Cover Image for [Technical] - MEV Week Paris

[Technical] - MEV Week Paris

Register to See Address
Paris, Île-de-France
Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

Forum Post with Agend + Abstracts + Research Questions
If your application has not been approved, please reply to this Forum Thread with your research questions you are interested in or what you would like to share at, so that your slot in our "block" will make it a more valuable experience for you and all of us.

16:00 - 16:30 Interactive: Co-creating An Open PBS R&D Roadmap (host: Tina)
16:30 - 16:50 Measuring the Concentration of Control in Contemporary Ethereum (WIP Paper) by Simon Brown
16:50 - 17:10 A Modest Proposal to Simulate PBS/Intent Interaction (FRP) by Fabrizio Romano Genovese
17:10 - 17:30 A Lot Can Happen in 12 Seconds by Max Resnick
17:30 - 18:00 Lay of the Land in PBS R&D (Whiteboard Session) by Justin Drake (EF)
18:00 - 18:30 Alpha Leak on the Latest Research on PEPC by Diego (EF RIG)
18:30 - 19:00 Evolution of ePBS Designs and Future Roadmap by Mike Neuder (EF ARG)
19:00 - 19:30 PBS Roast: PEPC vs. ePBS, Roast Master: Tim Beiko
19:30 - 20:00 Meanwhile What Can We Do to Improve the MEV-Boost Ecosystem by Alex Stokes (EF ARG)
20:00 - 21:00 Breakout Discussions with Dinner: Split into focus groups to discuss specific PBS R&D challenges focus group
21:00 - 21:30 Presentations by the breakout groups


MEV hackerhouse meets Parisian Salon: welcome to the pbs salon. The mev.week is a research workshop for protocol developers and researchers to jam on the future of pbs.

Flashbots is plural. Whether you are a builder, re[searcher] or low-carb-crusader, bring your thoughts, hard questions and good memes. Together we can turn zero-sum games into positive-sum games.

Blockspace is scarce and so are salon seats, we’ll build the most profitable block with the most thoughtful [re]searchers. PLEASE COMPLETE the to save your seat at the salon, there are no other mandatory steps to register.

The location will be shared to approved participants shortly before the event. Please keep the location private to respect the privacy of participants and salon hosts.

*All information from the application process will be kept private. requires Name and Email fields, please only share what you are comfortable.