Cover Image for Climate Resilience through Green Banking and Municipal Housing: Panel Discussions and Happy Hour
Cover Image for Climate Resilience through Green Banking and Municipal Housing: Panel Discussions and Happy Hour
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Climate Resilience through Green Banking and Municipal Housing: Panel Discussions and Happy Hour

Hosted by Jeremy Pollock, SF Climate Week & San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo)
Past Event
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About Event

The San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) invites you to a two-panel discussion on LAFCo’s work on green banking and municipal housing.

A happy hour for discussion and networking will follow.

  • 2:00-3:30: Panel discussions at the Pier 1 Office Building (200 feet North of the Ferry Building)

  • 3:30-4:30: Happy hour at Gott's next door at the Ferry Building

Opening Remarks

  • Supervisor Connie Chan, LAFCo Chair

  • Jeremy Pollock, LAFCo Executive Officer

Green Banking Panel

LAFCo staffed the San Francisco Reinvestment Working Group, which developed business and governance plans for a public bank and for a non-depository lending corporation. LAFCo is currently studying how these entities could function as San Francisco’s Green Bank and access Inflation Reduction Act funding and private capital to finance renewable energy, building electrification, and other clean technology projects.

  • Moderator: Khalid Samarrae, LAFCo Policy Analyst

  • Jackie Fielder, Former LAFCo Commissioner and Co-Founder San Francisco Public Bank Coalition

  • Nick Kline, Former Program Director at Coalition for Green Capital and Finance Associate at Connecticut Green Bank

  • Sylvia Chi, Senior Policy Analyst at Just Solutions and Legislative Director at California Public Banking Alliance

Municipal Housing & Climate Resilience Panel

LAFCo has initiated two studies related to housing: one on the future management options for the Midtown Park Apartments, San Francisco’s only City-owned housing, and one on the structure of a potential San Francisco municipal housing agency. This panel will explore the links between municipal housing initiatives and climate-related challenges, with a focus on affordability, sustainability, and equity.

  • Moderator: Hope Williams, LAFCo Commissioner and Board President San Francisco Community Land Trust

  • Shanti Singh, LAFCo Commissioner and Communications and Legislative Director at Tenants Together

  • Ryan Ramos, Senior Energy Specialist at San Francisco Environment Department

  • Fernando Marti, Former Co-Director at San Francisco Council of Community Housing Organizations and LAFCo Consultant for Midtown Park Apartments Study

Happy Hour

Afterward, we will walk over Gott's Roadside restaurant at the Ferry Building for further conversation and networking.

Gott's Roadside
The Ferry Building
San Francisco, CA, 94105

By registering for this event, you agree to share your registration information with the organizers of SF Climate Week.

Pier 1 The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
Pier 1, Port of San Francisco Office, Bayside Conference Rooms - The Embarcadero @ Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94111
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