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Uniswap v4 Community Meetup: Philadelphia
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About Event
This event will cover the latest in Uniswap new ground breaking dex Uniswap v4.
Evolution of Uniswap: V1 to V4
What is Uniswap?
Differences between V1, V2, V3, and V4
Key innovations introduced in Uniswap V4
Uniswap V4 Architecture Deep Dive
Singleton Design Pattern: Why it matters for efficiency
Flash Accounting: Reducing gas fees
Hooks & Modularization: Customizing AMMs
Examples of Hooks & Use Cases
Understanding programmable liquidity pools
Real-world examples & potential use cases
Getting Involved with the Uniswap Ecosystem
How to contribute
Resources & developer tools (UF Ambassador Program, Discord, Hook Incubator)