Cover Image for Web3 Social Happy Hour with Phaver and Frens
Cover Image for Web3 Social Happy Hour with Phaver and Frens
204 Went

Web3 Social Happy Hour with Phaver and Frens

Hosted by A.P. & 8 others
Register to See Address
Minato City, Tokyo
Registration Closed
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About Event

In English

​​​Join us for a chill Phaver Web3 Social Happy Hour🎉with our community partners on 28th of August in Tokyo🥳 Come and meet the teams while enjoying some drinks and snacks 🍻🍔. Meet brilliant people, network and chill, and of course have fun with everyone during this epic pre conference warm up ✨✨✨


​​​​​Attendees must have a Phaver profile (but don't worry if you don't have one, you can always make the profile easily upon entry with your email address). Please be ready to show your Phaver profile upon entry alongside with your Luma QR code. This event is free for attendees.

Also, the venue has a limited capacity, so first come first serve bases 🧡🙏



​​17.00 Doors open + networking 🥳🎉

​​​​​​18.45 Introducing the hosts and community partners

​​​​​​18.55 Networking, Food and Drinks and Fun 🍔🍻✨

​​​​​​20.30 Event closing 🥺🙏




​​​​​Phaver's Web3 social app is the largest on Lens Protocol and Farcaster with over 360k active monthly users one of the largest in the industry.

​​​​​Join Phaver and connect all your wallets to build a unique social graph across all your assets from Lens, Cyber, NFTs, Farcaster, and your Moca ID.

​​​​​Your assets are the key to leveling up for additional earnings and perks as well as access to token-gated Holder Communities.

​​​​​If you do not yet have a Phaver profile, before applying for this event download it from and create a profile to be accepted.

​​🔥🔥🔥 CO-HOST 🔥🔥🔥


EAAS Global, a greentech startup offering individuals and institutions more fulfilling ways to make and prove positive climate impacts. We are a data company with a fully-built quantum model for predicting users' best paths forward. We are ready with the tech and legal framework for perfecting tomorrow's green lives.

Initial use cases: EAAS Technology leverages advanced tech stack to collect CO2 & Carbon Footrpint data during day-to-day activities, making Earth a better place for us all.

Users receive $EAAS tokens as rewards for taking eco-friendly actions. EAAS app and DePIN device use AI and zero-knowledge proofs to securely turn user data into marketable C02 credits.

🟢 Partnerships: LG, T-Mobile, FlowCarbon, CertiK, PEAQ, CELO, Supra Oracles, mTap, VCP-X, Green Block, and more

🟢 Cap Table: CSP DAO, FISHDAO, GamerHash VC, Outlier Ventures few top OG’s to be reveled.

🟢 Bullish Factors: ⁠Go2Market through in-app CO2 rewards, ByBit CEX: September 2024, ⁠Compatible with zk EVM

Learn more:

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Community Partners


With the experience in developing mobile games and operating leading blockchain nodes, now gumi runs a new web3 fan activity platform project "OSHI3."

The World's Gateway to Bitcoin and Beyond
Since 2015, has been a global leader in introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency, featuring accessible educational materials, timely and objective news, and easy-to-use fully self-custodial products for buying, spending, trading, investing, and earning with crypto. is building the products that give everyday people access to a vast world of opportunities to generate personal prosperity without limits.

X: @BitcoinCom TG:

Slash Vision Labs

SVL (Slash Vision Labs) is pioneering the transformation of the cryptocurrency payments landscape with its innovative ecosystem, built on the Mantle Network.

X :

Linktree :


Decentralized Mahjong an E-sports Revolution!! JAN-Navi is an award-winning online Mahjong platform that boasts a 20 year history and has 5.8 million registered users.

X :

Linktree :

KEY Difference Wire

KEY Difference Wire stands out as the PR distribution service designed exclusively for the blockchain sector. Uniquely integrated with leading Web3 news platforms, KD Wire offers unparalleled coverage for your crypto-related releases at unbeatable prices.



​8月28日にPhaver Web3 ソーシャルハッピーアワーを開催致します!美味しい食べ物やドリンクを楽しみながらチームメンバーとの交流やweb3トークを是非お楽しみ下さい🦄🍻

​ご注意 ​​​: 当イベントは参加無料となっておりますがPhaverプロフィールが必要となります(お持ちでない方はイベントにてemailを使って登録出来ます。)





​​17.00 開場+ネットワーキング 🥳🎉

​​​​​​18.45 プロジェクト紹介🎤

​​​​​​18.50 フード&ドリンク🍔🍻

​​​​​​20.30 イベント終了🥺🙏




​​​​PhaverはLens ProtocolとFarcarster上で月間利用者数36万人以上を誇るWeb3ソーシャルアプリです。

​​​​​Phaverに参加して自身のウォレットからLens、Farcaster、NFT、およびMoca IDなどのすべてのアセットから独自のソーシャルグラフを構築することが可能です。


​​​​​まだPhaverプロフィールをお持ちでない場合は、このイベントに申し込む前に、 からダウンロードし、プロフィールを作成してください。

​​🔥🔥🔥 共催 🔥🔥🔥

EAAS Global

EAAS Globalは、個人や企業が、より充実した地球温暖化対策への取り組み&検証することを可能にしたスタートアップです。全ての人々がグローバル運動に参加し、自分のアクションを確認することで、より豊かな生活を送れる方法を提案しています。サステナブルな未来に向けた小さな一歩でも、その取り組みは報われる価値がある、そのように信じています。



🟢 パートナーシップ: LG, T-Mobile, FlowCarbon, CertiK, PEAQ, CELO, Supra Oracles, mTap, VCP-X, Green Block,など

🟢資本政策: CSP DAO、FISHDAO、GamerHash VC、Outlier VenturesのいくつかのトップOGが公開される予定。

🟢 運用実績: クローズドベータ版のテスター2000人, 2021年に1週間で110万ドル調達, 自己資金調達100万ドル以上

🟢 私たちの強み: アプリ内でのCO2リワードを通じたGo2Market, ByBit CEX: 2024年9月, zk EVMとの互換性


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X: @BitcoinCom TG:

Slash Vision Labs

Slash Vision Labsは、日本やアジア市場を中心にSlash PaymentとSlash Cardを開発・提供し、暗号資産の決済手段としての普及を通じて、クリプトによるなめらかな価値交換が可能な社会の実現を目指しています。$SVLはBybitやMEXCに上場し、Slash Vision Portalにおけるステーキングなどに利用されています。

X :

Linktree :



X :

Linktree :

KEY Difference Wire

KEY Difference Wireは、ブロックチェーン業界に特化した、PR配信サービスです。Web3の主要なニュースプラットフォームと独自に統合し、クリプト関連のリリースに対して他にないカバレッジを、競争力のある価格で提供します。

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Minato City, Tokyo
204 Went