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Pay-What-You-Wish + Creative Coworking w/ Blue Stoop
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Every Friday in September is "Pay-What-You-Wish", which means you can enjoy a coworking day at the Indy Hall Clubhouse for less than the price of a normal day pass!
💙 Plus, this week we're specifically inviting friends, members, and fans of Blue Stoop to join us for Creative Coworking at the Indy Hall Clubhouse! Meet up with Blue Stoop to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life
A "standard" member day pass costs $30 — but you're invited to pay whatever you want. Pay less, pay more (we won't argue), pay nothin'. We just want to see you on Friday!
💛 Indy Hall members can enjoy a FREE day pass with RSVP. Make sure to select the Indy Hall Member" ticket so you'll get a free day!