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Top Social Media Trends for 2023

Hosted by Fab Giovanetti
Registration Closed
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About Event

What will social media marketing trends look like in 2023? And how can you stay ahead of the curve? Is your social media marketing strategy even ready yet?

If not, don't worry – we've got you covered! 

Join our free event in collaboration with Planable on social media marketing trends for 2023, where you'll learn everything you need to know about marketing smarter in the new year.

Find out in this free webinar where you'll learn:

  • The top 3 social media marketing trends for 2023

  • How to create a social media marketing strategy that works

  • The best way to measure success and ROI in social media marketing

We'll cover the latest trends in social media marketing, and show you how to use them to your advantage. You'll learn about the new platforms and features that will be taking over social media in 2023, and how to make sure your brand is ahead of the curve.

And of course, we'll also share loads of tips and tricks on how to create more effective and engaging content that will help you boost your reach and engagement.

You’ll get access to

  • welcome networking tables and lounge

  • 45-minute interactive masterclass with 2-week replay

So whether you're a social media marketing rookie or a seasoned pro, this free event is for you. Register now and let's get started!

About Fab and Alt Marketing School
Market to hearts, not brains. Fab Giovanetti is the headteacher at Alt Marketing School. We are a marketing school offering a 8-week digital marketing certification for professionals who want to do marketing differently and a short 2-week intensive marketing fundamentals course.

About our partners at Planable

Social media and marketing managers, we have a treat for you today. If you are looking for a tool to streamline your marketing efforts, look no further. Planable makes it easy for marketing teams to work better together by visualizing, approving, and publishing social content from one shared space. 

Give it a try for free today.

❤️Testimonials from marketing pros that came before you:

  • ​"Fab has a beautiful way of teaching, lots of jokes and humour. Excellent!! Excellent supporting material, practical examples, and captures the class very well."

  • ​"It was such a valuable lesson. The idea behind better marketing practices and how to create a strategy according to the tools Fab showed us."

  • ​"My head was filled with food for thought as I went through the lesson with her. She was energetic and stimulating. “

  • ​"Fab is energetic, insightful, easy to understand, and positive energy. It was a great lesson."

  • ​"Fab was incredible! I earned many storytelling tools and techniques, she teaches well, and she's lovely."

About this workshop

How will this event run? Will I need to share my video or audio?
The event will run on Airmeet and you'll be able to interact in the chat as well as complete exercises throughout the session. You'll also be able to access a short networking session before class to discuss the topic of the day with fellow attendees.
It is an interactive session, and spots are extremely limited, so we encourage you to come in and join us live for the best experience.

Will there be a replay?
The free live workshop runs in very small groups - to maximise the class experience and ensure live students get the most out of the session, we currently offer 2-week replays (we'll send you a link after the event if you need to leave early).