networking

  • Guests enjoy light refreshments.

  • Opportunity to meet the Virgo team one-on-one.

  • Further networking and discussions.

首先请允许我们的CEO Adam,向台湾的机构和高净值客户介绍Virgo交易所



5:30 PM - 5:45 PM:注册及欢迎接待

  • 客人抵达并进行签到。

  • 享用欢迎酒水,与来宾进行交流。

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM:开场白

  • 介绍今晚活动流程

  • 简要概述Virgo及其在加拿大/澳大利亚/美国的影响力。

6:00 PM - 6:30 PM:主题演讲 - “机构加密货币交易的未来”

  • 洞察市场趋势。

  • Virgo在确保交易安全和透明方面的方法。

6:30 PM - 7:00 PM:小组讨论 - “驾驭加密货币市场的风云变幻”

  • 与行业专家进行讨论。

  • 来自观众的问答环节。

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM:社交时间

  • 客人享用小食。

  • 有机会与Virgo团队核心成员进行一对一会面。

  • 客人们可以进行更深入的交流和讨论。

Sora Ventures
28 樓, No. 7號, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
208 Going