Cover Image for AI London Lightning Talks + Social - AI Safety Edition

AI London Lightning Talks + Social - AI Safety Edition

Past Event
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About Event

Lightning talks & Drinks, followed by Drinks and Food at a nearby pub.

This event is a real mixing pot - we've got AI Safety & AI Accelerationists in the house. Maybe everyone will agree a little more by the end of the event, maybe not. Either way, there will be popcorn.

Speakers (3 minutes each):
* Nathan Young - Understanding what the room thinks about AI Safety
* Robbie McCorkell - How to understand what any image classifier has learned
* Nikita Sharma - 'Fraud GPT’- a lurking cyber threat, it’s impact, and safeguarding strategies
* Hoagy Cunningham - Next Gen foundation models from the big labs' perspective
* Michael Aird - Ways technical people can help with AI governance/policy
* Sören Mindermann - No time to procrastinate on risks from an AI

* Dr Lawrence Newport - What I learned about rapidly changing government policy from the Bully XL fiasco
* Joseph Miller - Risks and opportunities of activism for AI safety
* Matt Webb - AI as teammate: Matt opens his software sketchbook and shows his explorations into AI interactions and real-time multiplayer
* Philip Tomei - How do we leverage capital markets to mitigate AI Risk?
* Rohit - Building god: the promise of AI acceleration today
* Callum McDougall - The case for slowing down or stopping AI development
* Nathan Young - Understanding what the room thinks about AI Safety after the talks

We're always on the lookout for speakers at upcoming events, if you've got something you'd like to share with the group, please join the WhatsApp Community and let us know!

We're being hosted by LISA (London Initiative for Safe AI) at their new co-working space - feel free to bring them a house-warming gift 🎁