Plein Air Painting with Josh Blake
When it comes to painting, there is nothing like painting outdoors. Instead of a quick camera photo, you slow down and spend time observing and learning how to capture the mood and atmosphere of the landscape in front of you.
Join us at Kenneth Hahn State Park as we explore the Art of Plein Air Painting (‘painting outdoor’ in French) with Josh Blake*.
A super beginner friendly workshop breaking down the fundamentals of plein air painting. We will work with watercolor, studying and playing with shapes, light, and color to create individual landscape paintings while enjoying fresh air.
No prior painting or art experiences necessary. This event is designed for beginners. However it is also a great opportunity for artists who are looking to explore a new medium or wanting to devote some time to painting in a fun and creative environment.
If you have been meaning to slow down and delight yourself in the act of making, this is for you!
All art materials are included. However, feel free to bring your own drawing pad and art materials to work with.
Exact meeting location within the park will be shared closer to the event date. Please note there is a $7 parking fee on weekends.
*Josh Blake
I’m Josh Blake, a local artist, graphic designer and filmmaker from Culver City. My Grandfather painted plein air (‘outdoor’ in French), and as I’ve been traveling in the last few years, I’ve taken up the practice myself. I’ve painted in Jamaica, London, Paris, and Venice. I find the process of capturing a live scene much more exciting than painting in a studio, so join me as we follow in the steps of Monet and the great French impressionists. @jaybee_draws
About The Casual Creative
When was the last time you did something creative just for the heck of it? As kids we played and created things with our hands all the time. That’s how we explored new objects and mediums to figure out how they work, what they mean to the world and what they mean to us. As adults, we don’t easily get enough opportunities to play and explore without the pressure to be ‘good’ or ‘productive’. The Casual Creative is on a mission to create safe and cozy spaces with the right vibes, so you feel inspired to play.
Follow us for more events: @_thecasualcreative
*Any Questions: ana.swarup@gmail.com
Refund / Cancellation Policy
To ensure we have proper supplies and can give everyone a fair opportunity to reserve a spot for this class, we offer a full refund 24 hours before the class. Any late cancellations with less than 24 hours will not be refunded.
Photo / Video Disclaimer
Photography + video will be taken at this event and may be used for promotional purposes. By entering the space you consent to being photographed/videoed and it being used at the discretion of The Casual Creative.