Cover Image for Screening Program Lecture Performance: Unsettled by Argyro Nicolaou
Cover Image for Screening Program Lecture Performance: Unsettled by Argyro Nicolaou
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3 Going

Screening Program Lecture Performance: Unsettled by Argyro Nicolaou

About Event

Unsettled is a lecture performance by filmmaker Argyro Nicolaou that explores the fast-changing landscapes of an island under occupation and her attempts to reconstruct her refugee mother’s past in Varosha, Cyprus.

創作者自述:Unsettled 是一場關於記憶、流離與身份的探索。母親14歲時因戰爭被迫離開家鄉Varosha,原以為幾天後便能歸來,卻一下子離開了50年。我從未真正了解她的故鄉,而她自己也幾乎不記得。這場離散改變了我們的生活。故事從我們位於塞浦路斯的海灘的家展開,這裡距離母親的故鄉十英里,卻因軍事封鎖無法進入。2020年,Varosha突然被重新開放。我帶著母親與攝影機回到她的故鄉,親眼見證時間如何改變這座城市,也感受到她過去的痕跡正逐漸消失。在被洗劫一空的老房子中,唯一沒有被人拿走的,竟是母親童年的日記。透過這本日記,我試圖還原她成長的家。而當家園被重塑,歷史被抹去,人們能否用影像與故事重建歷史、安放鄉愁?

Accent Sisters 重音社
89 5th Ave #702, New York, NY 10002, USA
Avatar for 2-3月母语群展及放映
3 Going