How to Run a Mic-Drop Demo 🎤
​Doing a product demo can be nerve-wracking, and for good reason: this could make or break your deal..
​You know your product is good, you know it can help the prospect – but how can you make sure the prospect understands the value of what you’re offering?
​We’ve got you covered.
​In partnership with Gong, we analyzed 3,000,000 sales product demos using AI to understand which behaviors sell and which don’t. Our data analysis tells a clear story on the best way to do an insane persuasive and value-based product demo.
​What You’ll Learn:
​- How to ‘talk through the customer’ lens’ to deliver wildly persuasive sales demos
​- Customer stories that turn features into a compelling narrative.
​- How to align with your prospect’s needs with their stage in the Buyer’s Journey.
​This webinar is sponsored by Gong:
Gong is the #1 revenue intelligence platform for B2B sales teams. It helps you close more deals by shining the light on your team’s sales conversations. It records, transcribes, and analyzes all sales calls so you can drive sales effectiveness across your entire team.