Emerging Managers: driving growth for the startup and the VC ecosystem

Rohit Yadav
Feb 1, 2023

The subtle rise of emerging VC managers (EMs), their importance, and their alpha generation opportunity remains undeniable. 
✅ Call-to-action: Investors & LPs can do a lot right now to activate EMs growth and draw mutual long term wins.

📝 Backdrop: Startup ecosystem has seen a massive surge in the last decade, driven in part by the growth of venture capital industry and rise of EMs

📌 What they bring to the table? EMs offer new perspectives, diverse networks, and open to take risk on unique investment opportunities. They may focus on overlooked sectors/geographies, and help diversify the VC industry, leading to a more robust and resilient ecosystem. 

⚠️Not all is rosy: Certain investor biases work against EMs, hampering their growth.

🚀 Solving bigger challenges: Supporting EMs by mitigating these biases may help resolve considerable global and local challenges (think closing technology gap in the EU)

And that brings me back to the call to action: EMs represent a compelling opportunity for investors and LPs can act now to draw mutual long term wins. Read the complete article👇🏼 for more.