PM Buzz 4.0 - Imposter Syndrome Night
PM Hive is back with another "PM Buzz" - welcoming all PMs in Vancouver to join us on a special night where we go into the details of imposter syndrome, and how the psychological phenomenon plagues the PM community across different disciplines!
Note: Tickets are $5 to fund food & drinks!
6 pm: Doors open; network, food, & get seated
6:30 pm: Keynote Speech + Q&A
7:00 pm: Panelist Discussion
7:45 pm: Network
8:45 pm: Wrap-up
Event will be MC'd and Moderated by Kasey Fu (PM at Planview, Co-founder of PM Hive)
Speakers are TBD!
Sponsorship Opportunity:
We are actively seeking sponsors to support our events. For more details, please contact us at
Our Venue Host: Northeastern University
Founded in 1898, Northeastern is a global research university recognized for experience-driven lifelong learning. The Vancouver campus offers tailored graduate programs in computer science, data engineering, analytics, digital media, information systems, and information design.
Event Policies:
By signing up for PM Hive events, you agree to join PM Hive's Luma newsletter (opt out anytime).
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