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Cover Image for Clear the Fog: Straight Talk on Positioning for Tech Entrepreneurs
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Clear the Fog: Straight Talk on Positioning for Tech Entrepreneurs

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Clear the Fog: Straight Talk on Positioning for Tech Entrepreneurs

Who This Is For: If your command post is at a B2B service business that's either on the cusp of or has crossed the €1m revenue threshold, and you've got at least one person fully dedicated to sales or marketing, you're exactly who we want to talk to. This session is crafted for firms that already serve paying customers and are eager to explore fresh tactics for lead generation, securing more advantageous deals, and enhancing profit margins through strong positioning.

The Challenge: Scaling your revenue beyond the €1m landmark is a major milestone. Yet, it heralds a new phase of growth puzzles. The big questions now are how to consistently draw in quality leads beyond your existing network and how to close deals that reflect the true value of your services, rather than just the going rate or your available manpower.


  • Ditch traditional hourly rates for pricing models that truly mirror your firm's value.

  • Understand the critical distinctions between B2B and B2C, as well as product versus service offerings, and how these differences shape the value you provide to your customers.

  • Learn strategies to ensure your business doesn't just blend in but stands out, driving both growth and profitability.

  • Acquire practical steps to articulate your firm's value clearly to your clients, making it impossible to ignore.

  • Explore innovative revenue avenues that impact your firm's bottom line.

  • Enhance your sales and marketing strategies with tips that lead to tangible improvements.

Run of Show:

  • Introduction (10 mins): Setting the foundation and the why behind our gathering.

  • Deep Dive (30 mins): A thorough exploration into how a solid positioning can be a game-changer for your service firm.

  • Your Turn (20 mins): A dedicated Q&A session to tackle your specific challenges and shed light on practical solutions.

About the Guide: Transitioning from aerospace engineering to entrepreneurship, I co-founded a service agency that mastered marketing solutions for B2B trade shows. This journey illuminated the cornerstone of business success: clear and effective positioning. I'm here to share these insights, simplifying complex concepts for tech entrepreneurs keen on navigating the business landscape to emerge victorious.

Why Join: Embark on this learning path with me to uncover the strategies that will illuminate your service firm's unique value, driving profit and paving the way for a healthy and sustained growth. This session promises straight talk on positioning, tailored to tech entrepreneurs ready to clear the fog and spotlight their business.

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