Cover Image for The Ultimate Growth Design Crash Course
Private Event

The Ultimate Growth Design Crash Course

Hosted by Chase
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Learn about the growth design role, processes, success metrics, skills and industry landscape with community leader Chase Denomme in this ultimate crash course on growth design.

Key Takeaways

​During this event, you will:

  • ​Understand the capabilities and mindset required to be a successful growth designer.

  • Discover the differences between growth design and core product design work.

  • Learn and apply a proven growth design framework to maximize your impact.

  • Deep dive into designing for key moments across your growth flywheel (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, and Monetization).

​About the Instructors

Chase Denomme

Chase is a serial design lead working with companies from early stage validation to later stage growth and expansion. He currently heads up design at Disco and community at