🎂【SuperWalk 2nd Anniversary in Tokyo】​Let's Walk Arbitrum x Kaia x Pacific Meta

Hosted by Pacific Meta & 8 others
Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

​Let’s Walk with SuperWalk and get NFTs!!



App Store

​SuperWalk apps:https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/superwalk/id1618557295

Google play






  • ​17:00 Pacific Hubに集合

  • ​17: 20 芝公園にてウォーキングイベント

  • ​18:00 Pacific Hub に戻る

  • ​18:30 オープニング

  • ​19:00 スピーチ

  • ​19:30 ネットワーキング

  • ​21:00 クロージング

​本イベントは、SuperWalk 2周年を記念して行われるアニバーサリーイベントです!






🔹Website: http://superwalk.io
🔹Discord: https://discord.gg/superwalk-official
🔹X: https://twitter.com/SuperWalk_

Pacific Meta


🔹​​HP: https://pacific-meta.co.jp/en
🔹X: https://x.com/pacificmeta?s=21

SCI Labs (ベトナム)

SCI Labsは、スタートアップ・プロジェクトのインキュベーションに焦点を当てた組織です。資本金、メンター、テクノロジー、オフィススペース、コミュニティとのコネクションなど、これらのプロジェクトのためのリソースを提供しています。私たちの目標は、潜在的なプロジェクトを開発し、コミュニティを構築し、すべての関係者に相互利益を創出することです。

𝐒𝐂𝐈 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝟑 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scilabs.io
🔹X: https://twitter.com/SCILabs_io
🔹Telegram: https://t.me/scilabs_io


Kaia(Klaytn) Foundation




現在では、韓国で開発された唯一の世界的に競争力のあるWeb 3.0エコシステムの1つであり、300以上の分散型アプリケーションから10億以上のトランザクションを生み出している。


Arbitrumはイーサリアムのトランザクションをより高速かつ安価にするプロトコルです。開発者はArbitrumを使用して、Arbitrum RollupとAnyTrustプロトコルのスケーラビリティの利点を活用できるユーザーフレンドリーな分散型アプリ(dApps)を構築します。

ArbitrumのフラッグシップチェーンであるArbitrum Oneは2021年にローンチされた。これに続いて、超低コスト取引のために構築されたAnyTrustの別チェーンであるArbitrum Novaがすぐにローンチされました。2022年8月、Arbitrum OneはArbitrum Nitroスタックにアップグレードされ、スケーリング能力が7~10倍にアップグレードされました。

🔹Website: https://arbitrum.io/
🔹X(Twitter): https://x.com/arbitrum


MARBLEXはNetmarble Corp.のブロックチェーン子会社です。Netmarble Corp.は、世界中の6,000人以上のゲーム業界のベテランとブロックチェーン技術の専門家で構成される、定評あるモバイルゲームの開発・パブリッシャーです。



MBXエコシステムは、A3: Still Alive、Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds、The King of Fighters Arena、Meta WorldといったNetmarbleの人気タイトルの一部として楽しむことができます:My City.

​🔹Website: https://www.marblex.io/
🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/MARBLEXofficial
🔹Medium: https://medium.com/marblex

Planetarium Labs (Ninechronicle)

Planetarium Labsはコミュニティ主導のWeb3ゲーム会社で、世界中のユーザーのために没入型で改造可能なゲーム体験を構築している。

2020年、Planetariumはブロックチェーン技術と没入型ゲームプレイをシームレスに統合した完全オンチェーン、オープンソースのファンタジーRPGゲーム、Nine Chronicles (https://nine-chronicles.com/)をリリースした。PCとモバイルで利用可能なこのゲームは、プレイヤーに真の所有権と持続可能なウェブ3のゲーム体験を与える。

ゲームとブロックチェーン技術における数十年の経験を結集し、業界をリードする先見性とパートナーとともに、Planetarium LabsはWeb3ゲームを次のレベルに引き上げるプロトコルと体験の構築に取り組んでいます。

🔹Website : https://planetariumlabs.com/
🔹X : https://twitter.com/NineChronicles
🔹Discord : https://discord.gg/planetarium
🔹Medium : https://medium.com/nine-chronicles


Web3ゲームプラットフォーム: 誰でも楽しく簡単にブロックチェーン



​🔹Website: https://pomerium.space/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/pomerium_space
🔹Telegram: https://t.me/pomerium_official
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pomeriumofficial


Delabs Gamesは、ゲーマー、ゲーム、プラットフォームを有機的に結びつける“Playable Layer"です。

Delabs Playable Layerは、既存のゲームプラットフォーム構造の課題に対処するために構想されたユニークなプラットフォームモデルです。

ネクソンとネクソンモバイルの元CEOである Joonmo Kwon氏が率い、約30億ドルの収益を上げ、4億人以上のゲーマーを動員した6つの大ヒット作を発表している。

🔹Official Website: https://delabs.gg/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/delabsOfficial
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/delabsOfficial




​🔹Official Website: https://cyber.co/
🔹X: https://x.com/BuildOnCyberhttps://cyber.co/

Fidelion (Tidal Flats Studio)

Project Fidelionは、ストーリーテリングとアートに重点を置いて制作されたWeb3 Solana NFTベースのIPブランドプロジェクトです。世紀末の精巧に作られたディストピア世界を背景にしたこのプロジェクトは、その複雑にデザインされた世界観と、その上に構築された詳細なストーリーにより、様々なオーディエンスから愛されています。


🔹Website (Fidelion): https://fidelion.io/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/FidelionNFT
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/officialfidelion


Supervillain Labsは、ゲームコンテンツとユーザーネットワークを最短距離で結ぶことを目的に設立されたゲームスタジオです。



🔹Website: https://supervlabs.io/
🔹X: https://x.com/supervlabs?lang=ko
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/supervlabs

Fandom Studio

Fandom Studioは、NFTを活用した包括的なコンテンツ戦略を展開することで、エンターテインメント・コンテンツ業界をリードするビジネスを創造しています。世界的なアーティストとのコラボレーションを皮切りに、コンテンツクリエーターに投資し、文化的、芸術的、娯楽的な様々なコンテンツを構築することで、ブランド認知度を高め、プレミアムNFTコレクションの採用を促進しています。

Fandom StudioのWeb3市場における最大のパートナーの1つは、ショートビデオコンテンツで成功を収めている最大のソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム、TikTokです。Fandom StudioはTikTokとともに、Web3市場に数百万人のクリエイターと10億人以上のユーザーをもたらすことを目指しています。


Jump Crypto、IDG Capital、NGC Ventures、Republic Capital、IOBC Capital、Flask(KOSDAQ listed company and a mother company of Fandom)

🔹Website: https://fandom.co/
🔹Docs: https://docs.fandom.co/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/fandomstudio_
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fandomstudio



Binance LabsによってインキュベートされたTiltedは、世界的なWeb2デジタル資産のための最高の流動性プールとマーケットメーカーとしての地位を確立する態勢を整えています。

ティルテッドは、今後3~5年間で5,000億ドルと予測されるゲームRWAの機会を捉えています。RWAのトークン化とRWA NFTの実装により、Tiltedはゲームスキンの安全な所有権を確保すると同時に、ゲーム資産の売買・取引を可能にします。

🔹Website: https://tilted.xyz/
🔹X: https://x.com/tiltedxyz



🔹Website: https://overtake.world/
🔹X: https://x.com/overtake_world





🔹Website: https://recyclefarm.org/
🔹X: https://x.com/RecycleFarm_XR



- 毎日のユニークアクティブウォレット: DappRadarでトップ5のブロックチェーンゲーム。 - 日本でトップ3のブロックチェーンゲーム。 - 2023年のBSCでのNFT取引量で1位、取引量は12万BNB以上。 - OKXウォレットとマーケットプレイスとの提携と統合により、OKXウォレットに5万人以上の新規ユーザーを獲得。


投資家には、LIF、Animoca Ventures、DWF、Presto、Spyre Capital、Archerman Capital(主にTMT分野で10億ドルのAUMを保有)が含まれる。

🔹Site/Socials: https://linktr.ee/yuliverse


Phaver - 20万人以上のユーザーを持つLens Protocol最大のアプリで、Web3ソーシャルで最もやりがいのあるロイヤリティプログラムです。PhaverでNFTに接続すると、クレドやポイントを獲得して特典やエアドロップを獲得したり、NFT限定の体験にアクセスすることができます。

Phaverに参加し、すべてのウォレットを接続することで、Lens、CyberConnect、NFT、Moca IDのすべてのアセットでユニークなソーシャルグラフを構築することができます。

Phaverのプロフィールをまだお持ちでない方は、このイベントに申し込む前にhttp://phaver.app.link/earlybird からダウンロードし、プロフィールを作成してください。




🔹Website: https://bifrostnetwork.com/
🔹X: https://x.com/Bifrost_Network





🔹Website: https://web3on.net/
🔹X: https://x.com/web3on_official

Paima Studio (Tarochi Game)


Arbitrum Orbitと強力なPaima EngineによってシームレスになったXaiネットワークで、この革命的な体験に飛び込んでみよう。

何より素晴らしいのは ブリッジの手間をかけずにこの冒険に乗り出し、あなたの伝説を無料でスタートさせましょう!

🔹PAIMA_Website: https://paimastudios.com/
🔹Tarichi_Website: https://tarochi.paimastudios.com/
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QFH9nKSUbd
🔹X: https://x.com/TarochiGame



SNPITは世界初のカメラNFTを利用したSnap to Earnです。スマートフォンのカメラの利便性を活かし、Game-fi体験を提供することで、ユーザーが楽しみながら利益を得られる新しい世界の創造を目指しています。Game-fiに馴染みのない方でも気軽に参加し、楽しんでいただける環境を目指しています。


🔹Website: https://lp.snpit.xyz/
🔹X: https://x.com/snpit_global




🔹Website: https://www.casillerodeldiablo.com/


  • ​備考/注意事項

    • ​領収書の発行はしておりません。

    • ​イベント内容・およびタイムテーブルは予告なく変更となる場合があります。予めご了承ください。

    • ​会場の設備、備品を汚損、破損、または紛失された場合はその損害を賠償していただきます。

    • ​貴重品の管理は各自でお願いいたします。万一盗難・紛失等の事故が発生しても、共催者、オープンイノベーションパートナー一同では一切責任を負いません。

    • ​本イベントでは、主宰等によりイベントの様子を写真・動画等で撮影させていただく場合がございます。撮影された写真・動画などは、各メディアでの掲載の可能性がある他、X等のSNSへ配信いたします。映り込みなどされる可能性がございますので、あらかじめご了承くださいませ。


App Store

​SuperWalk apps:https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/superwalk/id1618557295

Google play


​【SuperWalk 2nd Anniversary in Tokyo】​Let's Walk Arbitrum x Kaia x Pacific Meta

​Wear SuperWalk's NFT sneakers for a fun, fitness and gaming experience!

This event is to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of SuperWalk, the #1 M2E project in Korea!

We will be handing out NFTs exclusively to visitors and will also have airdrops from each of our communal partners!

Let's walk together and enjoy great food and drink


  • 17:00 Gather at Pacific Hub

  • 17:20 Walking event at Shiba Park

  • 18:00 Return to Pacific Hub

  • 18:30 Opening

  • 19:00 Speech

  • 19:30 Networking

  • 21:00 Closing

This event, with marketing support from Arbtirum, aims to create a vibrant community of people who enjoy walking with SuperWalk.

​Whether you are a veteran M2E user or have never experienced M2E, please join us and create great memories.



​​SuperWalk, the largest dApp based in East Asia (especially Korea and Japan) and onboarding Klaytn & Arbitrum, boasts sustainable and proven Move-To-Earn with 230k+ MAUs & 25k NFT users. With over 50k+ DAUs, SuperWalk is ranked as the Top 7 dApp globally by CoinGecko, redefining the #M2E landscape

​🔹Website: http://superwalk.io
🔹Discord: https://discord.gg/superwalk-official
🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperWalk_

Pacific Meta (Japan)

A strategic consulting firm that provides one-stop support for domestic and international Web3 projects.

It is a global professional team specializing in Web3, integrating Web3 into business strategy, building token economies essential for business growth, supporting blockchain development, and community management, all in one place.

🔹​​HP: https://pacific-meta.co.jp/en
🔹X: https://x.com/pacificmeta?s=21

SCI Labs (Vietam)

SCI Labs is an organization focused on incubating startup projects. We offer resources for these projects, including capital, mentors, technology, office space, community connections.

Our goal is to develop potential projects, build communities, and create mutual benefits for all parties involved.

𝐒𝐂𝐈 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝟑 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scilabs.io
🔹X: https://twitter.com/SCILabs_io
🔹Telegram: https://t.me/scilabs_io


Kaia(Klaytn) Foundation

Developed by leading Korean IT company Kakao, Klaytn is a global Layer 1 public blockchain designed to power tomorrow’s on-chain world.

With the lowest transaction latency amongst leading blockchains, enterprise-grade reliability, and a developer-friendly environment, Klaytn provides a seamless experience for users and developers that is second to none.

​Since its launch in June 2019, Klaytn has been accelerating blockchain mass adoption through a broad array of use cases from DeFi to the metaverse, gaming, and even the Bank of Korea’s CBDC pilot project.

​Today, it is one of the only globally competitive Web 3.0 ecosystems developed in South Korea, generating more than 1 billion transactions from over 300 decentralized applications.


Arbitrum is a protocol that makes Ethereum transactions faster and cheaper. Developers use Arbitrum to build user-friendly decentralized apps (dApps) that can take advantage of the scalability benefits of the Arbitrum Rollup and AnyTrust protocols.

Arbitrum's flagship chain, Arbitrum One, was launched in 2021. This was quickly followed by the launch of Arbitrum Nova, a separate AnyTrust chain built for ultra low-cost transactions. In August 2022, Arbitrum One was upgraded to the Arbitrum Nitro stack, bringing a 7-10x upgrade to its scaling capabilities.

🔹Website: https://arbitrum.io/
🔹X(Twitter): https://x.com/arbitrum


MARBLEX is a blockchain-powered subsidiary of Netmarble Corp. Netmarble Corp. is a well-established developer and publisher of mobile games comprised of more than 6,000 game industry veterans and blockchain technology experts from across the globe.

​MARBLEX aims to bring the highest quality blockchain games to market by providing key services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, token staking, and an NFT Marketplace.

​MBX, a proprietary blockchain ecosystem launched by MARBLEX, allows gamers to advance their experiences through organic engagement and rewards for participation.

​The MBX ecosystem can be enjoyed as part of popular Netmarble titles, such as A3: Still Alive, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, The King of Fighters Arena and Meta World: My City.

​🔹Website: https://www.marblex.io/
🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/MARBLEXofficial
🔹Medium: https://medium.com/marblex

Planetarium Labs (Ninechronicle)

​Planetarium Labs is a community-driven Web3 gaming company that builds immersive and moddable gaming experiences for users around the world.

​In 2020, Planetarium released Nine Chronicles (https://nine-chronicles.com/), a fully on-chain, open-source fantasy RPG game that seamlessly integrates blockchain technology with immersive gameplay. The game, available on PC and mobile, empowers players with true ownership and a sustainable Web 3 gaming experience.

​With decades of collective experience in gaming and blockchain technologies, and with industry-leading visionaries and partners, Planetarium Labs is committed to building the protocols and experiences that take Web3 gaming to the next level.

​🔹Website : https://planetariumlabs.com/
🔹X : https://twitter.com/NineChronicles
🔹Discord : https://discord.gg/planetarium
🔹Medium : https://medium.com/nine-chronicles


​The Web3 Gaming Platform: Fun & Easy Blockchain for Everyone

​Pomerium is creating a user-friendly blockchain ecosystem through casual games, memes, and the recognizable Pome character. This approach offers a familiar, yet refreshingly cutting-edge digital experience.

​Pomerium provides services such as mobile-based casual games, swap, NFTs, and Guardian within its web3 gaming platform, and operates an ecosystem token, $PMG. $PMG is listed on 5+ CEXs, including Gate.io, Bitget, and Kucoin.

​🔹Website: https://pomerium.space/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/pomerium_space
🔹Telegram: https://t.me/pomerium_official
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pomeriumofficial


Delabs Games is a “Playable Layer" that organically intertwines the gamers, the games, and the platform.

The Delabs Playable Layer is a unique platform model conceptualized to address the challenges of existing gaming platform structures.

Led by Joonmo Kwon, ex-CEO of Nexon and Nexon Mobile with revenue around $3B, published 6 blockbusters cumulating over 400m gamers.

🔹Official Website: https://delabs.gg/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/delabsOfficial
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/delabsOfficial


​Cyber is the first restaked modular Layer 2 designed for social and optimized for mass adoption. It serves as the social layer for web3 applications and the gateway for the next wave of users to access web3 experiences, tools, and financial liquidity across all Layer 2 ecosystems.

​Cyber is the latest offering from the team behind CyberConnect, the social network protocol, Link3, a professional networking platform, and CyberWallet, the industry-leading ERC-4337-compatible smart account solution.

​🔹Official Website: https://cyber.co/
🔹X: https://x.com/BuildOnCyberhttps://cyber.co/

Fidelion (Tidal Flats Studio)

Project Fidelion is a web3 Solana NFT-based IP brand project crafted around a central focus on storytelling and art. Set against the backdrop of a finely crafted dystopian world at the turn of the century, the project has garnered love from a diverse audience due to its intricately designed universe and a detailed storyline built upon it.

Furthermore, Tidal Flats Studio, the creator of Fidelion, is a web3 creative studio. Currently, the studio has developed the mobile game Megaroad utilizing Fidelion and the NFT-fi project BlackMarket, where Fidelion NFTs can be directly utilized. Going forward, the studio is committed to consistently utilizing the Fidelion IP for various activities, offering a continuous stream of innovative projects.

🔹Website (Fidelion): https://fidelion.io/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/FidelionNFT
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/officialfidelion


Supervillain Labs is a game studio founded with the objective of creating the shortest possible link between game content and user networks.

we aim to transform the game creation and testing process into something everyone can be a part of, building user networks right alongside our community. This leads to developing new games where being part of the community actually shapes the game itself.

In this vibrant ecosystem, everyone has the chance to build and grow their own brands, aiming for a place where the time and effort they invest come back to them as rewards. This approach doesn’t just make games; it builds a deeply connected, active community of players.

🔹Website: https://supervlabs.io/
🔹X: https://x.com/supervlabs?lang=ko
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/supervlabs

Fandom Studio

Fandom Studio is creating a business that leads the entertainment content industry by developing a comprehensive content strategy using NFTs. Starting with collaboration with global artists, we invest in content creators to build a variety of cultural, artistic, and entertainment content to raise brand awareness and drive adoption of premium NFT collections.

One of Fandom Studio's biggest partners in the Web3 market is TikTok, the largest social media platform to succeed with short video content. Fandom Studio, along with TikTok, aims to bring millions of creators and more than a billion users to the Web3 market.

Key Investors

Jump Crypto, IDG Capital, NGC Ventures, Republic Capital, IOBC Capital, Flask (KOSDAQ listed company and a mother company of Fandom)

🔹Website: https://fandom.co/
🔹Docs: https://docs.fandom.co/
🔹X: https://twitter.com/fandomstudio_
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fandomstudio


The Game-Changer for Digital Assets

Tilted, incubated by Binance Labs, is poised to establish itself as the premier liquidity pool and market maker for web2 digital assets globally.

Tilted is seizing upon a projected $500 billion opportunity for Gaming RWAs over the next three to five years. Through the tokenization of RWAs and the implementation of RWA NFTs, Tilted ensures secure ownership of game skins while enabling the buying, selling, and trading of game assets.

🔹Website: https://tilted.xyz/
🔹X: https://x.com/tiltedxyz


Revolutionizing gaming with quests, vibrant marketplace, and a collaborative game creation, Overtake publishes high-quality games that empower creators and engage players like never before.

🔹Website: https://overtake.world/
🔹X: https://x.com/overtake_world


Recyclefarm is an AI-based WEB3 lifestyle ReFi platform dedicated to promoting the circular economy by providing rewards to users participating in eco-friendly activities.

We offer an app-tech service that leverages the power of AI and ECO-DePIN technology to seamlessly track, quantify, validate, and record users' eco-friendly activities, rewarding them with points (ESA Points, ESA Credit).

Users can earn points by engaging in activities such as reusable cup usage, recycling, walking, and certifying participation of peers, while also contributing to climate change mitigation.

🔹Website: https://recyclefarm.org/
🔹X: https://x.com/RecycleFarm_XR


Yuliverse is the global leader in Web3 location-based games (Web3 version of Pokémon GO). With nearly 1M Twitter and 300K discord community, by combining user location with behaviour data, the Yuliverse team is is now aiming to become the largest consumer DePIN network with Behavior Network.


​- Daily Unique Active Wallets: 140K, ranking as the #1 UAW on Polygon Games.
- Top 5 Blockchain Game in DappRadar.
- Top 3 Blockchain Games in Japan.
- #1 in NFT Trading Volume on BSC in 2023, with over 120K+ BNB in volume.
- Partnership and integration with OKX Wallet and Marketplace, bringing over 50K+ new users to the OKX wallet.


​Investors include LIF, Animoca Ventures, DWF, Presto, Spyre Capital, and Archerman Capital (with $1B AUM primarily in TMT)

​🔹Site/Socials: https://linktr.ee/yuliverse


Phaver - the largest app on Lens Protocol with over 200k users and the most rewarding loyalty program in Web3 social. Connect your NFT on Phaver to earn Cred and Points for perks and airdrops as well as access to gated NFT-only experiences.

​Your assets are the key to leveling up for additional earnings and perks as well as access to token-gated Holder Communities.​​

Join Phaver and connect all your wallets to build a unique social graph across all your assets from Lens, CyberConnect, NFTs, and your Moca ID.

​If you do not yet have a Phaver profile, before applying for this event download it from http://phaver.app.link/earlybird and create a profile to be accepted.


Bifrost is a decentralized entity operated solely by governance. No company or individual represents Bifrost, as each and every decision is and will be reached through governance.

The ecosystem we are building and the vision we share thus rely on the community and the active participation of members. Essentially, our focus on decentralization is our promise to build a strong community capable of achieving new heights in providing ultimate accessibility to blockchain together.

🔹Website: https://bifrostnetwork.com/
🔹X: https://x.com/Bifrost_Network


Web3on is a platform that makes it easy to experience various web3 activities.

Users can check rankings based on data from various web3 projects, access information, track progress, and see announcements all in one place. They can also complete quests and earn rewards.

Moreover, web3 projects onboarded to Web3on can achieve promotional goals by attracting users through community management, event registration, and reward offerings.

🔹Website: https://web3on.net/
🔹X: https://x.com/web3on_official

Paima Studio (Tarochi Game)

Tarochi is a ambitious onchain RPG, where every quest, every challenge, and every monster caught becomes a part of the blockchain history. Journey through a vast, immersive land, interacting with NPCs, unlocking achievements, and unraveling quests.

Dive into this revolutionary experience on the Xai network, made seamless by Arbitrum Orbit and the powerful Paima Engine.

Best of all? Embark on this adventure without the hassle of bridging, and kickstart your legend for free!

🔹PAIMA_Website: https://paimastudios.com/
🔹Tarichi_Website: https://tarochi.paimastudios.com/
🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QFH9nKSUbd
🔹X: https://x.com/TarochiGame


Capture the moment, seize the rewards.

SNPIT is the world's first Snap to Earn using Camera NFTs. Through the convenience of smartphone cameras, we offer a Game-fi experience, aiming to create a new world where users can have fun and profit at the same time. Our goal is to provide an environment where even those unfamiliar with Game-fi can easily participate and enjoy.

Additionally, by allowing users to capture the beauty of the world through SNPIT, we aim to help them re-appreciate its splendor and raise awareness for environmental conservation and the preservation of cultural heritage.

🔹Website: https://lp.snpit.xyz/
🔹X: https://x.com/snpit_global


Belight is 65 calories and 8.5% ABV per 125ml glass, and has been released due to the increased demand for low-alcohol and low-calorie products, driven by the health-conscious consumer, the brand said.

The Belight Sauvignon Blanc has a pale yellow tint and citric aromas with hints of herbs and white peach and the Rosé has wild berry aromas and subtle floral notes with dark fruity flavours that balance the acidity, according to the winemaker.

🔹Website: https://www.casillerodeldiablo.com/



​Receipts will not be issued.

​Event content and timetable are subject to change without notice. Please understand this beforehand.

​In the event of damage, defacement, or loss of equipment or fixtures at the venue, you will be required to compensate for the damage.

​Please take care of your valuables by yourself. The co-organizers and Open Innovation Partners will not be held responsible for any accidents that may occur, such as theft or loss.

​The event organizer may take photos and videos of the event. Photographs, videos, etc. taken at the event may be published in various media and distributed to social networking sites such as X. Please be aware that there is a possibility that you may be filmed or photographed

2-chōme-2-12 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan