✍🏼 WORKSHOP: Building Fictional Relationships Through Dialogue, Ritual, and Objects w/ Tommy Dean
** This is a LIVE workshop. Attendees will be sent a video recording after the workshop. **
Join writer Tommy Dean for a one-hour generative writing session focused on creating and revealing characters through their relationships with other characters in micro and flash fiction.
Character is often our vehicle for the camera and the point of view, and it's our job to use their actions on the stage of the story to create tension and conflict, to build resonance and satisfaction while reading. One way to do all of this is to reveal characters through their relationships with other characters, to show the fissures in relationships and the tension in counterpointed or opposite characters.
We’ll explore:
Craft moves and element analysis to use in your own writing
A new reading list of flash fiction examples
Opportunities to create new writing material to use in new or existing stories/essays.
New prompts with multiple uses
About Tommy Dean
Tommy Dean is the author of two flash fiction chapbooks Special Like the People on TV (Redbird Chapbooks, 2014) and Covenants (ELJ Editions, 2021). Hollows, A collection of flash fiction is forthcoming from Alternating Current Press. He lives in Indiana where he currently is the Editor at Fractured Lit and Uncharted Magazine. A graduate of the Queens University of Charlotte MFA program, he is currently working on a novel. A recipient of the 2019 Lascaux Prize in Short Fiction, his writing can be found in Best Microfiction 2019 and 2020, Best Small Fiction 2019, Monkeybicycle, and the Atticus Review. He taught writing workshops for the Gotham Writers Workshop, the Barrelhouse Conversations and Connections conference, and The Writers Workshop. Find him at tommydeanwriter.com and on Twitter @TommyDeanWriter.
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