Jul 19, 2022

Goal: Make currency convenient for people!

@verify https://y.at/☠️🆚👻✍️

Issue: Traditional currency is no fun!

Solution: The EmPiwerment Circuit

🔙Sovereignty Source!🔜 https://withfriends.co/zensation/join


        /  I  \

NWK        NWT

I=You/US =Passive income =Balance

NETWORK Intelligence -Ability to acknowledge a problem or making a friend that compliments solutions.

NETWIDTH Time\Velocity of service -How fast can you make a sale or provide service from locally to globally.

NETWORTH Responsibility of resources \ Action What all you can do within a period. Project potential.

Work=Radical Action Success=Work over time

A simple matrix can be established using Fibonacci sequencing.  One member brings in two members. 

Those two members bring in just one member each. This simple spread will equal to the full 15 members to complete a single community sub-class. Curator or Contributor. 

1<3<7<15   =1<11<1111< 11111111 45 Member Matrix= 3|3|3|3|3| 3|3|3|3|3|      3|3|3|3|3|

A full community should matrix out accordingly and naturally with incentive to balance the community value. 

Demo: (http://0-0.company.site)

•Humility 9 •Patience 8 •Temperance 7 •Kindness 6 •Charity 5 •Chasity 4 •Diligence 3 •Love 2 •Light 1

Level up! Following this system from up to down and up again could unlock community features and the divinity within.

15 *3 = 45 Members at 0.27PiH per views/member ​What goes around comes around. Let's go around the world!

We are in the middle of it all!

With gamification we can bring this network to life!

With EmPiwerment we can introduce a social leveling system based on natural energetic progression.

Photos can be NFTs for sale

Games could be collected and cultivated by Pioneers.

Co-creating games and apps within the network encourages coding and business infrastructure.

We learn to teach and teach to learn. 

The goal will be to complete a community matrix to maximize the network potential. 

The community matrix is projected for 45 members. Our communities should consist of 3 sub groups. 

  1. Contributors-Network details and initial funding :Contributors (15)+(5)

  2. Curators - Common Pioneers looking to bring value to the network: Curators(15)+(5)

Co-Operators- 3 groups of 5 as ADMIN 3. Co-Operators- a special subclass of creators looking to fill in the gaps.

To be continued... Persistence leads to prosperity +Understand the divine law Light will penetrate darkness. 🪄 ✨️




💙 💛 💚 🧡 🤎



❤️ANGER/WRATH- Uncontrolled hate.

💙ENVY-Jealousy towards happiness.

💛PRIDE-Inflated sense of accomplishment.

🧡GLUTTONY- Over indulging.

💚GREED- Excessive desire for materials.

💜SLOTH- Laziness, lack of effort.

🤎LUST -Uncontrolled sexual craving.

The 5 senses lead to sins of men which will obliterate you.

Secret Energy is the first online social experience that rewards mindful Creators and Influencers for self-cultivation, skill building, participation, and digital asset development. This encourages a social behavior that is productive to the influencer's growth, mental wellbeing, and overall productivity. Social networks have been designed to consume hours of the user's time without a self-sustainable reward. Secret Energy's conscious ecosystem is a multidisciplinary approach aimed at enabling its Creators with the quantum solutions and technologies that allow them to progress on their path towards Sovereignty. Every feature in the platform is engineered to maximize the Creators' potential based on goals indicated by our system of metaphysical metrics. The network is designed for both user input and output. This means Creators experiencing a shortage of crucial resources to fulfill their journey can earn or learn those elements inside the ecosystem. In addition, Creators who have valuable resources can distribute their assets for personal growth and that of other Creators. Our goal is to empower the Co-Creator to:

1. Unlock and deploy their uniqueness, defined also as what they enjoy doing naturally that is seen as having value to the whole.

2. Find like-minded and like-hearted co-Creators to generate the necessary experiences and interactions that produce transformation.

3. Learn the universal laws that govern all forces and re-establish a healthy relationship with the elements of the Earth and subsequent systems.

The Secret Energy conscious ecosystem can achieve the following goals with an array of spiritual and metaphysical technologies developed and integrated over the 12-year span of its history. The ecosystem has several components many of which are incentivized with OHMS, our native gamification protocol, for reward and accountability.

The Secret Energy Foundation will be the steward of CREATE Token. Secret Energy Foundation is not legally affiliated with Secret Energy or Spiritechs as a legal entity. As it states it is the launchpad that allows CREATE token holders in Creator DAO the ability to scale. The Secret Energy Foundation facilitates the process of decentralized Tribe governance with an intention to become completely decentralized over time.

Its duty is to administrate and actualize the decisions of Creator DAO along with the manual tasks created by proposals and suggestions by the Tribe. It also operates in the daily administrative capacity, accounting, and all other functions necessary to fulfill the projection.

The function of the Secret Energy Foundation is to architect the roadmap of Creator DAO in conjunction with the Secret Energy Ecosystem with the support of the Ecosystem Fund. The fund is governed by multisig wallets that pay the expenses designated by Creator DAO while also providing a transparent trustless open governance.

Overview All is Self

We have heard it all before, another network token doing an ICO claiming to bring value and utility to a space mostly filled with speculation. Instead of making the trending claim of introducing the world to Web3 Metaverse tools, and let's not forget NFTs, we decided to be crystal clear and let everyone know that in this use case, we are not just saying what we can do for the blockchain but rather what blockchain technology can do for us. We are building applications and relationships that will endure.

Secret Energy is a real community and consists of a tight-knit Tribe of questers solving the biggest problems in the world, starting with ourselves. For over a decade, we have explored the far reaches of consciousness together, picking up Creators along the way. We have what most projects are missing, a real community with goals to create a circular economy for the community backed by ingenious monetary policy.

We are the world's first mindful social ecosystem where conscious Creators can learn, build, and monetize their uniqueness.

Our next phase is upon us and the Secret Energy Foundation has formed Creator DAO the first mindful entity emerging in the Web3 Metaverse with decentralized tools for the conscious community.

It addresses the issue of an increasing lack of reliance on societies' ability to design applications that ethically represent the value of the Creators' input. What separates this project from 80% of the new and existing projects on the blockchain is our Layer 1 applications are already complete with having over 12+ years in operation and a strong social media presence. Anyone can write whitepaper containing everything an investor would want to hear, this is similar to a Kickstarter project of a device that everyone will want. Unfortunately only 39% of crowdfunded projects deliver since their teams do not have the business, technical, and social experience to reach completion. The Secret Energy Foundation are veterans in the field of social engagement and implementation of new technologies and now we enter our Layer 2 Web3 phase as a DAO. With over 120+ products, existing revenues, an active social ecosystem and a research and development team already deployed, the risk-reward ratio analysis is self-evident. Secret Energy Foundation aims to be the people's platform and eventual Metaverse that insulates itself against dumps, rug pulls, greediness, and dilution. It incorporates collateralization of assets such as Bitcoin and Real Estate, to keep its economy balanced with an emphasis on becoming fully circular.

Warriors of Love NFT holders will be able to participate in governance via a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where they can exercise voting rights on key decisions within the Secret Energy ecosystem. The DAO's core values and framework allow vested users through ownership the voting power to determine key fundamentals of its continuous growth. The Secret Energy Tribe governs itself via the Creator DAO, the decentralized governance framework that supports the Ecosystem Fund. The DAO follows a proposal process to vote on how The Ecosystem Fund will be distributed by the Secret Energy Foundation to continue its developments. Our governance guide is the framework of the proposal process. Its "flesh" will be ever-evolving elements refined by the DAO Tribes governance.

The Secret Energy Website is the big house. It contains Layer 1 of our ecosystem already operational. Various levels of participation inside of the ecosystem equate to the strengthening of the overall utilities. Secret Energy, being in operation for over a decade, currently hosts 50K+ organic users with millions of impressions across social media. We aim to bring blockchain components to Creators in mindful communities worldwide by offering empowering applications and turn key solutions for digital asset monetization and NFTs.

Summary As clear as it gets. Secret Energy Foundation and Creator DAO are developing a Web3 community growth platform for Influencers and Creators. We build and research enrichment applications that empower decentralized communities with circular economy utilities.

What can Secret Energy Foundation and Creator DAO offer you?

1. A genuine engagement with Creators worldwide who place emphasis on Sovereignty, Wellness, and Enlightenment.

2. Access to an ecosystem embedded with mindful technologies that make a difference in your personal and professional life.

3. The opportunity to fulfill a collective mission of doing your part to change the world starting with yourself.

What problem does Secret Energy Foundation and Creator DAO solve?

There are too many hollow projects on the Blockchain giving false hopes. With 13 years in social networking and gamification, we know how to develop mindful systems that create real utility. Mentally distraught and depressed colleagues pretending to be happy don't produce epic things. The actual well-being of our partners and users is important to us. Our foundation focuses on giving its Tribe the personal tools and connections that enhance their growth and awareness of self. We then dev-out those tools to be embedded in other Web3 communities.

Who can use Creator DAO?

Web3 Communities




Human Resources


What can be done with Secret Energy currently?




Multidisciplinary Education

Metaphysical Metrics

Life Coach Training

What is coming next?

NFT Distribution

DAO Governance

Circular Economy dApp

Digital Asset Marketplace i.e. Creator Courses

Metaphysical A.I.

A.I. Art Generator

Lucid Dreaming Headset

Guardians | Creators | Ambassadors

All resonate Tribe members that integrate with Secret Energy, The Secret Energy Foundation, and Creator DAO are delegated as Guardians, Creators, or Ambassadors. Amongst us, there are Pillars in the Tribe who have sojourned.

Guardians are the chosen holders of the Relics and Artifacts i.e. The Vector Equilibrium and The Cosmic Clock with NFT registry.

Our Creators and Ambassadors are custodians of the Warriors of Love NFT's. With this comes the responsibility to uphold the Manifesto and enlighten the community by filling it with purpose and creativity.

Creator DAO is developing advanced interactions, software, and social tools for Web3 that will be utilized to unite humanity.

Our Tribe is a complete spectrum pioneering the necessary exploration of communal connection and regeneration. We have identified the following principles as the core ideals of our family.

1. Wholeness and Balance Vibrations

Our intention is to be complete while projecting equilibrium through our personal frequencies governed by our actions. We all remain responsible for the energy we bring to each other.

2. All is Self

This is the highest maxim. Our journey reveals the unified fiber between everything connecting a vast network of endless possibilities.

3. Sovereignty

We pursue the state of "Ama-Gi" or no debt. We recognize the necessity of generating our own powers both physical and metaphysical. We are mindful of our footprint on Earth and monitor our progress towards total sustainability.

4. Value

Value is in time and preservation. Eyes open we recognize the intricate detail and intelligence of nature and the importance of its conservation. We pledge to embed our endeavors and creations with our best intentions in order to create a priceless quality that can withstand the test of time.

5. Legacy

Infinity transcends the physical reality through the children of the world. We invent, pioneer, unite and build for them. They will continue our mission of maintaining an advanced decentralized Tribe of prosperity.

6. Honor

The strength of our foundation is dependent upon how each Tribe member upholds this Creed and Charter not when in the presence of other members but out of sight of any eyes. Let us maintain honor and integrity around this vision made manifest. Wholeness

What is Creator DAO? The way something continues to grow and improve long after its originators can remain in the capacity to do so. It should be known to the reader that the origins of the DAO structure is the legal framework implemented to protect the indigenous people where enforced. Creator DAO and its Web3 gateway is the apparatus to publish, review, and vote on proposals. Creator DAO Warriors of Love NFT holders will go through a Web3 wallet identification process to engage with the interface. Creator DAO is launching a governance Tribe through a proposal process.

Creator DAO Proposal Types and Rules of Governance

Creator DAO will be automating several content approval systems with user-based voting through governance. Example: Directories are to contain all up-to-date qualified entries without dilution. User's submissions should be rewarded based on approval of submitted content. Approval should take place through a voting system. Micro rewards should be given for casting votes. Additional autonomous points include but are not limited to:

Content Submission

Spiritual Advisors Submission

Conscious Channel Submission

Ecosystem Fund Utilization

Our governance guide is the framework of the proposal process. Its "flesh" will be ever-evolving elements refined by the Creator DAO Tribes governance.

We are currently beta testing our proposal system on a private network if you would like to join our Discord Server by clicking here.

We are currently beta testing our proposal system on a private network if you would like to join our Discord Server by clicking here.

The Secret Energy Foundation Board operates on command to its members as an oversight committee for the Foundation Administrators. The Board issues proposals and serves the vision of the Tribe. The Board collaborates on the review of proposals when necessary. Board member interims will be decided by proposal along with voting segments.

8 Years ago we were combing through documentation about user experience and it placed a lot of emphasis on awards, milestones, and value. It mentioned this all could be addressed in gamification and companies that used it, had seen major adoption because of it. It also mentioned that every user, regardless if they go or stay, has a value and it is best to extend that value to them as soon as they sign up in the form of points. Also, creating a marketplace with amazing products that can be redeemed by points would be the final goal to complete gamification.

So we set out to do that and 3 years later we have a complete implementation that awards OHMS for mindfulness and a marketplace of over 120+ amazing products to redeem them with. We continue to set up more rewards for new community integrations like live streaming, content submission, and a variety of engagements.

The OHMS token is a play-to-learn and earn protocol utilized inside of the Secret Energy Ecosystem as a measure to reward participation and interaction. All actionables are central to the interoperability and incentivization points within the platform.

Play and Learn to Earn

Sign Up and Earn - Every authentic Secret Energy Creator is awarded 360 Ohms when joining as our investment into their excellence. Login and Earn - Active participation via daily logins accrues Ohms. Share and Earn - Sharing designated Secret Energy content to authorized social networks generates Ohms. Purchase and Earn - Purchases products from our store will earn a portion of Ohms based on purchase amounts. Rate and Earn - Rate advisors, websites, stations, and content to receive Ohms. Play and Earn - Leveling up in the ecosystem by reaching milestones earns additional Ohms. Ohms Gifting - You can also be gifted Ohms by other users inspired by your expressions on live.

Showing love! Join Secret Energy and get your first 360 Ohms just for completing the sign up process.

You earn Ohms every day just by logging into Secret Energy and showing presence!

Earn Ohms for sharing select content to your favorite social media outlet.

Earn Ohms every time you purchase and redeem them for more products.

Earn Ohms for rating advisors, websites, stations, and other content.

Complete designated courses and learning material to earn Ohms.

Gift your Ohms towards a project or Creator.

Like so many, the NFT craze did not make sense to us initially, but then it clicked. We live in a world flooded with corporations dominating the creative sector monopolizing the commodification of talent. However, the ratio of artists that have access to opportunities they choose to make available is minuscule. This fuels an artist's willingness to accept the virtually prejudicial terms imposed by the industry.

Now enters the non-fungible token which is not just a way to showcase art and retain royalties but a vehicle that allows communities and Tribes with like minds to have a mechanism of inclusivity. The value of each person is their uniqueness, their core essence makes them a rarity. With this awareness, it is logical that Secret Energy, a space that cultivates originality, would create its own unique vision. We are introducing The Warriors of Love NFT's along with In-Real-Life (IRL) items into the NFT space. We will also be a launchpad for many artists creating digital assets.

Hummingbird People

Conceived by Sevan Bomar and illustrated by Sven Wes the Warriors of Love (WOL) are here to teach the most intrinsic fundamentals of life's metaphysical experience through a tale of elemental power and symbolism. Each character expresses a trait that controls the temperament of the force they are endowed with.

We are currently in a cycle that seeks to devalue the personal worth of each human since as a resource, people are needed by companies that thrive on buying low and selling high. Learning to express your worth through creativity and manifesting your own uniqueness is the true story expressed in WOL's lure and mythos.

The utility is brought to WOL by being an original holder when the CREATE Token is launched. All holders will be eligible for a CREATE Token airdrop claim.

Release Date - August 22, 2022 11:00am MT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm EST

Total Number of NFT Tokens - 999+1 Genesis

​Open Sea

Airdrop details will be updated soon. Be sure to whitelist by clicking the link below.


Minting will take place August 22, 2022 at 11:00am Mountain Time 1:00 pm Eastern

We have adopted the vision of a new emerging vista that opens protocols like Ethereum and interoperable standards like ERC-721 and ERC-1155 to create a new economy for creative minds.

Developers This tutorial will walk you through the many different components of building, deploying, and selling a non-fungible contract on Ethereum's testnet that can be traded on Secret Energy. The tutorial assumes you have some familiarity with coding, but are brand new to the world of Web3 and smart contracts. We will be using the following dependencies in the tutorial:










These tools constitute only some of the current community favorites so we will be using them to encourage best practices. There are many great alternatives to these tools that can also be used, and we are always open to feedback on better practices and improvements. As we dive into new concepts in this tutorial, we will review definitions that might be new to you coming into Web3 and offer guidance on how to provide the best user experience possible for users of your smart contract. By the end of the tutorial, you will have a deployed NFT contract on the Rinkeby network, a beautifully set up collection on Secret Energy, and some NFTs within that collection ready to sell on Secret Energy. The completed code can be viewed over on our Github repository

The CREATE Token will be our DAO utility token intrinsically tied to the future governance and operation of the Creator DAO and its utility applications. The CREATE Token is a shared and open currency that can be utilized without centralized intermediaries by Guardians who are Tribe members. CREATE Token is also a tool for third-party developers and creators to interoperate with the ecosystem. It manages value aggregation and internal cash flows between users.

Utility Every project on the blockchain is eventually going to 0 unless it has a strong utility. The utility brings value to the users and in exchange allows them to support the vision. Beyond giving the ability to Play-to-Earn, Learn-to-Earn, and create Digital Assets in our marketplace such as courses the Creator DAO is also developing three advanced native software applications to establish a strong use case for the CREATE token.

Text-to-Image A.I.

Illustration, creativity, and graphic design development are about to be disrupted heavily by A.I. and the reality will change. With the advent of DALLE 2 and Imagen artificial intelligence image creation models the proof that unique and aesthetically pleasing imagery can now be generated by A.I. It's clear these organizations intend to block the use of these tools for the average consumer under the guise of "ethical concerns" while allowing access, as they already have, to who they feel should be chosen to use them. Fortunately having an artificial intelligence system that can accomplish this level of performance is now possible since some massive datasets and models are now open-source.

The Foundation is already in the development of a software application to release to its Tribe and software users. We have also secured key assets such as https://text-to-image.ai and https://texttoimage.ai that will ensure our emergence into this field.

Metaphysical A.I.

Fact-checking and authenticating is A.I.'s next big task. We foresee automated fact-checking A.I. being integrated into large social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Due to society risk, their data is in constant need of warnings and prompts that will indicate to the consumer the potential of a deep fake or image manipulation. After this is implemented the Foundation sees the opportunity to go a step further and begin fact-checking historical accounts for their accuracy. This will also assist in outing rooted cultural manipulation. Metaphysical A.I. is a model that fact checks metaphysical data for its probability and accuracy. Its goal is to formulate a hypothetical model of humanity's spiritual progress. It can also be used to render data from rare accounts such as antique books, ship manifests, memoirs, and diaries.

Toroidal Economy SAAS

Toroidal Economy is a DAO Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) that allows DAO creators to utilize an ingenious method of embedding a circular economy into your community. All software applications developed by the Foundation will offer the option to pay for usage with the CREATE token at substantial discounts against other forms of payment. This brings more utility to our Tribe and poises us for success continuing into the future. As an example: If a Text-to-Image A.I. query and output costs $1 per download from a Member's account they will be given the option to debit from their CREATE tokens and save 25% of the balance costing them $0.75.

A CREATE Token airdrop will be allocated to all purchasers of Warriors of Love NFT and/or IRL assets for the designated period. The tokens can be claimed when available. NFT or IRLSE Token Allocated Per NFT or IRL Hummingbird People"250" tokens Artifact IRL"500" tokens Cosmic Clock IRL"500" tokens3% of the total CREATE Token supply allocated to Warriors of Love NFT and IRL holders will be transferred to a smart contract. Ownership of the contract will be transferred via multisig wallet and it will be responsible for the following actions:

beginning the Warriors of Love NFT CREATE token claim period

ending the claim period 120 days after the launch

taking ownership of all unclaimed CREATE tokens at the end of the claim period

transferring these unclaimed tokens to the designated custody wallets that are a part of the Ecosystem Fund

The airdrop tokens can only be claimed once and cannot be claimed after the designated claiming period of 120 days after launch.


We have to admit that virtual reality is a bit half-baked. As a purchaser of the original DK1, I was amongst the first to think the VR revolution would dramatically change all landscapes, it didn't. Nine years later the industry still finds itself in a battle for adoption. The final battle between what translates well in VR vs the amount of computational power required divided by the headsets price point and comfortability wages on.

However, some things do work well in VR and with the advent of the Oculus 2 untethered headset, we have an application that can ethically boost children's blockchain adoption and education in virtual reality. This is not a new idea and its foundation has taken over 20 years to create. Secret Energy in partnership with Chess and Community will be utilizing an effective program of youth engagement, accelerating it to a new technological level.

We are currently developing a VR environment for teens where they can play and learn to earn. They will engage in live debates with other teens across the globe and compete in virtual chess competitions. Our Web3 adoption will give them a wallet containing their web identity with access to their earned rewards. A portion will be staked for their future and the rest can be redeemed for products and "drip" that can be worn in the Metaverse and received IRL.

Creating a stimulating environment and real-time language to caption translation tools which allow cross-cultural engagement that bridges cultural barriers. We know that the Metaverse will be the new frontier for education and we are pioneering the implementation of blockchain technologies that solidify the financial future of our youth through technological literacy and blockchain-based financial incentives.

We are living in a new age of massive transitions from the traditional way learning, entertainment, interaction, and employment have been conducted. The world's largest corporations are already working on the implementation of mixed reality platforms that will become the new vista for operation in these fields.

Stem Kids is addressing how this new reality will be adopted by challenged teens and parents in the upcoming decade to ensure there remains a fair opportunity for growth and education in these areas. Recognizing that there will be both a moral question and a technical curve, Stem Kids is already developing applications that will allow the awareness and smooth transition into these to be possible.

Children have already begun interacting in open international metaverse arenas, especially with the adoption of cross-play between big platforms like Playstation, Xbox, and PC. Games such as Minecraft and Call of Duty already have sandbox games that host millions of players. The ethical concern for parents continues to be the usefulness of these platforms beyond entertainment. Opening reward-based P2E and P2L platforms will solve this issue by combining fun with education and revenue building. Secret Energy Foundation is proud to adopt STEM Kids into its Foundation and provide grants to further its implementation. It has allocated 5% percentage to this cause.

As a player or Creator, you can utilize the play and learn-to-earn (P2E) (L2E) ecosystem. We know tougher topics like robotics, coding, and cryptocurrency can produce moments that are challenging to stay focused on. This issue is grossly reduced when the VR environment is used to bring learning tools into the third dimension. This formula combined with merchandise or "drip" delivered through IRL and in our Metaverse makes teens excited about unlocking their next achievement.

Computational power has now reached a benchmark in offering real time translation tools that eliminate stigmas that can hinder communication between teens from different cultures. While language may be different, teens are encouraged to use the common language of comradery and exploration as they learn about each other and their respective environments making international friends for life.

Teen Funds

A percentage of each teens tokens earned in the Metaverse will be locked as an investment for their future. Smart contract technology allows these incentives to be released into the teens custody when they will need it to begin developing their life as a young adult.


Q2 2022

Warriors of Love (WOL) - Hummingbird People NFT Relic & Artifact IRL NFT Beta Launch Creator DAO Governance

Q3 2022

CREATE Token Pre-Distribution

Q4 2022

CREATE Token Airdrop CREATE Token User Interface CREATE Token Play-to-Earn Integrations CREATE Token Learn-to-Earn Integration

Q1 2023

CREATE Token Platform Integration CREATE Token Digital Asset Integration Secret Energy Web3 NFT Marketplace for Conscious Digital Assets Text-to-Art A.I. Platform Release

Q2 2023

WOL "Element" NFT Release CREATE Token Circular Economy Integration

Q3 2023

Youth Metaverse Beta Launch Spiritual A.I. Search Mainframe Release

Q4 2023

Lucid Dream Headset Release


Secret Energy is pioneering advance technologies in the wellness industry now valued at $5 trillion with a virtually minuscule saturation of 12%. This means that only 12% of companies in the world are geared to addressing the needs related to this audience. Additionally, its primary resonance is aligned with the visionary and sovereignty-based ethics that make up the core of blockchain fundamentals. We have 12+ years of implementing solutions many already tested and some deployed.

This makes our roadmaps mainly about scaling and deploying RD apparatuses. Our mission is to change the world. Our confidence is our awareness of what truly controls it. According to Dr. Jack Travis, one of the thought leaders responsible for the evolution of the modern wellness movement, health can be understood as a continuum that extends from illness to a state of optimal well-being.

On one end of the spectrum, patients with poor health engage the medical paradigm and interact episodically with doctors and clinicians. Healthcare uses a reactive, pathogenic approach, focused on causes, consequences, diagnoses and the treatment of diseases and injuries. On the opposite end of the health spectrum, people focus proactively on prevention and maximizing their vitality.

They adopt attitudes and lifestyles that prevent disease, improve health, express their autonomy through self-guided research and choices, and create a value system that enhances their quality of life and sense of wellbeing. In other words, wellness is proactive, preventive and driven by self-responsibility.

The growth of wellness as an industry is the extension of this consumer value and worldview. Wellness is the active pursuit of the state of well-being that rests at the other end. The pursuit is neither passive, nor static. It is a proactive, salutogenic, iterative, and consistently evolving process towards optimal well-being.

This process is driven by self-responsibility and a heightened awareness of the power inherent in our personally elected daily activities. People set their own intentions, adopt attitudes, make choices, and engage in behaviors that ultimately structure a wellness lifestyle.

The commitment to wellness is significantly influenced by the physical, societal, and cultural environments in which we live. Virtual and ideological communities where natural, holistic approaches to self-healing and preventive care provide an important foundation for what is possible with a wellness mindset today.

Healthy-living, plant-based eating, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet, and spiritual practices have evolved, proliferated, and flourished as a mainstream global wellness movement. Wellness is the culture at Secret Energy.

This culture promotes an individual integrative approach incorporating many different dimensions that work in harmony with the physical body to create a more holistic dynamic. Holistic health results from a broader approach to weave the mental, social, spiritual, physical, emotional, and environmental dimensions of well-being together cohesively. These are the attitudes, choices, behaviors, intentions, and activities that prevent disease, improve health, maximize vitality, and enhance quality of life through a comprehensive wellness lifestyle.

The Global Wellness Institute defines the wellness economy as an aggregate of the economic activities that enable consumers to intentionally incorporate options that lead to a state of holistic health into their daily lives. It represented 5.1% of global economic output in 2020. The wellness market expanded by 6.4% per year from 2017 to $4.4 trillion in 2020. It is important to note that this growth has been twice as fast as the growth of the global economy Spiritual self-care is one of the numerous spin-offs of this rapidly expanding wellness industry. All indications point to the fact that the wellness economy will continue to experience robust growth to $5 trillion in 2021.

The forces that drive its growth, i.e., an expanding global middle class, an aging population, and rising chronic disease, remain as powerful as ever. Wellness means more than a facial or spin class, with a growing focus on mental wellbeing and the importance of work-life balance, longevity social justice, environmental sustainability, the built environment, and public health. As prevention and wellness resets values for consumers, governments and the medical world going forward, the Global Wellness Institute projects that the wellness economy will grow at an impressive 10% annual pace, reaching $7.0 trillion in 2025. The growing global wellness economy reflects a new lifestyle priority and levels of self-awareness designed to underpin recovery, and shift consumer, policy, and healthcare spending in new directions.

The wellness economy includes eleven sectors:· Personal Care & Beauty ($955 billion)· Healthy Eating, Nutrition, & Weight Loss ($946 billion)· Physical Activity ($738 billion)· Wellness Tourism ($436 billion)· Traditional & Complementary Medicine ($413 billion)· Public Health, Prevention, & Personalized Medicine ($375 billion)· Wellness Real Estate ($275 billion)· Mental Wellness ($131 billion)· Spas ($68 billion)· Workplace Wellness ($49 billion)· Thermal/Mineral Springs ($39 billion)

Wellness real estate/Tourism: Expenditures on the construction of residential and commercial/institutional (office, hospitality, mixed-use/multi-family, medical, leisure, etc.) properties that incorporate intentional wellness elements in their design, materials, and building as well as their amenities, services, and/or programming.

Physical activity: Consumer spending associated with intentional physical activities performed during leisure and recreation, including three recreational activity subsectors (sports and active recreation, fitness, mindful movement) and three enabling subsectors (technology, equipment and supplies, apparel and footwear). See more details about definitions below.

Healthy eating, nutrition, & weight loss: Includes consumer expenditures on:

1. Vitamins and dietary supplements (including herbal/traditional products) and sports nutrition products.

2. Weight loss/management products and services, including packaged foods/beverages specifically positioned to target weight management; over-the-counter supplements and remedies targeting weight management (e.g., meal replacement or nutritional supplement drinks, non-prescription weight-loss drugs, and supplements); and weight loss services and programs (e.g., physical or online dieting centers, workshops, counseling; nutritionists and dieticians).

3. Healthy-labeled foods and beverages, which encompasses a wide variety of processed and packaged foods and beverages that are specifically positioned, marketed or labeled with health and wellness claims, including low-sugar/low-fat/low-carb products; fortified/ functional products with added nutrients (e.g., calcium, omega-3); products that are “free from” gluten/lactose/dairy/meat (e.g., plant-based alternatives, meat substitutes); products marketed as “naturally healthy” (e.g., high fiber, fermented, nuts/seeds); and organic products. Mental wellness: Encompasses consumer expenditures on four categories of mental wellness- related products, services, and experiences: 1) self-improvement; 2) meditation and mindfulness; 3) brain-boosting nutraceuticals and botanicals; and

4) senses, spaces, and sleep. See more details about definitions below.

Workplace wellness: Includes expenditures on programs, services, activities, and equipment by employers aimed at improving their employees’ health and wellness. These expenditures aim to raise awareness, provide education, and offer incentives that address specific health risk factors and behaviors (e.g., lack of exercise, poor eating habits, stress, obesity, smoking) and encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Public health, prevention, & personalized medicine: Includes expenditures on medical services that focus on treating “well” people, preventing disease, or detecting risk factors – for example, routine physical exams, diagnostic and screening tests, genetic testing, etc. Personalized health uses advanced diagnostic tools for individual patients (including genetic, molecular, and environmental screening and analysis) to provide tailored approaches for preventing disease, diagnosing, and managing risk factors, or managing and treating conditions.

Traditional & complementary medicine: Encompasses expenditures on diverse holistic, traditional, indigenous, and mentally- or spiritually-based healthcare and lifestyle practices, systems, services, and products that are not generally considered to be part of conventional medicine or the dominant health care system – including homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Unani medicine, energy healing, traditional/ herbal remedies and supplements, etc. The nomenclature for this sector is evolving alongside growing consumer adoption of traditional/indigenous, complementary, alternative, and integrative medical practices outside of the conventional/Western medical system.

Personal care & beauty: Includes consumer expenditures on beauty and salon services (excluding spas); skin, hair, and nail care services and products; cosmetics, toiletries, and other personal care products; dermatology; prescription pharmaceuticals for skin care; as well as products and services that specifically address age-related health and appearance issues, such as cosmetics/ cosmeceuticals for skin/face/body care, hair care/growth, and pharmaceuticals/supplements that treat age-related health conditions.

Wellness tourism: The aggregation of all expenditures made by wellness tourists – primary and secondary, international and domestic – including spending on lodging, food and beverage, activities and excursions, shopping, and in-country transportation. See more details about definitions below.

Spas: Aggregates the revenues of different types of spa facilities, including day/club/salon spas, hotel/resort spas, destination spas and health/wellness resorts, medical spas, thermal/mineral springs spas, cruise ship spas, and other types. See more details about definitions below.

Thermal/mineral springs: Encompasses the revenues of business establishments associated with the wellness, recreational, and therapeutic uses of water with special properties, including thermal water, mineral water, and seawater. See more details about definitions below.

Wellness Market Snapshots

Wellness Tourism: Grew 8% annually from 2017 to 2019 (reaching $720 billion) and then took a major hit in 2020. The market shrunk -39.5% to $436 billion, while wellness trips dropped from 936 million to 601 million. The impressive 21% annual growth rate projected for wellness tourism through 2025 reflects new traveler values (a quest for nature, sustainability, mental wellness) as well as a period of rapid recovery from pent-up demand in 2021 and 2022.

Thermal/Mineral Springs: One of the fastest-growing wellness markets from 2017 to 2019, with revenues rising from $56 billion to $64 billion (6.8% annual growth). Hit hard by the pandemic, revenues fell -39% in 2020, shrinking the market to $39 billion. There are now 35,099 hot springs establishments across 130 countries.

The downturn is temporary: Very strong 18% annual growth is expected through 2025, with 140-plus new projects in the pipeline. Spas: From 2017 to 2019, the spa industry was growing at a fast 8.7% annual rate and reached $111 billion in revenues across 165,714 spas–with a big jump in hotel/resort spas (from 48,248 to 60,873).

The high-touch industry got hit hard in 2020: Revenues fell by -39% (to $69 billion) and spa establishments dropped to 160,100 (with a loss of over 4,000-day spas). But the industry is expected to recover fast, with the market growing 17% annually through 2025, and more than doubling revenues (to $150.5 billion).

Wellness Real Estate: With COVID-19 dramatically accelerating the understanding of the role that the built environment and our homes play in our physical and mental health, the wellness real estate market was the #1 growth-leader both before and during the pandemic. The market grew from $148.5 billion in 2017 to $225 billion in 2019 to $275 billion in 2020 (22% annual growth). Wellness residential projects (either built or in the pipeline) skyrocketed from 740 in 2018 to over 2,300 today.

Wellness real estate will continue its growth surge: The market will double to $580 billion from 2020 to 2025 (16% annual growth).Physical Activity: This six-sector market grew 5% from 2018-2019 (to reach $874 billion), but revenues fell 15.5% in 2020 (to $738 billion). The fitness subsector (gyms, studios, classes) suffered a severe -37% revenue decline in 2020.

Fitness technology was, of course, the bright spot, exploding 29% in 2020 to become a $49.5 billion market–with digital apps, streaming and on-demand workout platforms surging 40%. The segment’s hybrid bricks-and-mortar/digital future is bright: the market will nearly double–from $738 billion to $1.2 trillion–from 2020-2025.

Mental Wellness: Posted strong 7% growth from 2019-2020 (from a $122 billion to a $131 billion market), as consumers desperately sought solutions to help them cope with pandemic stresses. The largest segment, “senses, spaces, and sleep,” grew 12.4%, while the smallest segment, meditation and mindfulness, grew the fastest (25%). The forecast: strong 10% growth annually through 2025, to reach $210 billion.

Personal Care & Beauty: Consumer spending expanded from $1 trillion in 2017 to $1.1 trillion in 2019, and then declined by 13% to $955 billion in 2020. In 2020, Asia-Pacific moved from being the third to the first-ranked market. Spending will bounce back post-pandemic, with 8.2% annual growth through 2025, to reach $1.4 trillion.

Traditional & Complementary: This market spans different holistic, indigenous, ancient therapies and products (acupuncture, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, chiropractic, etc.). It grew from $376 billion in 2017 to $432 billion 2019 but contracted to $413 billion in 2020. It will see healthy 7% annual growth from 2020-2025, reaching $583 billion.

Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss: One of the few wellness sectors that maintained positive growth (3.6%) during the pandemic, which launched a wave of interest in home cooking, healthy food, and immunity-focused foods and supplements.

The sector grew from $858 billion in 2017 to $912 billion in 2019 to $945.5 billion in 2020–and is forecast to grow 5% annually through 2025, to reach $1.2 trillion.

Public Health, Prevention & Personalized Medicine (pandemic and future winner):

Another sector that saw positive pandemic growth (4.5%), largely because many governments and healthcare systems ramped up their public health and prevention expenditures during the COVID-19 crisis. The sector grew from $328 billion in 2017 to $359 billion in 2019 to $375 billion in 2020 (when it represented about 4% of total global health expenditures at $8.8 trillion).

With painful lessons from the pandemic about the terrible costs of underinvesting in public health, the segment is forecast to grow 5% annually through 2025–to reach $478 billion.

Workplace Wellness: This segment grew 4.6% annually from 2017 to 2019–reaching a market high of $52.2 billion–but then shrank 7% in 2020, to $48.5 billion. Companies are recognizing that a compartmentalized, programmatic approach to employee wellbeing is not particularly effective in tackling the rising challenges of stress, work-life balance, and mental health, so many are shifting to more meaningful, holistic approaches encompassing everything from changing company culture to focusing on the built environment.

These expenditures cannot be measured as “workplace wellness,” so expenditures may decline even as the focus on employee wellbeing actually expands. Even so, the market is pegged to grow 4% annually through 2025, reaching $58.4 billion.

NFT Tokenomics

Current Tokenomics related to the Warriors of Love NFT.

Important Note

One of our core goals is to educate, where applicable we will explain in italics the meaning and or purpose of our choices.

Key Information

Release Date - August 22, 2022 11:00am MT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm EST Total Number of NFT Tokens - 999+1 Genesis This is a minimal supply considering the 10,000 NFT collections on the current market. This avoids dilution of rarity. NFT Tokens withheld from sale - 322100 of these NFTs are used for strategic partnerships and marketing. 222 of them are locked in the Creator DAO vault. This increases the stature of existing NFTs in circulation. Price per NFT token - 0.6 ETH Token Type - ERC-721a​The most advanced contract for NFT's on Ethereum currently. Blockchain - Ethereum Number of Traits - 16Number of Attributes - 53Minimum Number of Traits - 9Reveal Type - Instant Smart Contract - "provided on day of mint"

100 NFT Tokens Withheld

100 WOL Hummingbirds will be withheld for all winners of the Creator DAO choose your own adventure sprint and pre-selected partners and affiliates.

Warriors of Love Contest - Launching July 22, 2022 | Win WOL NFTs and a registered Vector Equilibrium All Warriors of Love Contest Information Notifications can be found here.​

20 Super Rare Legendary IRL

20 Ultra Rare Legendary WOL Hummingbirds will be contained inside the Genesis mint as the final 20 NFTs. The Genesis collection must be sold down to this level for them to unlock.

Only whitelisted members who have pre-purchased or received at least 1 Hummingbird from the Genesis collection will be allowed to purchase a super-rare.

20 Registered IRL Vector Equilibriums will be shipped to those who initially hold the super-rare WOL NFTs.

222 will be held in the Creator DAO Treasury*

This increase the scarcity of the collection driving more value into your certificate. If the WOL Genesis collection does not sell out ultimately, all remaining NFTs including Ultra Rare NFTs will be locked in the Creator DAO treasury to be sold later.

The 1 - Aun Oracle

One Warriors of Love Hummingbird Air Tribe NFT titled Aun Oracle of the WOL Ultra Rare will be minted collection and placed on Open Sea. Its floor price will be 13 ETH. This NFT can be found at the following link #1 which will remain hidden until launch.

WOL NFT Genesis Collection Pricing

Guardian - 979 NFTs Only (0.6 ETH) Creator - 20 Ultra Rare NFTs w/ IRL Vector Equilibrium (2 ETH) Royalty 5%

Perks of Ownership

Creator DAO Governance

Owning a WOL Genesis NFT gives you the ability to propose and vote on the future endeavors of Creator DAO.


By owning WOL NFTs you are contributing to Creator and Influencer growth along with the technical and imaginative development of challenged youth.


Purchasing a WOL Genesis allows you to gain access to all future Pre-Sale events.


WOL NFT Genesis original owners will receive 500 $CREATE Tokens upon token release. These tokens will be sent to the original Ethereum address used to mint the WOL NFT.WOL NFT Genesis Super Rare original owners will receive 1500 $CREATE Tokens upon token release. These tokens will be sent to the original Ethereum address used to mint the WOL NFT.


NFTs are great, and IRLs are even more lovely. Purchasing a WOL Genesis allows you to acquire one of 20 super-rare WOL NFTs, including an IRL Vector Equilibrium registered to you. The registry can be found here. Spiritech Device Registry​

WOL NFT Genesis Collection Profit Distribution

45% Goes to the Founders and Investors30% Goes to the DAO Treasury

So how do we keep it from dumping or suffering an economy hack from exploitation by users who may not share our long-term ideals and may be looking for a quick profit strategy? Nobody can promise this can be prevented but there are methods that will make it less likely.

Secret Energy as a devcorp is already gaining revenues it is already in a sustainable financial position. Many of our products do not rely on the blockchain and extensive roadmap fulfillment to be sold and this makes us different from 90% of the projects out there still in speculation land.

Our Tokenomics are sound. Instead of minting trillions of tokens and being greedy on gains with private investors, we decided to build something that works and people need. We have removed all risky strategies that don't assist our Tribe members. Solidifying your position early is key to collaborative benefits.

Secret Energy is not just a social network. It is an ecosystem loaded with custom applications and softwares, designed with the conscious community in mind. These functions are here to allow for self-exploration over our platform that is easy and enjoyable.

Reel Search

This feature is inside the Secret Energy ecosystem as a way to address the small issue with long formatted educational lectures. We now have 700+ videos on our Youtube channel and many more inside the platform. This tool allows you to search through all of the most popular content that we have uploaded over time.

You can essentially search one word or phrase and instantly become linked with all the videos where that specific keyword or phrase has been discussed in detail. Knowledge is infinite, we wanted to create a finite space and effective technology where one could go through large amounts of knowledge and metaphysical information in short periods of time.

Step 1: Log in and go to the right of the screen and click on Reel Search.

Step 2: Type in any keyword or phrase into the search feature on the right side of the screen.

Secret Energy contains a complete profile of its users

Activity Feed

Secret Energy is not just an ecosystem where you can receive knowledge about the infinite and buy products that will strengthen your internal health, it is also a place where you can connect with like-minded beings. Building a self-sustainable social network is another goal Secret Energy sets to accomplish. When you jump onto the portal of the Innerverse, you will be greeted with your Activity Feed.

We'll start left to right fully breaking down everything you can interact with.


On the left hand side there are specific groups that are designed to lead you in the direction that you are in alignment with. Whatever you find interesting or important you can join the group for that exact topic and connect with people that are on similar paths as you. You can dive into the videos on your own, with a partner, or a group. Deciphering the information and absorbing the knowledge do not have to be something you do on your own.

Activity Feed:

In the middle pane is your actual Secret Energy Feed where you can stay updated with what is going on in the cosmos with Tribe. (At the top is a livestream component where you can vibe with others that are showcasing their talents and even gift them OHMs). This space that we are in is infinite and because it is, there will always be constant reconfigurations to the interface to better the experience and make uniting with others that much easier.

Tribe Suggestions

On the far right side of your activity feed will be a place where you can connect and unite with others that are near your area. The benefit of being in a space like Secret Energy is that we know how difficult it is to find someone that can reciprocate your energy.


With Geolocation you have the opportunity to connect with someone that has your same interests and build a relationship that will strengthen over time. Note: you don't have to share your location if you don't want to. The best thing about this is that not only are we giving you the knowledge, ability to make money, and metaphysical items, but also helping people to connect with each other on a friendly or romantic level.

Founded on the love for curation and multidisciplinary interest, SETV is a hybrid broadcasting network that simulcasts its programs across all popular social media experience in both live and pre-recorded media. With its current integration, SETV can air on Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Youtube, and Twitter instantly.

Metaphysical Directory

Talk about Metaphysical Directory short paragraph here:

Metaphysical Advisors:

There is a strong current of awareness speaking and expressing through us all. This is a place where wisdom, the application of knowledge is shared. There is no better teacher than experience and the Metaphysicians that are sourced in the directories will bring clarity and direction in your personal journey.

There are 100+ different advisors sourced in the directory. Regardless of where you are and where you want to be there is someone for everyone.

Conscious Networks:

Fill your media moments with holistic knowledge and applications from across the cosmos.

There are 100+ different networks sourced in the directory. Regardless of where you are and where you want to be there is a place for everyone.

Ennealogy Ennealogy, the study and practice of the “All is Self” philosophy.

Ennealogy seeks to synthesize the physical and metaphysical systems for pursuing and practicing “Knowledge of Self” by bringing together the wisdom, methods of approach, and benefits from both systems. It is taught in courses and deployed via actionables inside our online native messenger. Historically and ancestrally, Enneaolgy has been the instruction manual to Self.

1.Ennealogy is a tool used to help initiate “The Journey Within" learning about who we are and how we work internally, beyond the surface level (devoid of any coating and/or illusion).

2.Ennealogy is a map of the terrain of Life (and Self).

3.Ennealogy is an expression of the pattern or algorithm derived from an ancient innerstanding of the order of creation.

4.Ennealogy is the knowledge that allows you to become aware of the different layers of Self and helps identify what determines and guides your personal temperaments.


Ennealogy - Path 1

Sunday | Primum | 1

Colors: Gold, Orange, Chartreuse

Metal and Crystal: Gold and Chrysoberyl

Herbs: Frankincense, Copal, Cedar

Planet and Chakra: Sun and Manipura - Solar Plexus

Territory and Direction: Mountains and East

Frequency and Number: 1024hz and One

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Pita and Leo

Anatomy: Bones, Heart, Liver, Lungs, Brain

Resonate Numbers: 4, 8, 9 Karmic Lesson: Renunciation

Mood: Future Forward Symbolism: Breastplate, Thyrsus, Solar Diadem, Alchemical Crucible, Laurel Wreath

Symbol: Flower of Life, Hexagon

Archetype: The Eternal Child, Sun King

Instrument: Harp, Horn, Heart Beat, Brass Gong

Zoomorph: Lion, Tiger, Panther, Leopard, Bull, Hawk, Salmon, Bee, Griffen

Trees & Plants: Date Palm, Oak, Walnut Tree, Eyebright, Hamamelis, Mimosa, Sunflower, Laurel, Pineapple, Marigold

Incense: Frankincense, Cinnamon, Copal, Saffron, Heliotropin Minerals: Gold, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Zircon, Citrine, Phosphorus, Ruby

Characteristics: Creative, ready to take lead in a non-authoritative way without aggressiveness. A wise council working with prophetic equilibrium.



The Primum (Latin term meaning "first” or “beginning”) is the first path of the Ennealogy archetypes and was given its name to highlight its primacy. Sharing many characteristics with Sun, The Primum is powerful, generous, stubborn and disciplined. The Primum has very high internal standards and a keen sense of right and wrong.

They are perfectionists who not only like to adhere to all rules themselves, but expect others to do the same. They have adopted the idea that everyone and everything around them can be improved (including themselves), and believe they are the best agents for the aforementioned improvement.

The Primum doesn’t set out to be a leader, but eventually ends up in leadership roles because of their proclivities and motivations. Though they hate disorder, phoniness and laziness, The Primum loves freedom, loyalty, and individuality.


Rational, idealistic, serious-minded, straightforward, organized, ethical, high personal standards, discerning, critical, dislikes criticism, organized, kind, cooperative, royal, well-mannered, lucky, naturally inspirational, strong sense of morality, strong convictions, open to new ideas

Proclivities and Motivations

To influence (especially if it involves improving things), to champion fairness, to be right and righteous, to serve humanity, to discover uniqueness and fulfill a special mission in life, to answer a higher calling

In Balance

Wise, insightful, honest, generous, noble, purposeful, hopeful, strong sense of morality, dedicated to serve humanity, hard-working, fair, principled


Overly critical nature, dictatorial leadership style, hypocritical tendencies, demanding personality, giving beyond ability, perfectionism, extreme dieting, impatience, problems with anger, rigidity, recklessness, lawlessness, pessimistic disposition, depression, nervous breakdowns, alcoholism, obsessive compulsive personality disorders

Affirmation “Things are perfect just the way they are.”


Lesson Renunciation


​Ennealogy - Path 2


Monday | Altruist | 2

Colors: White, Silver, Cream

Metal and Crystal: Silver, Pearl

Herbs: Sage, Cypress, Anise

Planet and Chakra: Moon, Third Eye

Territory and Direction: Water, Southwest

Frequency and Number: 96hz, Two

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Kapha, Cancer

Anatomy: Saliva, Breasts, Brain Memory, Left Nostril, Digestive Fluid, Secretions, Uterus, Stomach, Lungs

Resonate Numbers: 1, 7, 4

Karmic Lesson: Individual Stability

Mood: Devotional Idealistic

Symbolism: Sickle, Bridle, Bow, Veil, Mask, Crystal Ball, Lasso

Archetype: Night Guardian, Shining One, Lord of Wisdom

Instrument: Cymbals , Rattle, Flute, Oboe, Wind Chimes, Mandolin, Castenets Zoomorph: Horse, Stag, Bear, Raven, Deer, Camel, Hydra, Minotaur

Trees & Plants: Willow, Bay, Hazel, Papaya, Carob, Laburnum, Narcissus, Squash, Turnip, Yam

Incense: Camphor, Galbanum, Eucalyptus, Jasmin, Ylang Ylang, Orris Minerals: Platinum, Yttrium, Beryl, Moonstone, Alexandrite, Fluorite, Alabaster

Characteristics: Intensely passionate with a childlike love for sudden adventure to accompany change of personality that occurs like the tides. Always open for the strong cleansing and purification aspects of this sphere.


Overview The Altruist is the second path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its unselfish nature and its devotion to meeting the needs of others. Sharing many characteristics with the Moon, The Altruist is imaginative, sensitive, moody and changeable.

The Altruist is one of the most helpful of the nine paths because they genuinely desire to help others the same way a mother sincerely yearns to help her children.

They are others-oriented, and get a strong sense of worthiness from helping and serving. The Altruist desires love, companionship, and relationships but can suffer from people-pleasing and unexpressed resentment towards those who don't express appreciation for their devotion and sacrifice.


Caring, understanding, considerate, empathetic, kindhearted, romantic, tender, moody, committed, faithful, peaceful, sacrificial

Proclivities and Motivations To genuinely help others (especially if it makes them feel loved in return), to feel the feelings of others, to detect the needs of others, to express emotion, to care for others deeply

In Balance

Generous, thoughtful, intuitive, nurturing, sincere, empathetic, humble, unselfish, unconditional love, compassionate, open-handed giving


Deception (toward self and others), distraction by imagination and fantasy, mistrusting tendencies, self-neglect, possessiveness, bossy personality, manipulative nature, co-dependency, indecision, anxiety, attention seeking behavior, victim mentality, feelings of entitlement, over eating, abuse of over-the-counter medications

Affirmation “I meet all needs with my presence alone.”

Karmic Lesson

Individual Stability


Ennealogy - Path 9


Tuesday | Arbitrator | 9

Colors: Red, Cerise, Burgundy

Metal and Crystal: Iron, Red Coral

Herbs: Bergamot, Cinnamon, Sage

Planet and Chakra: Mars, Muladhara - Root

Territory and Direction: Forest, River, Spring, South

Frequency and Number: 1152hz, Nine

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Pita, Aries

Anatomy: Marrow, Muscular System, Arms, Limbs, Nose, Ears, GallBladder, Sex Organs

Resonate Numbers: 1, 2, 3

Karmic Lesson: Patience

Mood: Noble Protector

Symbolism: Shield, Helmet, Body Paint, Lance

Symbol: Pentagram, Pentagon

Archetype: Warrior, Lioness

Instrument: Trumpet, Steel Drum, Stamping Feet, Bag Pipes

Zoomorph: Ram, Wolf, Condor, Scorpion, Serpent, Wasp, Salamander, Dog, Werewolf

Trees & Plants: Ash, Holly, Pepper Tree, Mahogany, Madrone, Bamboo

Incense: Peppermint, Mustard, Cumin, Turmeric, Dragonsblood, Asafoetida

Minerals: Ruby, Garnet, Red Agate, Rhodochrosite, Iron, Steel, Nickel, Strontium, Red Jasper

Characteristics: Dynamic energy and a fraternal companion through thick and thin. Voice of the people enforced by the flame and heat of fire and the soundness of resolution and arbitration.


The Arbitrator is the ninth path of the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its mastery of mediation and its commitment to protect order and balance. Sharing many characteristics with Mars, The Arbitrator has a strong sense of purpose and duty. The Arbitrator is a protector of peace and utilizes all its abilities to create harmony in their environment.

The Arbitrator doesn’t like disputes to linger and wants to address them as soon as they surface. They are alert and have a strong internal defense system, always ready to respond to opposition (even though they would prefer to avoid conflict altogether). Although it is expected that the Mars influence will dominate the Arbitrator’s outward personality, they are actually introverted, relaxed, and modest. It is important to keep in mind that as the ninth path, The Arbitrator has the most variety in characteristics, as this archetype carries attributes of the other eight archetypes, which makes them more relatable, more reflective, and most effective in mediating conflicts and preserving peace.


Easy-going, strong, self-confident, short-tempered, competitive, argumentative, accepting, receptive, compassionate, outspoken, direct, restless, optimistic, responsible, hardworking, strong-willed, unafraid of death, reassuring, determined, independent

Proclivities and Motivations

To create/maintain harmony, to settle disputes, to keep peace, to protect, to stabilize, to heal conflicts

In Balance

Perceptive, receptive, reflective, able to accept others without changing them, able to unite people and resolve disputes, enthusiastic, inspirational, good-natured, good mediators, excellent communicators


Inconsiderate disposition, egoistic nature, selfish character, destructive tendencies, insensitivity, impatience, dominating personality, inattentiveness, overly passive nature, stubborn, complacency, repressed emotions (namely anger), over/under-eating

Affirmation “I am valued and cherished.”

Karmic Lesson



​Ennealogy - Path 3


Thursday Orchestrator | 3

Colors: Royal Blue, Light Purple, Lilac

Metal and Crystal: Tin, Yellow Sapphire

Herbs: Bergamot, Cinnamon, Sage

Planet and Chakra: Jupiter, Vishudda - Throat

Territory and Direction: Spring, river, Mountain, Northeast

Frequency and Number: 2560hz, Three

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Kapha, Sagittarius

Anatomy: Intestines, Liver, Thighs, Hips, Arteries, Feet, Soft Tissue

Resonate Numbers: 1, 2, 9

Karmic Lesson: Selfless Service

Mood: Rejuvenating

Symbolism: Vajra, Cornucopia, Trident, Gavel, Aspergil, Thunderbolt

Symbol: Square, Rectangle Archetype: Priest King, Warrior Maiden

Instrument: Saxophone, Bass Drum, Conch Shell, Hand Clapping, Cello

Zoomorph: Eagle, Swan, Whale, Centaur, Unicorn Trees & Plants: Oak, Cedar, Pine, Olive, Juniper, Hickory, Maple, Chestnut, Sycamore

Incense: Sage, Hyssop, Clove, Nutmeg, Pine Gum Minerals: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Turquoise, Labradorite, Aquamarine, Tektites

Characteristics: Majestic organizer with an optimistic approach and knack for organization. Responsibly concerned and prone to excel in civic leadership. Prosperous with advancement.



The Orchestrator is the third path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its ability to organize life in such a way to accomplish very ambitious goals. Sharing many characteristics with Jupiter, The Orchestrator is self-illuminating, powerful, bold, and expansive. Having a strong desire to be remembered after death makes this path the most success-driven of all the paths and motivates those on this path to be outstanding in everything they do. Their natural shine, which gets them a lot of attention in their younger years, can become unbalanced and causes adults on this path to require lots of affirmation and outside validation in order to feel worthy. The Orchestrator is a “universal helper” to all paths and a natural teacher who can be inspirational, creative, organized, and driven.


Success-oriented, ambitious, bold, charming, likable, high self-esteem, motivational, observant, adaptable, innovative, inventive, loyal, bright and shiny presence, possesses great energy, good sense of humor, knowledgeable in speaking and writing

Proclivities and Motivations

To contribute to the world using gifts, talents and abilities (especially if it will inspire and impress others), to achieve greatness in life, to leave a legacy, to be remembered, to bring joy to the lives of others, to create, to express themselves artistically, to inspire others

In Balance

Future-focused, confident, strong belief in self, authentic, self-accepting, constructive, cheerful, inspirational, admired as a role model


Constant comparing of self to others, overly image conscious, dependent on outside affirmation, fear of failure, short-temperedness, impatience, inclination to stretch self too thin in order to receive recognition, working out to the point of exhaustion, excessive use of energy stimulants to accomplish tasks, offensive humor, dictatorial personality, overly competitive nature, overly opportunistic and self-promoting, arrogance, narcissism

Affirmation “Everything that is important is being completed.”

Karmic Lesson

Selfless service


​Ennealogy - Path 5


Wednesday | Analyst | 5

Colors: Light Green, Light Apricot, Orange Ochre

Metal and Crystal: Mercury, Fire Opal

Herbs: Bergamot, Almond, Lavender

Planet and Chakra: Mercury, Svadhistana - Sacral

Territory and Direction: Forest, Holy Sites, North

Frequency and Number: 216hz, Five

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Vata, Gemini

Anatomy: Thyroid Gland, Brain, Nervous System, Respiration, Hearing, Speech, Waist

Resonate Numbers: 1, 4, 6

Karmic Lesson: Sobriety

Mood: Knowledgable, Lucky

Symbolism: Caduceus, Scroll, Stylus, Bell, Hood, Traveler's Hat

Symbol: Octagon, Infinity

Archetype: Divine Messenger, Hermit, Guide

Instrument: Xylophone, Pan Pipes, Cithara, Human Voices, Vibraphone

Zoomorph: Ibis, Fox, Baboon, Jackal, Cheetah, Zebra, Wyvern

Trees & Plants: Aspen, Pistachio, Magnolia, Birch, Marjoram, Ferns, Mandrake, Parsley

Incense: Bergamot, Star Anise, Fennel, Mace, Spikenard, Mastic Gum, Styrax

Minerals: Aluminum, Lanthanum, Carnelian, Sard

Characteristics: Intelligent, communicative with the energetic force of quickening. Intuitive with calculations and analytics and available for both teaching and learning. Expressive of truth and conductive of chance like luck.


MERCURY STATE OF MIND - INTENSE Overview The Analyst is the fifth path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its pervasive curiosity to figure out how things work. Sharing many characteristics with Mercury, The Analyst is quick, intense, and restless with a very active mind. Possessing the Mercurial youthful presence and an insatiable curiosity, The Analyst is also interested in collecting data.

They have a natural desire to thoroughly innerstand themselves, others and the world around them. Such inquisitiveness gives rise to a dual nature which helps these visionaries not only see both sides of an issue, but also attracts them to “the unusual" information that most people overlook.


Intense, cerebral, inquisitive, logical, witty, insightful, observant, high-strung, impulsive, youthful, naïve, innovative, imaginative, independent, idiosyncratic, critical, and lovers of art

Proclivities and Motivations

To investigate all curiosities, to contemplate how things work, to have expertise in something, to analyze all parts before acting, to know something that few people know, to see the world in different ways, to be confident and competent, to contribute something new to the world, to create a world, to make people happy

In Balance

Visionary, jovial nature, adaptable, pioneer, insightful, creative, open-minded, elevated thinker, lover of knowledge, intellectual


Detachment, overly critical personality, over thinking, indecision, hastiness, overly intense, instability, difficulty focusing attention, lack of discipline, distracted personality, provocative nature, reclusive tendencies, self-neglect to submerge into thoughts and ideas, poor eating/sleeping, hopelessness, obsessive tendencies, overly eccentric nature, nervousness, deranged, schizophrenia

Affirmation “Things are perfect just the way they are.”

Karmic Lesson



​Ennealogy - Path 6


Friday | Allegiant | 6

Colors: Turquoise, Green, Pink

Metal and Crystal: Copper, Malachite

Herbs: Palo Santo, Benzoin, Rose

Planet and Chakra: Venus, Heart

Territory and Direction: Plains, Southeast

Frequency and Number: 480hz, Six

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Kapha, Libra

Anatomy: Semen, Reproductive System, Eyes, Throat, Chine, Cheeks, Kidneys

Resonate Numbers: 4, 5, 8

Karmic Lesson: Discipline

Mood: Mystic Utopian

Symbolism: Mirror, Torch, Shells

Symbol: Heptagram

Archetype: Daughter of Heaven, The Concealed One

Instrument: Guitar, Castanets, Tambourine, Zills, Falling Water, Sitar Zoomorph: Dove, Rabbit, Dolphin, Cat, Tortoise, Mermaid, Seal

Trees & Plants: Apple Tree, Cherry, Elder, Fig, rose, Vervain, Strawberry, Hyacinth, Hibiscus, Beech

Incense: Benzoin, Sandlewood, Cardamom, Vertiver, Licorice, Geranium, Storax

Minerals: Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Amazonite, Sand Stone, Sea Salt

Characteristics: Beauty and vitality exudes from this joyous being with force through the synthesis of music, dancing, and harmony. Familiar to love and money, and all artistic forms that influence the sphere of the natural world.



The Allegiant is the sixth path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its steadfast devotion to beliefs, causes, and people. Sharing many characteristics with Venus—who rules over love, beauty, nature, justice and equality—

The Allegiant is radiant, feminine, magnetic, and committed. Security is very important to this path, as they have a strong desire to be supported and a strong fear of being abandoned. How individuals on this path deal with their fears will determine if they are outwardly compliant and cooperative or rebellious and defiant. The most loyal of Ennealogy paths, The Allegiant is committed to the people, ideas, and beliefs they love and value.


Committed, sense-oriented, passionate, artistic, graceful, security-oriented, creative, endearing, gentle, likable, reliable, friendly, responsible, cautious, rebellious, lovers of art, freedom, and beauty

Proclivities and Motivations

To have stability, to have a support system, to form strong bonds with people they can trust, committed to family, friends, and community, to avoid being controlled, to champion justice and equality, to fight against insecurity, to love deeply and to please the people they love, to look for common ground and discover characteristics about people that they can relate to.

In Balance

Courageous, self-affirming and self-reliant, reliable, responsible, trustworthy, lively, open-minded, sensitive, stable, loving, engaging, committed to family and friends and all they love, source of guidance and strength for others, self-expressed


Over-suspicious, struggles with insecurity and self-doubt, unsteadiness and fear, defensiveness, difficulty saying no to people they love, extensive worry, over-extension, reactive behavior, nutritional imbalances due to rigidity in diet, excessive working, unpredictability in behavior, paranoia, susceptibility to alcoholism

Affirmation “I'm at my greatest when I can trust myself and others.”

Karmic Lesson




Saturday | Potentate | 8

Colors: Black, Indigo, Grey

Metal and Crystal: Lead, Blue Sapphire

Herbs: Myrrh, Lavender, Cypress

Planet and Chakra: Saturn, Muladhara - Root

Territory and Direction: Forest, Plains, West

Frequency and Number: 5760hz, Eight

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Vata, Capricorn

Anatomy: Hair, Teeth, Bones, Cartilage, Skeleton, Knees

Resonate Numbers: 4, 5, 6

Karmic Lesson: Kindness, Forgiveness

Mood: Enduring

Symbolism: Keys, Hourglass, Astrolabe, Compass, Corn, Barley, Starry Robe, Black Cloak, Grail, Monolith, Cow, Double Axe

Symbol: Three Dots, Triangle

Archetype: Celestial Queen, The Ancient One

Instrument: Deep Gong, Ticking

Zoomorph: Peacock, Chimera, Spider, Goat, Bat, Ass, Antelope

Trees & Plants: Ebony, Cypress, Acacia, Pomegranate, elm, Yew, Opium, Poppy, Amaranth, Nightshade

Incense: Myrrh, Spikenard, Cassia, Patchouli

Minerals: Antimony, Diamond, Jet, Onyx, Basalt, Slate, Pumice, Obsidian

Characteristics: Lofty, autocratic, cold, possibly mournful and brooding. The force of constriction and crystallization. Affinity with depths of the Earth, the passage of time, and the things that take long periods to achieve. Artistic creativity with the power to bring thoughts into physical manifestation.

Ennealogy - Path 8


The Potentate is the eighth path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name to accentuate its energetic relationship with power and authority. Sharing many characteristics with Saturn, The Potentate is confident, patient, and resilient. They are naturally wise and exude strength and authority. One of the most powerful archetypes of the Ennealogy, the Potentate has a deep-seated fear of losing power. This fear motivates them to hold on to control by any means necessary including (but not limited to) not asking for help, not accepting help, and even rejecting love where they have to give up control. The Potentate is a natural leader and an extremely hard worker, able to accept challenges eagerly and confidently knowing they will succeed.


Powerful, assertive, authoritative, confident, patient, strong-willed, confrontational, decisive, driven to get to the top, champion for people, serious nature, hard-working, grudge holder, independent, resourceful, persuasive, rebellious

Proclivities and Motivations

To be in control at all times, to dominate, to be independent, to retain/increase personal power, to serve a noble cause (worthy of self-sacrifice), to protect self and loved ones, to be important, to leave a mark

In Balance

Powerful, courageous, generous, heroic, strong, well-balanced, justice-seeking, self-confident, uses strength to help elevate others, masters of themselves, advocates for the rights of others, empowers others


Pushing others away, superiority complex, pragmatism, egocentric personality, domineering personality, intimidating character, hard-heartedness, out of touch with compassion, ruthlessness, dictatorial leadership style, confrontational behavior, immorality, destructiveness (with little regard for consequences), delusional, ignorance of physical needs, control issues, anti-social and sociopathic tendencies

Affirmation “The intentions of our origins are innocent.”

Karmic Lesson

Kindness, forgiveness

The Maverick

​ Rahu​​

Rahu | Maverick | 4

Colors: Black, Violet, Khaki

Metal and Crystal: Graphite, Hessonite

Herbs: Basil, Sweet Flag, Sage

Planet and Chakra: Lunar North Node, Crown

Territory and Direction: Water, North

Frequency and Number: 96hz, Four

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Pita

Anatomy: Endocrine System, Bone, Knee

Resonate Numbers: 1, 4, 6, 8

Karmic Lesson: Gratitude Mood: Maverick ​ Ennealogy - Path 4


The Maverick is the fourth path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its unapologetic desire to express its individuality even if it upsets the status quo. Sharing many characteristics with the Rahu (the north node of the moon), The Maverick is very sensitive, patient, trustworthy and has the ability to innerstand the unseen sides of truth. They are hard workers with brilliant ideas because of their unconventional thinking. The Maverick is one of the most persistent of the paths because of their familiarity with the many unexpected changes that seem to follow them in their lives. They have an uncanny ability to undergo many stressful experiences without anxiety because of how they process emotions. The Maverick is a creative and sensitive extremist who would prefer to be alone than to be misunderstood.


Sensitive, in tune with emotions, withdrawn, reliable, adaptable, self-aware, introspective, secretive, quick-changing nature, high levels of patience, ability to adjust to sudden changes seamlessly, strong-willed, true to self, ability to face criticism, highly creative, dramatic, loner, insistence on being individualistic.

Proclivities and Motivations To find self, express individuality (after it is found or created), to bring balance and order in their life, to connect to people who understand them, to understand and come to terms with their emotional traumas, to explore darker nature, to be distinct, to make their life a work of art, to dwell on ideas and fantasies

In Balance

Intuitive, in tune with emotions, vulnerable, sensitive, artistic, expressive, patient, compassionate, ability to adjust to all conditions, ability to redeem all experiences (good and bad) in meaningful and inspirational lessons for self and others


Low self-image, delusional self-concept, constantly feeling misunderstood, isolating self, depression, obsessive personality traits, chronic dissatisfaction, egoistic behavior, aggressiveness, holding grudges, being too attached to individualistic story, self-absorption, indecision, debilitating response to painful feelings, self-doubt, alienation, resentment, self-pity, over-indulgence for emotional consolation, physical laziness

Affirmation “I am whole and fulfilled.”

Karmic Lesson


The Dynamo


Ketu | Dynamo | 7

Colors: Light Blue, Light Green, White

Metal and Crystal: Iron, Cat's Eye

Herbs: Wild Ginger, passion Flower, Juniper

Planet and Chakra: Lunar South Node, Root Chakra

Territory and Direction: Water, South

Frequency and Number: 96hz, Seven

Dosha and Ruling Sign: Kapha

Anatomy: Legs, Bone, endocrine System

Resonate Numbers: 2, 3, 6, 7

Karmic Lesson: Individual Stability

Mood: Utopian


The Dynamo is the seventh path within the Ennealogy archetypes. It was given its name because of its ability to generate and use high levels of energy as fuel for experiences. Sharing many characteristics with the south node of the moon (Ketu), The Dynamo has a rebellious nature and is not really good at expressing their emotions. The Dynamo is the introverted extrovert type. They are energetic, playful, seekers of variety and lovers of exciting experiences; but they are also highly philosophical and need isolation in order to contemplate and reflect on the inner and higher truths. The Dynamo believes that experience is the best source of knowledge. As a result, they will try anything in an effort to discover what is right/best for them, which is also why failure and misfortune (keys to their success) are more associated with this path than the other eight.


Busy, fun-loving, loners, spiritually inclined, logical, intuitive, imaginative, upbeat, playful, scattered, hyperactive brain, quick thinkers, indecisive, moody, impulsive, optimistic, spontaneous, over busy, versatile/ adaptable, gifted

Proclivities and Motivations

To acquire knowledge though experiences and achieve enlightenment as a result of obtained knowledge, to feel excitement and satisfaction, to be fulfilled, to stay occupied, to avoid pain In Balance Highly accomplished, happy and fulfilled, inspired and inspiring, cheerful, creative, with healing abilities, brave, gracious and appreciative, deeply spiritually sensitive and aware


Overextending self, indiscipline, underestimating talents/gifts, indecisiveness, hyper-moodiness, hyperactivity, chronic dissatisfaction, self-centeredness, impulsiveness, escapism, intolerance for pain, self-defeating behavior (like not following through or quitting), impracticability, lack of motivation/ambition, addictive tendencies (to stimulants), susceptibility to overdose, bi-polar/ histrionic personality disorders

Affirmation “My energy is greater than my pain.”

Karmic Lesson


The Ancients spent a lot of time compiling the knowledge that details how we were created. It was clear to them that it would take multiple lifetimes to innerstand the building blocks of Self, that took potentially thousands of years to collect, test, and compartmentalize. Of utmost importance to our ancestors was the pattern of the process of creation or the sequence of how we were created, which we call the ALGORITHM.

Basically, an algorithm is a set of steps to accomplish a task. We use algorithms daily in our morning and evening routines. We cook using algorithms or recipes. We solve mathematical equations using algorithms as orders of operations. And we can find ourselves using algorithmic patterns (as in the Zodiac, Numerology, Enneagram system, etc).

This algorithm is so critical because it teaches: There is an order to existence There is a right (tried and true way/ a most effective) order in which to create things How to correct issues that occur when something is done in the wrong order

Once you know this algorithm, you will know: How things are layered How things are produced What stage you are on What stage other things are on Proper use of this algorithm will allow you to:

Create perfectly Sustain your creation Transform Creation (take it through the proper stages of metamorphosis) Knowing the pattern of the process of creation (algorithm) is so valuable because it brings the maximum level of synchronicity/ awareness of your experience.

How does Ennealogy work?

1. Ennealogy works like a map giving you markers of where you are and the best path to travel towards your destiny.

2. Ennealogy works like an instrument for measuring (i.e., a clock, or thermometer) that can help gauge, predict and guide.

Cosmically speaking, you are formed from stardust (elements, gases, forms of light, DNA sequences). At the moment you came into existence on this physical plane, a corresponding star appeared in the sky. This is significant because you were endowed with a predominate power based on your cosmic configuration (the way the cosmos was arranged/aligned on your birthday). This configuration includes other stars of influence (planets, organs, chakras, etc.) and your temperaments (your family, your tribe, your star family) which also have an influence on you. The inherited power from your cosmic configuration affects all your bodies (physical, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual, etc.) and helps determine your personality, your temperance, your uniqueness, and your overall path on this plane. The Ma’at (math) of Ennealogy interprets all of the data from your cosmic configuration and breaks it down into two numbers between 1 and 9 that reflect your dominant personality traits and path in life.

Psychic Number (Ennealogy Number)

1. Given to you by your cosmic configuration

2. Explains and predicts your temperament

3. Fashions your character, who you are/what you are like

4. Corresponds to the small hand on an analog clock-- the hour, the one that governs most of what you are supposed to be doing in life

Find your psychic number by simplifying the date of your birth to a single whole number (1-9). Example: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday is: January 15th. 1 + 5 = 66 is therefore the Ennealogy Number/Psychic Number. Destiny Number

1. Given to you by past-life karmas

2. How other people see you

3. Corresponds to the big hand on the clock, the minute, the one that dictates the day-to-day lessons you learn from the opportunities and challenges that will be presented to you in this life

Find your destiny number by adding the numbers of the month, day, and year of your birth, then simplifying to a single whole number (1-9). Example: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday is: January 15, 1929 1 + 1 + 5 + 1+ 9 + 2 + 9 = 28; 2 + 8 = 10; 1 + 0 = 11 is therefore the Destiny Number. We are presently working to reconfigure the destiny number based on answering a set of questions that will take culture and the effects of modern-day stimuli into consideration. Ennealogy is the foundation of what magic is. Ennealogy gives you the power to:

1. Judge (most gross and corrupt way to use this knowledge)

2. Fulfill your objectives in the physical reality… to get a response and a specific response/ feedback/ connection/ communication per your own algorithm

3. Re-order everything that goes on in your life

4. Empower others

5. Build a team making sure you have the right components, i.e., to create and define your star constellation

6. Master self to know your strengths and weaknesses for proper configuration


We put a lot of time and intentions into continuously revising what we know to be the resonant energies coming across each day, but it is important to always remember that all of these numbers are connected, all of these days are connected. Each number is the birth of another number each day, the birth of another day. When you go into the cosmic energy tab or the cosmic energy calendar, you will see the connections to the day and more importantly you will feel it as you begin to participate in this glorious celebration; the parade that we go through every single day that the sun rises in the sky. The chakra system does not actually align with the days of the week. When we researched this subject, we went back to ancient times and found that the reason why you won't find a correspondence is because the chakras themselves actually function within several numbers at a time. Even the root chakra is assigned to 2 different numbers. You won't find direct correspondences with the chakras but we sourced the highest level of the correspondences for every day. Ex: Tuesday and Saturday correspond to the same chakra or the same energy coming from that chakra.

The reason why this knowledge is so important is because it builds a connection with Self.

One section that people find difficulty in resonating with is the resonate number. These are numbers that align with the day, people that are on those number paths will have a tendency to be more harmonic for that specific day. If a person was born on the 11th they would add those numbers together which would be 2, which makes them an archetype of the moon.

That person would then search the calendar to find out which days they would resonate with most and could align harder tasks on those days because they know that they will be more productive. This is not designed to put you into an hour long thought process everyday but more as a guide.

The color that is listed, just try and wear that corresponding color to whatever day it is paired with. If you live with your family, you could essentially get everyone's individual number (which is just the day they were born on) and then add them all together and you will get the overall energy that the house will be most dynamic in. If you know that energy is not propelling you in the direction you wanna go, then you find the direction you want to go and align with it.

Everything you can do under the sun is in these days of the week. And all of the days of the week are in the cosmic energy calendar. To go into detail even further if you wanted to use the Cosmic Energy Calendar, you would just go to the day. Let's just say it is Monday and you could wear a white T-shirt, eat off of a silver plate, burn some sage or cypress, play 96hz throughout the house, and drink more water throughout the day. That's just a little bit of what you could do for Monday and just by doing those things, you could change the resonance in your environment to equate the results you are looking for. All of the items listed for that specific day will strengthen you and get you electrochemically balanced. ​

Why do you need Ennealogy?

Though we all have the powers of all numbers in us (All is Self), we tend to elevate and depend on one power more than the others. This eventually causes an imbalance that can manifest in one or several ways (physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or spiritual ailments just to name a few). If unaddressed, the imbalance will lead to what some communities call possession (one power overthrowing the entire kingdom).

Ennealogy balances all the powers within. It allows you to pinpoint issues with your bodies and accurately identify the source of the imbalance.

Ultimately, Ennealogy is a tool of transformation and gnosis. Use it to help you discover what you are supposed to be doing (cosmic pattern), and where and how your influence will be most effective (destiny). Above all, Ennealogy will give you solutions to assist self and others with coming into balance specifying components that unite us, those that distinguish us, and those that guide our innerstanding toward deeper truths, which fundamentally reveal to each of us our personal and collective secret energy.

The Innerversity Metaphysical education based on the experience of Adepts worldwide.

The Innerversity is a multidisciplinary school of self-mastery. It features hundreds of courses, teaching step-by-step instructions to the inner workings of the internal self and how to maximize your impact on both the internal and external reality.

The Innerversity

Semester 1 is a magnum opus for the subject of metaphysical expansion. It introduces a Blueprint that will serve as both map and guide to continuous spiritual journeys and graduated awareness. This completely integrated occult knowledge for modern times will be instrumental for you in restoring your power and it will serve you on all levels of importance.

In this complete Quest and at an initial level, you will:

Have a blueprint for integrating all parts of yourself into metaphysical awareness.

Begin the process of applying unique restorative applications to grow.

Deprogram false constructs, cleanse and activate your vessel; decipher languages and symbolism, and increase your financial prosperity.

You will explore these specific thematic as follows: celestial mechanics, balancing one's vibratory energy, deprogramming, internal cleansing and purification, conscious economics, deciphering language and symbolism, the secrets of breathing and tantra, and mastering the cosmic blueprint.

Innerversity Semester 2

The Innerversity Semester 2 is a magnum opus for the subject of metaphysical expansion. It introduces a Blueprint that will serve as both map and guide to continuous spiritual journeys and graduated awareness. This completely integrated occult knowledge for modern times will be instrumental for you in restoring your power and it will serve you on all levels of importance.​

In this complete Quest and at a more in-depth level, you will:

Broaden your knowledge of the blueprint for integrating all parts of yourself into metaphysical awareness.

Continue the process of applying unique restorative applications to grow.

Further deprogram false constructs, gain adept innerstanding of own power to create your reality, adopt a lifestyle in cleansing and activating your vessel, decipher languages and symbolism, and create financial stability.

You will delve into these specific thematics: your universal connection, vibratory energetics, deprogramming, holistic wellness, conscious economics, language and symbolism, breathing tantra and yoga, planetary hierarchy.

Specialist Training

Precise preparations for eventual enrollment into Sovereignty Mentorship.

This course is loaded with love from your Tribe!

Specialist Training is offered at no charge as a “service to humanity.”

Seekers gain a fundamental appreciation of metaphysics and esoteric teachings to facilitate deprogramming and set a firm foundation for long-term spiritual growth and inner standing.

This is where the concept of Tribe germinates in the Secret Energy ecosystem as the essentials for minimal output and optimal impact are integrated.

The Scope of this Course

1.How to access your dashboard with more affiliate resources.

2.Realize how financial currency and your internal energetic system connect.

3.Make money by learning unobtrusive online sales techniques and social media management.

4.Gain the confidence and means to join Sovereignty Mentorship and Ennealogy.

5.Specific course content includes: the conscious entrepreneur, wealthybot and cryptocurrency, the automated wealth system, metaphysical resources, creating a projector.

Ennealogy Phase 3 is a compilation of all knowledge and applications relating to Ennealogy and its implementation into our daily life. Upon completion you will have a complete map of Self and a way to utilize the resonate fields of energetics to gain the results you are looking for on your journey with accuracy

Sovereign Mindset

We are in a brand new era of life that requires a balanced perspective on reality in order to thrive in these times. Prosperity and success can only be achieved through proper mental conditioning, spiritual awareness, and physical fortitude. This series of lectures gives you the resonance and vibratory mode necessary to accomplish sovereignty; one of life’s greatest achievements.

Discovery of the full potential of the energetic bodies of the human being is still in infancy stages. Modern society has placed its attention on external forces rather than cultivating the power within. Advanced energetics takes you on the journey through Self to witness your great strength.

There is a need from time-to-time to accelerate our consciousness into its highest state in order to make contact and become familiar with the highest form of our archetypical Self. This group of lectures is the most advanced method on how to perform this great work in modern times with balance and real results.

Everyday the body accumulates a variety of waste and toxins that slow down our biological functions and render us unable to activate the potential of our energetic centers. These lectures are an all encompassing approach to optimal physical and metaphysical maintenance.

If you are serious about transforming the dynamics of your existence through the phenomena of gradual materialization this series of courses are for you. This is the most thorough elaboration of bringing something from the unseen to the seen.

The Projector The Projector is a metaphysical augmentation device created by Sevan to assist you in utilizing your innate powers to affect your environment. The basis of its construction and use are as follows:

It establishes a Biogeological Connection

The Projector is designed to link you with the geological tapestry of the environment around you in order to bring about change on a variety of levels.

It is a Quantum Visionary Board

The success of projection boards for accomplishing goals is well known. However, the Projector introduces a quantum or metaphysical method of accomplishing visions.

It utilizes the Laws of Resonance & Conductivity

While some may look upon such statements as fanciful, the Projector actually draws upon the laws of Physics, such as resonance, in order to function with precision.


The projector can be used for but is not excluded to:

Sculpt and manifest your future with perfection

Transform families via a non-obtrusive approach

Add and remove powers and forces that act upon life

Remotely assists others, relying on your foundation

The most advanced ancient cultures busied themselves in this life preparing for the next. The awareness that you could do things here in the present life to better your stance in the worlds to come was common. Afterlife is a series of lectures discussing what we can determine happens when we leave from this space and arrive in the next while also looking in at the things we can do here to create everlasting wealth.

The knowledge and wisdom of the secrets that remain hidden but control the fabric of the reality we inhabit is now presented in a way that can be digested by the modern occultist.

Real connection, real people. This is the archive of the Tribe Vibes sessions that have not been filed into any specific category.

Automated Wealth

The world is going through a massive transformation in the financial markets and all indicators point to the necessity to create a form of automated wealth. Building strong passive incomes in order to buy your time back and utilize it for your own personal growth is now in order. These lectures have been compiled to give you the wisdom and awareness of methods on how to do that.

Advanced Cryptocurrency

Proper Trading Etiquette and Form

A survey determined many first adopters to crypto who have been in the space for years still haven’t made much money. This is due to mistakes made when buying, selling, and calculating when to take profits. We will teach you the best way to trade and profit in the space.

Using Crunchbase to find the next Unicorn

Learn how to follow the trail of unknown investment firms and wealthy investors to determine what the next major project will be vs. listening to youtube and getting caught up in FOMO.

Track Patterns and Set Floors

After years of analyzing charts we will teach you how to easily spot patterns and calculate the floor increasing your ability to close trades in profit.

Token Metrics

Just because a project is popular doesn’t mean it will bring profits, learn how to calculate value based on market cap and supply.

Advance Wealthybot Configurations

Periodically super tune your Wealthybot to these settings to increase the timeframe of ROI and exponentially grow your profits.

Ennealogy Yoga is a unique method of internal planetary activation, strengthening, and regeneration. Using the wisdom of cosmic body resonance is the physical way to bring activation to your energetic centers.

The path to Sovereignty offers, among other pathways, three distinct innerversity programs, designed to guide the mentee through Self-Awareness and Mastery of the world they create in this dimension and beyond. The innerversity programs include the:

1.Specialist Program

2.Sovereignty Mentorship

3.Mentorship Pro

Specialist Training is offered at no charge as a “service to humanity.” Seekers gain a fundamental appreciation of metaphysics and esoteric teachings to facilitate deprogramming and set a firm foundation for long term spiritual growth and inner standing. This is where the concept of Tribe germinates in the Secret Energy ecosystem as the essentials for minimal output and optimal impact are integrated.

Subscription at this level includes:

180+ Phase 1 – Phase 2 actionables unique to your specific path.

9% commissions on the total value of the transaction.


Our system that uses metaphysical metrics to unlock your uniqueness via actionables deployed inside of our online native messenger.

Affiliate Partnership

Enhance your revenue stream by utilising unobtrusive marketing with over 120+ holistic elements that we market for you.

Mentorship Solutions for obtaining a balanced engagement and perfect growth

​At this level of engagement, seekers emerge as Ambassadors of the truth they are becoming through the integration of the maxim All is Self. Ambassadors gain access to comprehensive, turnkey solutions for obtaining a balanced engagement and perfect growth in their lives, group mentorship to advance their expressions as sovereigns as well as live ongoing fellowship with other Tribe members on the path to self-actualization. Ambassadors automatically become affiliate partners of the Secret Energy platform which positions them to purchase products at a discount and earn commissions on purchases made by anyone they refer to the Secret Energy ecosystem. By sharing affiliate links, content, product descriptions, or other information about the platform, Ambassadors generate karma-free wealth while assisting the evolution of others. Subscription at this level requires an investment of $79/month and includes: 270+ Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 actionables and courses unique to your specific path. 12% commissions on the total value of the transaction. 15% product discount.

Ennealogy Our system that uses metaphysical metrics to unlock your uniqueness via actionables deployed inside of our online native messenger.

Affiliate Partnership Enhance your revenue stream by utilising unobtrusive marketing with over 120+ holistic elements that we market for you.

Ennealogy Certification* Discover your uniqueness and then learn how to implement the process with others as a certified Ennealogist.

Live Mentorship Chat Join Sevan and Tribe in the live mentorship chat vibing high with those most dedicated to co-creation.

Wholeness Access Growing your own holistic business is now easier with access to specific Secret Energy products at wholesale price.

Mentorship Pro A full-spectrum transformation and plan for the highest development

​Sovereignty Mentorship Pro is a full-spectrum transformational plan for those interested in pursuing their highest level of development. In addition to the benefits of Mentorship, the Pro subscription provides access to the full Innerversity and the opportunity to select a personal Soul Coach who will assist with integrating information presented on the platform and any issues of personal development. ​ Subscription at this level requires an investment of $249/month and includes: 240+ Phase 1 – Phase 2 – Phase 3 actionables and courses unique to your path. 12% commissions on the total value of the transaction. 15% product discount Ennealogy Our system that uses metaphysical metrics to unlock your uniqueness via actionables deployed inside of our online native messenger.

Affiliate Partnership Enhance your revenue stream by utilizing unobtrusive marketing with over 120+ holistic elements that we market for you.

Ennealogy Certification Discover your uniqueness and then learn how to implement the process with others as a certified Ennealogist.

Live Mentorship Chat Join Sevan and Tribe in the live mentorship chat vibing high with those most dedicated to co-creation.

Wholeness Access Growing your own holistic business is now easier with access to specific Secret Energy products at wholesale price.

Personal Soul Coach Choose a Secret Energy Soul Coach to assist you with Ennealogy and personal development.

Innerversity Full Access Deep dive into our entire library of courses designed to activate your mental, physical, and spiritual awareness.

Soul Coaching Becoming a pillar in the lives of others is a unique skill reserved for society's mentors who often shape the course of someone's future.

Soul Coaching is the art of guiding and assisting others to connect with their Soul, their Higher Self, find their axis mundi to become Co-Creators, Wisdom and Solution Bringer in a universe we are masters of as well as its stewards. Becoming a pillar in any society requires a level of discipline, mastery, and commitment reserved for those whose consistent support is essential for society's structure. When this unique self-mastery is cultivated in service to the lives of others, it becomes a transferrable skill set that can influence the trajectory of someone’s future. This type of tailored mentorship is designed to model, shape, and inspire the change required to sustain an uplifted society by optimising the individuated experience of its members.

Soul Coaching is a premium feature of Secret Energy’s Sovereignty Mentorship Pro subscription which gives Creators the opportunity to connect directly with a mentor whose expertise is most aligned with their interests or objectives. Creators select from a group of vetted and approved mentors who emerge from the Secret Energy platform to facilitate its practical application. Soul coaches work in tandem to ensure that Creators have access to a range of advanced healing modalities and metaphysical approaches to support their creations.


Water Tribe: Mentorship in COMMUNICATION and LEADERSHIP. Expressing your terms, expectations, and experience is a fundamental driver to healthy partnerships and co-creative communication. This is the realm of communication mastery and UNIQUENESS confirmation in eventual preparation for SOUL COACHING or leadership roles.

Subjects pertaining to this group involve everything it takes to empower others. STARTING POINT!

Everything is a relationship. Expressing your terms, expectations, and experience is a fundamental driver to healthy partnerships and co-creative communication. ​ ​ Advanced relationships (the future of partnership) is a series of lectures designed to expand your potential when forming bonds.

All external engagements in life can be classified as some form of relationship. Becoming a master of communication while expressing your goals and boundaries raise your partnerships from a tug of war to true companionship and lifestyle fulfillment.

Advanced relationships is a series of lectures designed to expand your potential when forming bonds. Creating Your Biographical Film

(Timeline Project) Remembering who you are by recounting your memoir ​ ​ Spirituality, by definition, is the study of spirits. However, we find few are the metaphysical institutions that have embarked on the quest to identify the myriad of intelligences that co-exist in this realm with us. Here you will find a series of lectures dedicated to mapping and identifying the core entities and forces that share our wavelength.

The Metaphysician is equipped with an armament of wisdom and applications to enter a vast array of situations and find success. Your proficiency in navigating the realms of consciousness will be necessary

Secret Energy has over 120+ holistic products for restoring the mind, body, and spirit. Our elements are taken through a rigorous authentication process and tested for purity and effectiveness.

Our research and development arm has also created products that cannot be found elsewhere, given us exclusivity on groundbreaking apparatuses and formulas. Users are also able to take part in revenue sharing via our affiliate program, offering higher commission than 80% of affiliate marketing programs.

Spiritech or Spiritual Technologies was founded in 2012 with the aim of developing metaphysical elements, supplements, and consumer electronics for the masses. With the awareness that this current age is the one in which humanity discovers the energetic potential of their body, Spiritech will roll out to the public its ten years of research and findings.

We already see a strong rise in both financial and technological development in this field. An example of "spiritual technology" is the Muse headband; a device that improves meditation while gamifying the experience via a mobile app.

Spiritech has already brought several products to market and has a roadmap to finalize development and deploy more consumer electronics into the space. Currently we are the pioneers of Cymatic Software, M1 Pure Liquid Monoatomics, Hydrolux a high PPM Portable Hydrogen Generator, and a Metaphysical Dataset paired with an A.I., creating the world's first benevolent A.I.

We currently have 3 products in our roadmap for future release. A lucid dream device, chakra maintenance and activation tool, and a water structuring and programming apparatus. These items have already been designed and have prototypes available.

Spiritech has also set its focus on IRL NFTs, seeing this market as a perfect forum to launch its newly designed "Relics". Relics are objects designed by Spiritechs with a functional artistic emphasis on high vibratory materials.

Monoatomics The monatomic matter (m-state) is a fifth state of matter which lies beyond the commonly known states (solid, liquid, gas and plasma) and which is characterized by exotic, quantum-like and only partially non-local behavior. Beyond the various theories that now crowd the arena of debate on the m-state matter (BEC, MSSM, zero point vacuum, diatomic mineral form), the monatomic elements exhibit a particular behavior and for this reason, they cannot be considered true chemical elements and even atomic matter in the classical sense of the term. Monatomic matter is actually a hybrid between the fermionic state and the Bose-Einstein condensates. The monatomic matter is NEVER in the metallic state or atomic one but always in a hybrid state. The atomic nuclei are in a superdeformed condition that generates a nuclear spin velocity greater than a conventional atom. Again, the monatomic state is an energy/matter identity, a sort of hybrid (superdeformed nuclear hybrid from which are derived the acronym SNH® and SDNH®) in which matter and energy remain at a high level of atomic quantization. At this level, you enter a completely new domain which requires a leap over the hurdle of academic science.

The monatomic matter yields interesting characteristics such as different matter identity, non-totally atomic, non-totally bosonic, non-totally fermionic and superconductivity. The superconductive behavior appears 8 to 9 C above standard ambient temperature (+28.235 C) and at temperatures slightly higher than -200 C with resistivity equal to 0.000. From our research, we state that monatomic matter is represented by clusters of atoms unbound together but apparently subsisting only in isolated groups. These groups differ in structure and polarity depending on the elements or groups of elements involved. Monatomic matter specifies itself as m-state elements, that are “mirrors” of the corresponding chemical periodic elements, but with a different electronic configuration and structural identity. These elements are in a different state. This new structural identity means that they cannot be detected by conventional analytical mainstream science but only by their atomic characteristics with special spectrometers, analyzers and accelerators used and/or modified to detect exotic matter.

Monatomic matter can be studied using the tools of condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. Therefore, their behavior follows a quantum thermodynamic and only in part classical thermodynamics. This means that their chemical separation leads to a non-isolate monatomic state, a diatomic state with half-monatomic characters. Monatomic elements can be isolated in a pure state, but only extracting them from metal or mineral vapors in an ionized plasma state, separating and purifying by means of accelerators.​​​ Monatomic Copper:​ M1 Pure Monatomic Copper has been used for thousands of years for its metaphysical properties.

It has now been enhanced via alchemical preparation.M1 Exotic matter is high-grade lab-made fuel for the non-local energetic body. Monatomic clusters to accelerate the energetic field.


​Monatomic Gold MFKZT:

M1 Pure Monatomic Gold is the transformed state of Au quintessence formulated as a superconductor. M1 MFKZT is premium exotic matter suspended in a state of high spin. M1 Pure Monatomic Gold is the transformed state of Au quintessence formulated as a superconductor. M1 MFKZT is premium exotic matter suspended in a state of high spin. It is associated with the powder of projection, the philosopher’s stone, and asymmetrical super-deformed hybrids. It is labeled as such because there is no net loss of energy when the exchange occurs between element and aspirant. Gold maintains the same frequency across the universe. MFKZT, a name given by the Kemetian when Gold is transferred into a non-local matter, was used by the ancients and alchemists to promote advanced metaphysical effects.

Cymatic Software​​​ CYMATIC SOFTWARE is a full featured and mathematically accurate Tonoscope emulator. It lets you create Chladni frequency patterns without the expense of traditional hardware needed for plate vibration research.

This program is great for science, art, and spiritual exploration. Explore well-known frequencies visually such as ancient Solfeggio tones, OM, notes on the piano, natural earth frequencies, crop circle frequencies, and more.You can program the software to generate thousands of Cymatic Patterns that correspond to the frequencies that you are inputting. Here are some important things to know:

You can save the generated images in Bitmap, PNG, JPG, and GIF formats.

Explore deep into Cymatics with the Random Pattern Generator.

Finally, see the shape behind sound without building costly Cymatic Machines.

Choose between Rectangle or Circle Plates, Plate Thickness, Surface Tension, and Sand Properties to precisely see your frequency of choice.


Computer Requirements

Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/VISTA/WINDOWS 7/WINDOWS 10 Compatible. Sorry no Apple.

After installing if you get any kind of error when opening the software you must install the free .NET Framework 4 by clicking here.

Known Issues with software:

For older computers, a temporary error will come up when using the tone changer slide. Simply press Continue.

When changing multiple settings especially out of parameters, some slider becomes unavailable “greyed out.” A simple closing and opening of the Cymatic Software is necessary to clear software cache.


1.For optimal results, make sure plate dimensions i.e., height and width are equal. Changing the size of the application screen also changes the actual size of the plate so keep this in mind when attempting to use full screen.

2.Slide Sand Properties Bar to the midpoint before doing anything with other buttons (this is very important). Select (Options Tab) from the top right corner of the Cymatic Software Interface. Change Default Tension Setting to 5.00 rather than 55.00. Do not change Surface Density.

3.Select (Find All Frequencies) Button located at the top left of the Cymatic Software Interface.

4.You can now use the (Tone) slider directly below the Sand Properties Bar to toggle through Cymatic Patterns and Frequencies. You can observe the pattern in the preview screen located on the bottom left of the screen before taking your finger off the mouse button which will allow it to be displayed on the plate. Also, you can get information on the frequency you are playing from the designated area on the left side towards the middle of the Cymatic Tonoscope Software Interface.

5.Keep in mind you can select the (Save) option any time to save Cymatic in JPG. PNG. or Gif formats.

6.When you want to tweak settings on the program, simply push the (reset) button to clear previous settings.


Hydrolux is the best molecular hydrogen water generator and here is why.

Safe Hydrogen Production

The Hydrogen generator market is saturated with cheap toxic devices that are often more dangerous than the health benefits they claim. This has prevented the world from knowing the true benefits of hydrogen. The creators of Hydrolux partnered with the pioneers of hydrogen science to produce a safe high-quality device.

Highest Hydrogen Concentration

Hydrolux produces over 3000 ppb of hydrogen per session, making it 2x more productive than the top hydrogen generator on the market currently. Unlike its competitor, the Lourdes Hydrofix which costs $2,499.00, the Hydrolux is more cost-efficient and has greater hydrogen production.

Patented Membrane and Pressure Sealing Cap

Each Hydrolux is equipped with a patented membrane and patent-pending cap. These components in conjunction with a double-walled glass chamber allow Hydrolux to exceed all previous efforts of infusing water with hydrogen amounts over 3000 ppb.

No Consumables

Hydrolux will produce hydrogen consistently with proper care and does not require expensive solutions and frequent membrane replacements like our competitors.


Hydrolux is portable and can be used multiple times on one charge. This allows you to consume hydrogen on the go! Hydrolux can also be used while being charged and can also be charged by an external USB battery.

Inhalation Apparatus (sold separately)

Hydrolux can be equipped with a Cannula with our special inhalation cap. This allows you to ingest hydrogen, which method studies say to have additional benefits.

Great Taste

here are endless health benefits to hydrogen consumption. However, the great taste of the water it produces is unmistakable. Molecular Hydrolyzed water is light and velvety and creates a noticeable difference in the water since it decreases the surface tension allowing high absorption. This promotes continuous consumption and hydration.

Authentic Clinical Research

The benefits of hydrogen are documented by doctors and chemists worldwide and ongoing research continues at the Molecular Hydrogen Institute. You can now have a device that can produce the right amount of hydrogen to enjoy those benefits. Want to learn more about the benefits of hydrogen for the body? See the following articles.​ Hydrogen Research​

Device Specifications​ Download the Manual​Holds 450ml of Molecular Hydrogen Water Per Serving Portable with USB charging capability Produces approximately 3000+ ppb per session Warranty Repair and replacement.

1.Hydrolux is backed by a 6-month limited warranty against malfunction. Any accidental or intentional damage to the device by the user will void this warranty. In such cases, the purchaser will be responsible for repair fees.

2.Warranty services should be done by an authorized Hydrolux repair facility. If your device is malfunctioning, please contact support.

Tibetan Medicine


The Tibetan medical system is one of the world's oldest known medical traditions. It is a complete metaphysical tradition encompassing all parts of the energetic bodies. It is practiced throughout Tibet/China and the Himalayan kingdoms of Bhutan, Nepal, Ladakh, and Sikkim. Refugee physicians have further brought Tibetan Medicine to India, Russia, Europe, and North America. The origins of Tibetan Medicine go back to the shamanistic Bon era of Tibet, pre-dating the arrival of Buddhism to the country. Aspects of traditional Chinese, Indian (Ayurvedic), as well as Persian and Greek medical systems, were incorporated through the centuries. The Five Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) are considered the basis of existence and its cycles. Another foundation of Tibetan Medicine is the traditional Buddhist belief, that all illness ultimately results from the three mental poisons: ignorance, attachment, and aversion. These correlate with the three primary bodies of Badkan (skrt.'Kapha'), rLung (skrt.:'Vata') and mKhrispa (skrt.'Pitta'). This is also dependent on each person's unique mental, emotional, and physical constitution along with circumstances such as illnesses that arise or healing that has been achieved.

The potency of Tibetan herbal medicine is unsurpassed. Complex formulas (typically containing 3-25 ingredients), include large amounts of unique Himalayan high altitude plants. These formulas were often formulated by great Buddhist sages and enlightened masters of the past. The medicine is finally blessed and empowered in medical rituals. A few of these potent treasures, the ones known to be especially safe, we are happy to share with you.

A Deep Dive into The Four Tantras

The basic text of Tibetan Medicine is called the "Four Tantras" and was taught by Buddha himself. All Tibetan physicians study it. Tantra means "lineage". It is composed of four books:

The entire text includes 156 chapters. Buddha gave the teachings of the Four Tantras in Benares (Varanasi, India) when he was 71 years old. He gave them in order to benefit sentient beings, not to allow doctors to become rich. For this reason, Tibetan Medicine stresses the attitude a physician should have. In the past, in India and Tibet, doctors would not present the patient with a fee. Patients would simply give an offering and if they did not, the doctor would not complain; his main goal was the practice.

The motivations that bring people to study the Four Tantras are diverse: to be healthy and live a long life; to practice the spiritual path; to accumulate richness; to be happy. Those who study this text to become rich have the wrong motivation and misunderstand the main goal, that is, to benefit others.

The text begins with a phrase in Sanskrit: Amrita hridaya angha ashta guhya upadesha tantra nama. Amrita hridaya means: "the essence of immortality". It indicates that the Four Tantras are like the amrita, the nectar of immortality. If we drink amrita, or if we study and follow these teachings, we become immortal. In Sanskrit amrita means: "immortality nectar"; hridaya means: "essence". Angha means: "branches", ashta means: "eight"; eight branches. Guya upadesha means: "secret oral transmission", an oral instruction that is not taught in public, instead, it is taught only to whom is truly interested and wishes to learn.

Whoever receives these teachings has to keep them secret. This introduction to Tibetan Medicine follows the medical thangka (painting) of the medicine tree (see picture above). The first medical thangkas date back to the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama. Desi Sangye Gyatso was a great master and he conceived 80 medical thangkas in order to offer some clear and immediately understandable outlines of Tibetan Medicine as well as to allow illiterate people to study medicine.

The Medicine Tree

The medicine tree has two main branches: the left one is the branch of health; the right, the branch of disease. At the basis of the general theory, we come to the three humors: wind, bile, and phlegm. These three humors exist in all of us, whether we are healthy or sick. The cause of their existence are the three poisons: hatred, attachment, and ignorance. The three mental poisons are the roots of the three humors and the three humors are the fruit of the three mental poisons. In the medicine tree, blue is the color for wind, yellow for bile, and green for phlegm. Inside our body, there are 7 constituents and 3 excretions. The essence of food, when transformed, produces these constituents. Waste is expelled through the three excretions. When this system works well, we are in good health. The number of chakras, three, five, nine and so on, varies according to the Tantra that explains them: each Tantra has a different chakra system. In the Tibetan medical system we consider five 5 chakras: the chakra of the head, throat, heart, navel, and secret chakra (at the genital organs).

​Shilajit : ​

Secret Energy Mountain Gold Shilajit.

With over 85+ minerals in ionic form with fulvic acid, our Shilajit is harvested in Ladakh at elevations of over 3000 meters. The raw substance is processed through an elaborate series of Ayurvedic stages to produce the pure elixir found here.

Benefits: Increased energy: Use your time efficiently when you feel a boost of vitality.

Higher intelligence: Sharpen your mind and strengthen your ability to comprehend the mysteries.

Better memory: Enjoy collecting gems of wisdom and store them effectively to share with others.

Detoxification: Free your system from toxic overload and revel in optimum health.

Oxygenation: Bathe your cells in oxygen, they will thank you!

Potency: Feel strong and mighty when you tap into your inner warrior.

Bone Strengthening: Sturdy bones are the building blocks of health.

Regeneration: Relish in a youthful glow as you age gracefully Virility: Feel the power of the creative force within.​​


Semde is a traditional Tibetan compound (Sem-kyi De-kyid or Sem-de) consists of 18 remedies meant for irritability, lack of concentration, mental dullness, stress, depression and other types of anxiety-related conditions.

Semde is a traditional Tibetan herbal compound hundreds of years old. It is known as (Sem-kyi De-kyid or Sem-de). Its name simply translates to “mental happiness” or “happiness of the mind.”

Semde consists of 18 remedies meant for irritability, lack of concentration, mental dullness, stress, persistent sadness, unhappiness, and other types of anxiety related conditions and depression. This includes mild, moderate, and even severe depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and “the blues.”​​


Chulen is a super-vitamin that restores the deep energy and replenishes what is needed. Created in a strict formula, it is prepared by the Lama and Doctor Ngawang Drakpais.

Chulen is created in a strict formulation process, it is prepared by the Lama and Doctor Ngawang Drakpa, a Tibetan physician in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is made according to strict instructions combining over 20 Ayurvedic remedies. This formula may help the body refuel, replenish, and restore vitality. Their primary use is as a super vitamin that replenishes deep energy in the body.

When taking the pills it is common to feel increased energy, surprising mental clarity, greater physical strength, less need for sleep, a decreased appetite, a more joyous mood, and a considerable deepening of spiritual practice and meditation. These pills are full of what the Tibetans call (jinlab) and change for the better will certainly accompany their regular use.​​


​Bimala, also known as Vimala, is a traditional Tibetan formula developed in the 8th century by the great Indian master Vimalamitra. It is widely utilized for conditions ranging from nervousness, stress, lack of concentration to insomnia and restlessness.

BIMALA is a chief remedy in Tibetan medicine (Dza ti 20). It is described thoroughly in Vimalamitra’s 84,000 healing therapies as an agent against mental instability, support for insomnia, inability to fall asleep, night waking, or simple restlessness.

Bimala works equally well for nervousness, sadness, lack of concentration, and forgetfulness. Often recommended for those on the spiritual path, meditators, and people who are seeking a more calm and balanced mind. In general, Agar 35 and Bimala can be used to treat similar conditions. People who ‘run cold’ should use Bimala, as it is slightly warming, while those who tend toward the hot end of the spectrum may find Agar 35 more supportive.​​

Agar 35:​

Agar 35 is a remedy for anxiety and stress complicated by heat and blood stasis. It manages internal imbalances that cause nervousness and attention deficit.

Agar 35 is a remedy for anxiety and stress complicated by heat and blood stasis. It manages internal imbalances that cause nervousness and attention deficit. The treatment principles for this multi-element solution are to course the liver, rectify the Qi, fortify the spleen, supplement the Qi, nourish the heart, quiet the spirit, transform phlegm, clear heat and quicken the blood.​​

​​Female Support:​

A premium Tibetan formula for balancing wind, blood, and female hormones. Cleanses and strengthens the channels and reproductive system while assisting in balancing emotions.

FEMALE SUPPORT is a premium formula for balancing wind, blood, and female hormones. Cleanses and strengthens the channels and reproductive system while assisting in balancing emotions.


Etherium is a naturally occurring monatomic in powder form. It has been purified by age on an ancient seabed in an area where geologists have determined a meteorite impact took place at least 12,000 years ago. This impact generated intensive heat, producing an abundance of natural monatomic elements. ​

Etherium Red:​ ETHERIUM RED integrates the thinking of the brain with the emotions of the heart. It can be very useful during times of difficult decisions. It promotes self-expression, creativity, and eloquence. May also be useful in promoting blood pressure levels already within normal range. Agonizing over decisions is very stressful. Once this occasional stress dissipates, your body promotes blood pressure levels within a normal range. ​

​​Etherium Pink:​ ETHERIUM PINK acts as a mood lifter and facilitates “letting go”. It can turn grief and sorrow into acceptance, or anger and jealousy into forgiveness. It gently soothes away the tension and reduces stress and frustration. Emotional balance is a foundation to our overall well-being. As a mood lifter, Etherium Pink can assist many to achieve wellness. Many who work with the Etherium powders begin with Etherium Pink. Before you can experience any true wellness, the issues creating emotional imbalances need to be resolved. ​

Etherium Gold: ​ ETHERIUM GOLD is the only monatomic gold product whose efficacy has been clinically researched and tested to promote brain function. Many people experience enhanced mental clarity, greater mind-body coordination, and improved learning ability.

ETHERIUM GOLD monatomic (or monoatomic) gold is also often referred to as white gold, or the acronyms ORMES and ORMUS. It has been clinically researched and tested to promote brain function. Many people experience enhanced mental clarity, improved learning ability, increased creativity, promote greater mind-body integration, calmer reactions to common, everyday stressful situations.

Etherium Gold's benefits also include the ability to stay more focused and attuned whenever you want to be more present in any situation. By helping high beta wave activity and alpha-wave activity, Etherium Gold has helped many with mild absentmindedness and nervous irritability.

​​Etherium Black:​ ETHERIUM BLACK supports your respiratory and immune system. It works electromagnetically rather than biochemically. In an acute situation, Etherium Black immediately neutralizes the effect the allergen is having on the body and the symptoms immediately dissipate. This is most useful in various forms of detoxification including chemical and alcoholic.

ETHERIUM BLACK is capable of detecting electromagnetic imbalances within any organism and neutralizing the waves and particles causing any disturbance. It is equally effective with thoughts, emotions, and physical imbalances.

Many successfully use Etherium Black for stress relief. Not only does it help reduce occasional stress itself, but it also helps to resolve the irritability that ruins your day. An event is an event. It is how you perceive it that turns it into either an opportunity or an obstacle. Etherium Black always helps move you into a relaxed state. If you are experiencing stress-related occasional sleeplessness, consider using Etherium Black for stress relief to help you get a good night’s sleep. ​ ​

​ ​Aulterra:​ AULTERRA balances and harmonizes the energy centers. This has an optimizing effect on DNA and improves the body’s utilization of food nutrients and other dietary supplements. Regular use of Aulterra enhances the potential for healthy longevity.

AULTERRA is a natural monatomic mineral formula. It is formulated from two naturally occurring trace mineral deposits, kelp, and a proprietary succession process. It is a multifaceted, multidimensional product that promotes a higher octave of energy throughout the body, allowing for electromagnetic healing and enabling the body to achieve states of health that may have been elusive in the past.

Cell Salts

A "salt" is any type of readily dissolvable mineral combination, not just table salt. Dr. Schüssler, a German doctor of the 19th century, was investigating various causes of illness. During his studies, the scientific work of Dr. Virchow, who discovered that the body is constructed of millions of cells, inspired Dr. Schüssler to figure out a way to treat disease by bringing the cells back into mineral balance so they could function properly.

It was also noted that when a cell is completely incinerated only 12 individual minerals make up the ash. Later, this became known as biochemical cell salts.

Most minerals are taken in a concentrated form, therefore, they cannot find their way to the single cells. Dr. Schüssler adapted the idea of diluting a substance similar to how it is done in homeopathy and applying it to the body. Because the mineral salts work inside the cells, they are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts".

As this is chemistry inside the biological body, they are sometimes called "biochemical cell salts" or "biochemical cell salts". Treatment with the cell salts by Dr. Schüssler is interpreted differently by his followers. Some see the cell salts as a stimulation therapy and others as a substitution method.

These homeopathically made biochemical cell salts found in the body naturally are not to be confused with homeopathic remedies. That is the method of treating symptoms with elements mostly foreign to the body that could produce a similar symptom reaction in the body in higher doses. You will find common uses of each salt below, however, supplied literature will render a more in-depth view. ​

​Calcium Sulphate - Calc Sulph:​ Calcium Sulphate is in our skin cells and our blood primarily to prevent and minimize suppuration (pus formation and mucus accumulation) and disintegration of cells.

CALCIUM SULPHATE Calcarea Sulph. The man who established the Cell Salts and his Biochemical Theory, Dr. W. H. Schuessler, discovered this remedy. Its source, calcium sulphate is in our skin cells and blood primarily to prevent/minimize suppuration (pus formation and mucus accumulation) and disintegration of cells. Calcium sulphate deficiency leads to slow moving, stagnant colds, and mucus conditions, as well as weak skin conditions. Thus the remedy, Calc sulph helps us clean out a variety of skin and mucus-related symptoms. ​ ​

Calcium Phosphate - Calc:​ Growth spurts, study headaches, and simple anemia are just the beginning of what this remedy can help growing children overcome. CALCIUM PHOSPHATE Calcarea Phos. Growth spurts, study headaches, and simple anemia are just the beginning of what this remedy can help growing children overcome. Yet we can all use its strengthening support from time to time. As the cellular building block of the cell salt remedies, Calc phos aids many conditions with structural stress, growth or weakness. ​ ​

​Bioplasma:​ Bioplasma is for cellular recovery. It is a combination of all 12 biochemical cell salts in one remedy. It is delivered 6x the strength, which is optimal for the combination. Bioplasma should be used to replenish all associated bodily mineral levels.

BIOPLASMA is for cellular recovery. It is a combination of all 12 biochemical cell salts in one remedy. It is delivered 6x the strength, which is optimal for the combination.

Bioplasma should be used to replenish all associated bodily mineral levels. While Bioplasma is a great general remedy, you should isolate specific cell salt deficiencies using the provided charts* for maximum benefit. ​

​Sodium Sulfate - Nat Sulph:​ This is the substance most involved in cell density and water distribution/elimination, sodium sulphate is a critical part of our liver, kidney, and cleansing systems.

This is the substance most involved in cell density and water distribution/elimination, sodium sulphate is a critical part of our liver, kidney and cleansing systems. While digestive symptoms are its forté, sodium sulphate’s cell salt, Nat sulph, has many useful respiratory, pain and mental/emotional applications.

Many famous Spa’s owe much of their reputation to this remedy’s source, sodium sulphate. ​ ​ ​ ​

Sodium Phosphate - Nat Phos:​ As defined in Scheussler’s Biochemistry, this cell salt’s primary role in the body is to decompose acids. Thus its remedy, Nat phos, offers an extremely safe way to treat a range of acid-related conditions in all ages and stages of life. The sodium phosphate in our digestive tracts breaks down stomach acids and regulates bile. When overwhelmed by fatty, bitter or sugar-filled foods and beverages, including alcohol, the body cannot make enough sodium phosphate to handle all the stomach acids needed for digestion. As a result, we get acid symptoms like heartburn, diarrhea, gas, sour belching, and a yellow coating on the back of the tongue.

In babies, Nat phos is a very natural gentle way to relieve colic, sour vomiting, and sour smelling green diarrhea. In children, Nat phos can ease the crash and headaches of sugar highs. As a safe source for heartburn relief during pregnancy, Nat phos is irreplaceable. Top of the head headaches and sick headaches with sour vomiting find relief in it whether due to morning sickness, dietary excesses or illness.

Cell Salts

A "salt" is any type of readily dissolvable mineral combination, not just table salt. Dr. Schüssler, a German doctor of the 19th century, was investigating various causes of illness. During his studies, the scientific work of Dr. Virchow, who discovered that the body is constructed of millions of cells, inspired Dr. Schüssler to figure out a way to treat disease by bringing the cells back into mineral balance so they could function properly. It was also noted that when a cell is completely incinerated only 12 individual minerals make up the ash. Later, this became known as biochemical cell salts. Most minerals are taken in a concentrated form, therefore, they cannot find their way to the single cells. Dr. Schüssler adapted the idea of diluting a substance similar to how it is done in homeopathy and applying it to the body.

Because the mineral salts work inside the cells, they are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts". As this is chemistry inside the biological body, they are sometimes called "biochemical cell salts" or "biochemical cell salts". Treatment with the cell salts by Dr. Schüssler is interpreted differently by his followers. Some see the cell salts as a stimulation therapy and others as a substitution method. These homeopathically made biochemical cell salts found in the body naturally are not to be confused with homeopathic remedies. That is the method of treating symptoms with elements mostly foreign to the body that could produce a similar symptom reaction in the body in higher doses. You will find common uses of each salt below, however, supplied literature will render a more in-depth view. ​​Calcium Sulphate - Calc Sulph:​ Calcium Sulphate is in our skin cells and our blood primarily to prevent and minimize suppuration (pus formation and mucus accumulation) and disintegration of cells. CALCIUM SULPHATE Calcarea Sulph. The man who established the Cell Salts and his Biochemical Theory, Dr. W. H. Schuessler, discovered this remedy. Its source, calcium sulphate is in our skin cells and blood primarily to prevent/minimize suppuration (pus formation and mucus accumulation) and disintegration of cells. Calcium sulphate deficiency leads to slow moving, stagnant colds, and mucus conditions, as well as weak skin conditions. Thus the remedy, Calc sulph helps us clean out a variety of skin and mucus-related symptoms. ​ ​ ​Calcium Phosphate - Calc:​ Growth spurts, study headaches, and simple anemia are just the beginning of what this remedy can help growing children overcome.

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE Calcarea Phos. Growth spurts, study headaches, and simple anemia are just the beginning of what this remedy can help growing children overcome. Yet we can all use its strengthening support from time to time. As the cellular building block of the cell salt remedies, Calc phos aids many conditions with structural stress, growth or weakness. ​ ​

​​Bioplasma:​ Bioplasma is for cellular recovery. It is a combination of all 12 biochemical cell salts in one remedy. It is delivered 6x the strength, which is optimal for the combination. Bioplasma should be used to replenish all associated bodily mineral levels.

BIOPLASMA is for cellular recovery. It is a combination of all 12 biochemical cell salts in one remedy. It is delivered 6x the strength, which is optimal for the combination. Bioplasma should be used to replenish all associated bodily mineral levels. While Bioplasma is a great general remedy, you should isolate specific cell salt deficiencies using the provided charts* for maximum benefit. ​​​Sodium Sulfate - Nat Sulph:​ This is the substance most involved in cell density and water distribution/elimination, sodium sulphate is a critical part of our liver, kidney, and cleansing systems. This is the substance most involved in cell density and water distribution/elimination, sodium sulphate is a critical part of our liver, kidney and cleansing systems. While digestive symptoms are its forté, sodium sulphate’s cell salt, Nat sulph, has many useful respiratory, pain and mental/emotional applications. Many famous Spa’s owe much of their reputation to this remedy’s source, sodium sulphate. ​ ​Sodium Phosphate - Nat Phos:​ As defined in Scheussler’s Biochemistry, this cell salt’s primary role in the body is to decompose acids. Thus its remedy, Nat phos, offers an extremely safe way to treat a range of acid-related conditions in all ages and stages of life. The sodium phosphate in our digestive tracts breaks down stomach acids and regulates bile. When overwhelmed by fatty, bitter or sugar-filled foods and beverages, including alcohol, the body cannot make enough sodium phosphate to handle all the stomach acids needed for digestion. As a result, we get acid symptoms like heartburn, diarrhea, gas, sour belching, and a yellow coating on the back of the tongue. In babies, Nat phos is a very natural gentle way to relieve colic, sour vomiting, and sour smelling green diarrhea. In children, Nat phos can ease the crash and headaches of sugar highs. As a safe source for heartburn relief during pregnancy, Nat phos is irreplaceable. Top of the head headaches and sick headaches with sour vomiting find relief in it whether due to morning sickness, dietary excesses or illness.


Didn't want to add all the uses but I can just let me know. Colloids are nanoparticles of metallic elements suspended in pure water. The nanoparticles in our colloids are a few nanometers in diameter (a nanometer is a billionth of meter).

These particles are so small they can only be seen by the most powerful electron microscopes available today. For instance, an atom of gold is about 0.288 nanometers in diameter, so the gold nanoparticles in our colloids are only about eleven times the diameter of a single gold atom. These particles stay suspended in pure deionized water and do not fall to the bottom. It is these suspended particles that make our elements true colloids.​

​​Ionic Nano Zinc:​ Zinc is an antioxidant nutrient which aids in protein synthesis and wound healing. It is vital for the development of the reproductive organs. Zinc supports healthy prostate functions and male hormone activity. It governs the contractibility of muscles which is important for blood stability.

IONIC NANO ZINC is an all-natural mineral supplement. Contains only pure pharmaceutical grade water and .999 pure zinc particles. High purity zinc 0.999 with a concentration of 7 ppm (minimum) of zinc nanoparticles. Zinc is an antioxidant nutrient which aids in protein synthesis and wound healing. It is vital for the development of the reproductive organs.

Zinc supports healthy prostate functions and male hormone activity. It governs the contractibility of muscles which is important for blood stability. Zinc maintains the body’s alkaline balance and helps in normal tissue function and aids in the digestion and metabolism of phosphorus.

Zinc is a mineral that is essential to the synthesis of DNA and RNA, proteins, insulin and sperm. The body needs zinc to metabolize carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol and to dispose of carbon dioxide and make good use of vitamin A. More than seventy different enzymes require zinc to perform their function.​​​​​​

Colloidal Silica:​ Colloidal silica is an all natural dietary mineral supplement. It is not an ionic silica. It is made using the highest purity, sterile, reagent grade deionized water, and has a high bioavailability due to small particle size.


Contains only pure pharmaceutical grade deionized water and .999 pure silica particles. Concentration: 600 ppm (minimum) of silica nanoparticles.


An essential element in the body.

Promotes healthy skin and rejuvenates collagen and elastin.

Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Supports healthy skin, cartilage, and tendon regeneration.

​​​​Colloidal Platinum:​ Platinum specializes in tissue regeneration for those who engage in rigorous workouts that often take the body to its limits. Gaining apex physical health can be obtained by going straight for the platinum when rebuilding from intense training. Colloidal platinum also promotes increased libido in both males & females.

COLLOIDAL PLATINUM is an all natural mineral supplement consisting of nanometer particles of 0.9995 pure platinum suspended in pure deionized water. Colloidal Platinum does not interact with or interfere with other supplements, vitamins or medications. Colloidal Platinum specializes in tissue regeneration for those who engage in rigorous workouts that often take the body to its limits. Colloidal platinum also promotes increased libido in both males & females.

Colloidal Platinum is reported to promote healthy tissue regeneration. It is believed to increase the electrical transmission across the synapses within the brain to promote general tissue regeneration of the neurological tissues.


Promotes increased mental focus and concentration.

Promotes enhanced mental acuity.

Supports healthy tissue regeneration of the heart tissue, thymus, and the entire endocrine system.

Promotes increased creativity.

​​​​​Colloidal Iridium:​ ​ ​

Artificial Intelligence

Using advance technologies for spiritual growth.

The sea of knowledge is infinite yet a given segment of human life is finite. How do we obtain the wisdom that will serve us best in the current moment while filtering out other information that may seem equally as important? Our answer is BAI, the world's first Benevolent A.I., designed with a metaphysical dataset from the ground up to intuitively suggest spiritual content that is perfect for the stage of the journey you are on.

BAI Widget Loaded with thousands of articles and curated content, embedded with exact metadata, BAI can serve up unique recommendations to all site users based on their personal interests and Ennealogy Path. This includes site users that are near you and on the same vibe along with video and written knowledge on the subjects that you find most important and want to dive further into. BAI is powered by a robust algorithm and industry standard artificial intelligence.

Sevan Bomar is a multidisciplinary serial entrepreneur and founder of Spiritech. Author of the Code to the Matrix and lead developer at Secret Energy he is constantly engaged in creating technologies and applications for advancing human transformation.

Sevan designed and deployed the worlds first conscious social network ecosystem while becoming a now seasoned motivational speaker with hundreds of speeches and courses that blend the complex laws of metaphysics with daily life. Armed with a universal blueprint and an unwavering passion to unlock the uniqueness in others, he is driven by the metamorphosis witnessed in those that have applied his teachings, mentorship, and experience to their lives.

Born in Detroit to a family of nine brothers and sisters he was forced to grow up fast and overcome traumatic shortcomings and stereotypes. Always leading with a keen sense of creativity and an ability to absorb the knowledge of often unrelated subjects, he achieved a variety of accolades in the field of technological and spiritual development. Remaining lighthearted no matter the gravitas of the subject, his maxim remains "All is Self" and insists that the journey here continues infinitely until we realize this.


We all must have a code we live by or suffer the bending of age. MandamusOur Tribe is a complete spectrum pioneering the necessary exploration of communal connection and regeneration. We have identified the following principles as the core ideals of our family.

0. The Children

Our allegiance is to treat every child as our own in total awareness that our balanced future is solidified by the value and attention we place into those coming after us.

1. Wholeness and Balance Vibrations

Our intention is to be complete while projecting equilibrium through our personal frequencies governed by our actions. We all remain responsible for the energy we bring to each other. In the end, what will remain will be the Truth; we sojourn to restore its place which will end the error of suffering.

2. All is Self

This is the highest maxim. Our journey reveals the unified fiber between everything connecting a vast network of endless possibilities. The math/Maat is accurate we all descend from a unified totality.

3. Sovereignty

We pursue the state of "Ama-Gi" or no debt. We recognize the necessity of generating our own powers both physical and metaphysical. We are mindful of our footprint on Earth and monitor our progress towards total sustainability.

4. Value

Value is in time and preservation. Eyes open we recognize the intricate detail and intelligence of nature and the importance of its conservation. We pledge to embed our endeavors and creations with our best intentions in order to create a priceless quality that can withstand the test of time.

5. Legacy

Infinity transcends the physical reality through the children of the world. We invent, pioneer, unite and build for them. They will continue our mission of maintaining an advanced decentralized Tribe of prosperity.

6. Honor

The strength of our foundation is dependent upon how each Tribe member upholds this Creed and Charter not when in the presence of other members but out of sight of any eyes. Let us maintain honor and integrity around this vision made manifest.

The same members shall not be part of more than one of the following: the Executive SubDAO and the Compliance Sub-DAO. When a decentralized identity solution is integrated into the DAO, members of these committees shall prove their unique identity using the said solution.

The Main DAO can deploy a new Sub-DAO, be given control over an already deployed DAO, dissolve an existing Sub-DAO, or spin-off a Sub-DAO as an independent DAO at any point in time.

Each Sub-DAO shall have its own operating agreement outlining at a minimum the responsibilities of its members which shall be listed as an Appendix to the Secret Energy Foundation Charter.

In case of conflict between agreements, The Secret Energy Foundation Charter shall prevail over any Sub-DAO operating agreement.

Treasuries & Permissions

Investment Vault: The reserve treasury of Creator DAO. Used to fund Sub-DAOs and/or to obtain yield.

Any WOL NFT Holders can make proposals for Financial Proposals as described in the Financial Proposals section of this C-GP process document.

Operations Vault: The main treasury of Creator DAO. Used to fund operations and make strategic fundings.

Any WOL NFT Holder can make proposals for Financial Proposals as described in the Financial Proposals section of this SEF-GP process document.

Any wallet with permissions for the Executive DAO (i.e. any member of the Executive DAO) can program and delete Financial Actions in the Executive Sub-DAO as per the Executive Sub-DAO operating agreement.

Additional Treasuries

Sub-DAOs are not allowed to create additional treasuries under the exclusive control of the Sub-DAO (and outside of the control of the Main DAO) unless approved by a majority vote of WOL NFT Holders.

The Main DAO may create additional treasuries through a majority vote of WOL NFT Holders.


Any WOL NFT Holders can create a Proposal in the Main DAO. Any Sub-DAO may remove a scheduled proposal at any time (e.g. Veto right) should they have the power to do so as per their operating agreement and as per this Charter.

All proposals must comply with the Requirements for Proposals & the specific format and process for the type of proposal as follows:

The Requirements for Proposals

Public deliberation: all proposals must be shared during the public deliberation phase in the Secret Energy Foundation Discord Server, unless these services are unavailable.

Voting period: the vote on Creator DAO Snapshot or SuperDAO platform must be at least 7 days.

Scheduling: once approved, proposals are automatically scheduled for execution 5 days after the end of the vote.

Collateral: the proposer must put 1 WOL NFT as collateral during the voting period. This collateral might be slashed if the proposal is challenged in the Secret Energy Foundation Board and ruled to violate any provision of this Charter.

Types of Proposals

Financial Proposals: any type of financial transfer of any asset that has a monetary value from the Main DAO or any Sub-DAO. Elections Proposals: any type of proposal that gives/removes wallet permissions from the Sub-DAOs Other Proposals: any other type of proposal (including Meta-governance Proposals, code submissions, parameter changes, etc).

Process for Financial Proposals and/or Other Proposals

Public deliberation phase: A post with the draft of the proposal is posted in the Secret Energy Foundation Discord for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days with the format:

1.Title of Proposal (in the format “Financial Proposal:[title]”)

2.Description of the Action

3.Description of why the author believes it will help to increase the number of Active Creator DAO members.

By default, all Financial Proposals involving a deliverable should use an Escrow (see Additional Definitions). In cases where the use of an Escrow is omitted, a justification must be included in the Description. Greet.me shall be the default Escrow provider for Financial Proposals.

1.And suggested optional: ETH Wallet address of the author(s) and/or other identifiers

Voting: the proposal (or a revised version of the proposal incorporating the community’s feedback) is posted for a vote on Secret Energy Foundation Voice.

For calculating voting power, 1 WOL NFT = 1 Vote.

Approval: a proposal is deemed approved and scheduled for execution if the following conditions are reached:

Quorum: a specified minimum will be determined to vote.

Support: The vote shall be deemed as “passed” with a simple majority (>50%) of the participating WOL NFT Holders having voted in favor.

When a proposal includes a code submission, the Tech Committee has up to 14 days to decide and communicate via a post in Secret Energy Foundation Discord whether a proposal will be:

a) Accepted and incorporated. b) Submitted to a 3rd party audit to determine its safety (conditional on the Operations Vault having the necessary funds). c) Rejected as malicious, technically infeasible, or economically infeasible (if an audit is required and the Operations Vault lacks the necessary funds to cover the costs of the audit).

Process for Elections in sequential order

Public deliberation phase: A post with the draft of the proposal is posted in the Secret Energy Foundation Discord for a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 30 days with the format:

Title of Proposal (in the format “Election:[title]”)

Description of the Action (including what permissions will be given/removed for which DAO/Sub-DAO)

In the event of the election being proposed before the stipulated in the agreements of the Sub-DAO, add a description of why an advanced election is needed

And suggested optional: ETH Wallet address of the author(s) and/or other identifiers.

Sourcing Candidates: Candidates can be proposed (and/or propose themselves) by replying to the Forum post (only one candidate per post reply) in the following format:

Identifier: their ETH wallet address (and optional their name, discord handle, twitter handle, and other identifiers)

Rationale: description of why they are an ideal candidate for the position

Voting: top 10 candidates with the highest number of upvotes in the Secret Energy Foundation Discord will be put forward to a vote using Snapshot or SuperDAO.

In the event of the election being proposed before the frequency stipulated in the operating agreement of the Sub-DAO (if any), the vote must also include the option to keep the current permissions even if the current wallets were not amongst the top 10 candidates.

Treasuries & Permissions

Investment Vault: The reserve treasury of Creator DAO. Used to fund Sub-DAOs and/or to obtain yield.

Any WOL NFT Holders can make proposals for Financial Proposals as described in the Financial Proposals section of this C-GP process document.

Operations Vault: The main treasury of Creator DAO. Used to fund operations and make strategic fundings.

Any WOL NFT Holder can make proposals for Financial Proposals as described in the Financial Proposals section of this SEF-GP process document.

Any wallet with permissions for the Executive DAO (i.e. any member of the Executive DAO) can program and delete Financial Actions in the Executive Sub-DAO as per the Executive Sub-DAO operating agreement.

Additional Treasuries

Sub-DAOs are not allowed to create additional treasuries under the exclusive control of the Sub-DAO (and outside of the control of the Main DAO) unless approved by a majority vote of WOL NFT Holders.

The Main DAO may create additional treasuries through a majority vote of WOL NFT Holders.


Any WOL NFT Holders can create a Proposal in the Main DAO. Any Sub-DAO may remove a scheduled proposal at any time (e.g. Veto right) should they have the power to do so as per their operating agreement and as per this Charter. All proposals must comply with the Requirements for Proposals & the specific format and process for the type of proposal as follows:

The Requirements for Proposals

Public deliberation: all proposals must be shared during the public deliberation phase in the Secret Energy Foundation Discord Server, unless these services are unavailable.

Voting period: the vote on Creator DAO Snapshot or SuperDAO platform must be at least 7 days.

Scheduling: once approved, proposals are automatically scheduled for execution 5 days after the end of the vote.

Collateral: the proposer must put 1 WOL NFT as collateral during the voting period. This collateral might be slashed if the proposal is challenged in the Secret Energy Foundation Board and ruled to violate any provision of this Charter.

Types of Proposals

Financial Proposals: any type of financial transfer of any asset that has a monetary value from the Main DAO or any Sub-DAO. Elections Proposals: any type of proposal that gives/removes wallet permissions from the Sub-DAOs Other Proposals: any other type of proposal (including Meta-governance Proposals, code submissions, parameter changes, etc).

Approval & Execution

In the exceptional case that two proposed users gain the same number of votes, the winner will be the candidate who reached the tying number of votes first.

E.g. Candidate A and B both tied at 7 votes, Candidate A wins because it reached 7 votes a day before Candidate.

If votes are submitted in the same block, repeat the vote.


Disputes between members that can not be addressed through facilitation or mediation, and disputes related to proposals shall be resolved using Secret Energy Foundation Court. The losing party shall reimburse the winning party for any Secret Energy Foundation Court fees incurred by the winning party. Failing that, the Executive DAO shall reimburse said fees.

Sub-DAO AgreementsAgreementsThe Sub-DAO is bound primarily to the Secret Energy Foundation Charter, and secondarily to its own rules and/or Agreements.MembershipThe Sub-DAO shall initially consist of 3 members.

In the first year since the creation of the Sub-DAO, 2 of these members will be elected by the Secret Energy Foundation and 1 member will be elected through an election proposal in the Main DAO.

In year 2, 1 of these members will be elected by the Secret Energy Foundation and 2 members will be elected through an election proposal in the Main DAO.

In year 3, all members will be elected through an election proposal in the Main DAO.

The term of each member shall be of 1 year.

Should multiple Committee members be reelected for more than 3 consecutive terms, the member that has been elected for the longest period of time will be discharged and replaced with a new Committee member. The discharged member(s) can be reelected after 2 years.

Only natural persons can be members of the Sub-DAO, verified using a decentralized identity solution, chosen by the Main DAO.

Termination Of Membership If a member commits a serious breach (as determined by the Main DAO) of the Charter, the Main DAO may at any time remove said member of a Sub-DAO. The member may appeal the decision using Secret Energy Foundation Court.

All proposals for termination will be carried out by an Secret Energy Foundation Discord vote.

Any appeals shall be carried out using Secret Energy Foundation Court.

Executive Sub-DAOResponsibilitiesIn particular the Executive DAO has the following powers:

Pay members of other Sub-DAOs.

Make grants to other community members at their discretion, providing:

a. Such transactions are disclosed transparently on the Secret Energy.xyz website. b. An Escrow is used to hold funds until the completion of the agreed-upon deliverable. c. The deliverable has been fully assessed by the members of the Executive DAO.3. Pay suppliers of Creator DAO, Sub DAO's, and the Secret Energy Foundation, providing such transactions are disclosed transparently on the Secret Energy.xyz website. Executive DAO members have the following responsibilities:

Keep an up-to-date record of their activities and use of funds.

Hold a General Meeting (online or offline) every fortnight and keep a record of the meeting available to the SE Token Holders.

Not miss any more than 3 consecutive General Meetings without providing a valid excuse (medical or force majeure) or a public explanation to WOL NFT Holders.

Decision Making ProcessThe Executive DAO uses a lazy-consensus process as follows:

Any member of the Executive DAO can schedule an action in the DAO.

If another member disagrees or wishes to discuss said action, provided that said action has not been backed by a majority vote of the Executive DAO members in Creator DAO snapshot or SuperDAO voting, they can:

1.Speak directly with the member who scheduled the action, preferably through a channel that’s readable asynchronously by the community

2.If needed, cancel the scheduled action to provide enough time for the discussion.

If the discussion between members doesn’t lead to an agreement or can not be scheduled soon enough (as determined subjectively by each member), each member of the executive DAO can trigger a vote of the Executive DAO members using Creator DAO snapshot or SuperDAO Voting to resolve the dispute through a simple majority. The vote must be open for a minimum of 4 days and no longer than 14 days.The vote’s result will be invalid if:

Not all Committee members vote AND the voting period has lasted less than 14 days or longer than 30 days. For clarity, if all Committee members vote, the vote will be considered valid irrespective of the duration.

Less than 50% of Committee members have voted.

Tech Committee Sub-DAOResponsibilities In particular, the Tech Committee DAO has the following responsibilities.

Review technical proposals in the Main DAO and Sub-DAOs to assess them from a technical risk perspective.

Remove technical proposals in the Main DAO and Sub-DAOs that represent a material-technical risk to the project.

Approve technical proposals they believe would be beneficial to the Creator DAO and/or the Secret Energy Foundation and DO NOT require a 3rd party technical security audit due to being low risk.

Suspend technical proposals they believe would not be beneficial to the Creator DAO and/or the Secret Energy Foundation, pending the completion of a 3rd party technical security audit.

When needed, add approved proposals to GitHub and other repositories and merge the code.

Maintaining a list of whitelisted technical security auditors they deem to be sufficiently competent to audit Creator DAO smart contracts.

Decision-Making Process The Tech Committee decides on a simple majority basis through Creator DAO snapshot or SuperDAO Voting of the Tech Committee members. The vote’s result will be invalid if:

Not all Committee members vote AND the voting period has lasted less than 14 days or longer than 30 days. For clarity, if all Committee members vote, the vote will be considered valid irrespective of the duration.

Less than 50% of Committee members have voted.

Compliance Committee Sub-DAOResponsibilities In particular the Compliance Committee DAO has the following responsibilities:

Reviewing all proposals in the AN DAO and any-sub DAO for compliance with this Charter and overall legal compliance, providing feedback to proposal creators where appropriate.

Remove any proposals they deem to be non-compliant with any part of this Charter or illegal.

Legal Responsibility The Compliance Committee members assume full legal responsibility for the approval of any illegal, unlawful, criminal or fraudulent proposal. Decision-Making Process The Compliance Committee DAO operates on an lazy-consensus veto basis as follows:

Any member of the Compliance Committee Sub-DAO may cancel or delay an action in the Main DAO or Sub-DAOs.

If the other members disagree with the decision, they can call a vote of the Committee using Secret Energy Voice and get the decision overturned through a simple majority vote. The losing party may choose to ragequit (leave the Sub-DAO) before the decision is enacted.

The vote’s result will be invalid if:

Not all Committee members vote AND the voting period has lasted less than 7 days or longer than 30 days. For clarity, if all Committee members vote, the vote will be considered valid irrespective of the duration.

Less than 50% of Committee members have voted.

Key Definitions

Active Creator DAOs: DAOs created using the smart contract provided by the Secret Energy Foundation, that have enacted at least 1 decision in the past month.

Creator DAO: a network of WOL NFT Holders and the organizations and technology created by them to pursue the goals and live the values defined in the Secret Energy Foundation Manifesto. Including but not limited to:

The Secret Energy Foundation DAO, WOL NFT Holders, their affiliates, employees, contributors, licensors and service providers, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, parent companies, successors, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives.

Secret Energy Foundation Charter: the whole of this document (“this Charter”), which consists of the human-interpreted rules of the Secret Energy Foundation and is subdivided in the following human-readable documents: • The Secret Energy Foundation DAO Agreement: the responsibilities and rights of WOL NFT Holders.• The Secret Energy Foundation Manifesto: the values and the mission of the Secret Energy Foundation. • The Community Guidelines: the norms of behavior between WOL NFT Holders. The C-GP Process: the Creator DAO Governance Proposal process used by WOL NFT Holders to govern Creator DAO. Creator DAO: a DAO (an open coordination protocol based on open blockchain technology) that aims to facilitate the governance of the Secret Energy Foundation tools, infrastructure and other common resources. Creator DAO is governed by WOL NFT Holders according to the C-GP Process and includes one or more Sub-DAOs also bound by this Charter. CREATE: the future native token of Creator DAO

CREATE is used for the governance of Creator DAO and other forms of participation in the Secret Energy Foundation.

Secret Energy Foundation Court: a smart contract-based dispute resolution system governed by WOL NFT Holders. Creator DAO Snapshot or SuperDAO Voting: A token-based voting client with universally verifiable results and deterministic execution. Community Member: any WOL NFT Holder participating in the communication platforms, including Secret Energy’s Foundation Discord server, Secret Energy's Foundation Telegram group, Secret Energy Foundation Forum, Creator DAO, online and offline gatherings, and/or other groups and platforms of the Secret Energy Foundation. Financial Actions: any on-chain action that transfers, exchanges, or stakes tokens held by the Creator DAO or Sub-DAOs.

Extra Definitions

Creator DAO and the Secret Energy Foundation Community Platforms: the platforms used for regular communication by the WOL NFT Holders and managed by either the Secret Energy Foundation or Creator DAO. They include but are not restricted to Secret Energy Foundation Discord Server, Secret Energy.xyz, Secret Energy Foundation GitHub and Gitbook repository, and online and offline events organized under Secret Energy Foundation. Creator DAO: the Secret Energy Foundation organization addressed by the ENS name secretenergy.xyz , encompassing all apps installed on this organization. DAO: an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, with fluid affiliation or membership through participation, and that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

ENS: a smart contract-based naming system. ENS names are registered using the registry deployed at the Ethereum address "".

Escrow: a contractual arrangement in which a third party (the stakeholder or escrow agent) receives and disburses money or property for the primary transacting parties, with the disbursement dependent on conditions agreed to by the transacting parties.

Ethereum blockchain: The blockchain referred to as “Ethereum” by the owner of the Ethereum trademark, the Ethereum Foundation (Stiftung Ethereum).

Guardian: natural person (represented by a wallet address) that is eligible to be drafted to rule upon disputes in Secret Energy Foundation Court. If a guardian is summoned, it must vote to allow or block the action being disputed, and can be rewarded (earn tokens) or punished (lose tokens) depending if they voted with the majority (default interpretation) or against it. The protocol is designed so that Guardians do not know each other and do not have contact when they are summoned.

IPFS network: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol, whose project website is located at https://ipfs.io. The public network makes files accessible to any internet-connected device running a compatible implementation of the IPFS software.

Metagovernance (“Metagov”): refers to the process(es) to change the governance processes of Creator DAO.

Network contract: The computer-interpreted source code of a smart contract governed by SE Token Holders.

Network parameters: The current parameters of smart contracts governed by WOL NFT Holders, which can be modified without amending the source code of the smart contract itself.

Proposal: any suggested amendment to Creator DAO and/or the Foundation contracts, Foundation parameters, the Agreements of Creator DAO and the Secret Energy Foundation (i.e. Secret Energy Foundation Charter and composing agreements), and Agreements of any Sub-DAOs.

Smart contract: a software program deployed to a blockchain. Off-Chain: refers to any action or data entry that is not recorded on a blockchain or other type of distributed ledger where the smart contract (or version of it) is deployed or connected to so as to have verifiable and tamper-proof records.

On-Chain: refers to any action or data entry that is recorded on a blockchain or other type of distributed ledger where the smart contract (or version of it) is deployed or connected to so as to have verifiable and tamper-proof records.

Optimistic Governance: the process of decisions being enacted with a time delay which allows time for a decision to be challenged. If a decision is not disputed then the change is enacted at the end of 25 the time delay. This allows for much faster decision-making and strategy decisions to be made.

History 2010 - current

FACTS AND FIGURES The Code to the Matrix, a book written by founder Sevan Bomar went viral on its second day with over 500,000 downloads! Astral Quest had the largest spiritual library on the internet with over 20,000 books.

Secret Energy has over 40,000 Tribe Members as of this writing.

We have grown our Youtube organically to 150,000 Subscribers.

In the first year, The Resistance had over 1300+ blogs about spirituality, ranking #1 on Google for the keyword “the resistance.”

Sevan Bomar did Lightning in a Bottle in 2016, taking the network to another all-time high with interaction.

Spiritech has over 15000+ Affiliate Specialists and 400+ Ambassadors in its Affiliate Program!

The Secret Energy store carries over 120+ holistic products many of which are developed by Secret Energy.

The faction has its own school dubbed The Innerversity that is already in its 3rd Semester!

Created Unobtrusive marketing for Profit Sharing!

Manufactured Hydrolux the first portable molecular hydrogen water generator with 3000ppb+

Developed high-grade Monoatomics

Who We Are

WHO WE ARE Around the world, millions have come to know our creations which have increased their belief and awareness of Self. Through this organic connection, lives have been enhanced. We have manifested a strong web presence of spiritual networks, conscious media, holistic supplements, metaphysical courses, mindful electronics, digital assets, and conscious partnerships.

ABOUT A MINDFUL Co. Making advanced metaphysical knowledge and mindful applications modernized and accessible to the world.


Those words embody the core of our faction. Since the Seeker themselves are the central character in the theme, we create intrinsic experiences catered to enacting their higher awareness. What we have received in response is pure loyalty, gratitude, and connection. With these treasures, we have created an incentivized conscious ecosystem where your participation is the highest value.

A SOVEREIGN FUTURE Mindful places the highest emphasis on becoming a sustainable and sovereign entity. As we continue to expand, we recognize the energetic mismanagement caused by both the economic and business structures of our time. Mindfulness introduces a new approach that is symbiotic and productive. We have proven that metaphysical empowerment creates world changes and we have set these major milestones.

All Mindful operations and facilities will function sustainably on renewable energy and they will utilize our incentivized ecosystem for Co-Creators. We will expand our efforts to bring metaphysical awareness to the largest cultures of the world in their language with the most effective style of learning. We will herald the continued awareness and happiness of the human family, strengthen its roots, and increase its innate value.

PRINCIPLE AND DISCIPLINES Mindful is married to its purpose as it defines its culture through intelligence both logical and gnostic. We are tuned into our surroundings and this makes us sensitive to its needs and synchronistic with our productions. Our keys to remaining in tune with the highest truth are rooted in these principles.

PILLARS FOR THE CHILDREN The gateway to the children are the parents. Our efforts, which include Open Source Spirituality, have engaged the frontline of spiritual, mental, and physical education to create a balanced home and family. Reinforcing a reward-based system, a toxin-free diet, and a careful look at traditional vs modern medical practices, we challenge our audience of families to set a new trend that features healthy living and awakened households fortified against opportunists.

We continue to scale up our collaborations with NGOs such as Chess & Community to bring the spirit of ingenious pioneering to every fold and crevice in reality, especially when children are involved.

MASTERS OF WELLNESS Secret Energy and Spiritech are at the forefront of advanced applications for the metaphysical health field. Its R & D is extensive as it continues to invent, manufacture, and distribute components that accelerate awareness and trailblaze the field of advanced spiritual technologies.

The Secret Energy brand is already in effect with products such as Secret Energy Monatomics, Secret Energy Salve, Secret Energy Regeneration Creme, and Secret Energy Salts. These special formulas equipped with medical analysis are already in constant demand due to their organic nature, effective formulas, and high-quality ingredients.

Since our humble beginnings, all networks remain fortified with an emphasis on the internal versus the external. This centers around examining water, supplements, food, exercise, emotional stability, and all forms of intake to create and sustain a harmonic way of life.

AN ALCHEMICALLY CONSCIOUS FUTURE Mindful uses metrics such as Human Design, Life Paths, and systems that explore individual uniqueness to align its Co-Creators metaphysically when engaging in projects; thus allowing them to reach their greatest potential together.

All our projects are built with energetic properties in mind as we intend to maintain balance throughout the life of our endeavors. Remaining conscious about the temperament and condition of the invisible forces is a major key to the success of our ventures. Water and Air are amongst the most powerful elements yet they are virtually invisible.

The Mindful headquarters and conjoining facilities are currently based in Costa Rica as we all converge and connect with the power of nature which fortifies and regenerates our Tribe and gives them organic connection and strength. This environment lends itself to the future forward projections of a hyper startup.

UNIFYING A UNIVERSE The Sovereignty 2020 plan evokes liberation and demands that we continue to increase our efforts in achieving zero dependencies on the centralized banking and power structure. It will accomplish this by joining the DAO with trustless utilities and incentivized protocols.

PhiAqua, the world’s first water programmer, is our advent into cleaner healthier water practices. Our inventions advance the world awareness about the wonders of water and its mostly unknown applications.

We remain vigilant in the cause of uniting colors, species, and creeds through the clear proofs gained while experiencing heightened self-awareness through a variety of physical and non-physical stimulus.

A Mindful Company Our products, services, and brands are carefully curated by our Mindful Quality Control to ensure ethical development and uniformity throughout the lifespan of the venture.

We have solidified the future rights to premium harvests and supplies of ingredients such as Parental Grade Magnesium, and Shilajit of the highest quality, which make up the core base for our future formulas.

Our ecosystem is designed to engage the maximum potential of its participants by synthesizing them together and merging their efforts into the Mindful commune, a returning to the higher Self.


REASON & CREED When an ideology put through the paces is placed in black and white, the intentions become clear. We take full responsibility for our actions and look to create and maintain all engagements at their highest standard. All power and force gained by our faction are distributed into the lives we touch which effects the environment around them.

The basis to our organic grid is the realization that harmonics means to have a position throughout the spectrum. As we synchronize with more Seekers, Specialists, Ambassadors, and Creators, the Creed serves to unite us in the cause of interaction, engagement, and cultivation.

INTEGRITY We are in a world that is constantly expanding its expressions. Many actions are new and still in the test phase of their overall impact on the species. Because of this, we learn to be flexible, however, in our core foundation, we stand on our principles and morals. Placing emphasis on integrity is key since this is all about Self-governance. Integrity is the action of bringing your greatest capacity into every moment regardless of who is in observance.

CO-CREATORS The construction of greatness remains in the solidity of its foundation and the perfection of its trusses. Mindful Co is a strong ally in the ventures it chooses to join, its confirmation of participation ensures its partners will gain leverage in all fields seen and unseen.

GROUND ZERO TO ZERO POINT Knowing where you come from is key to seeing the impressive growth made. Interacting with the worldwide community opens the opportunity for bridging through collaboration. Mindful engages inner-city social development and maintains a presence and connection with the world family. Our ecosystem has a 9%-12% profit allocation for humanitarian efforts.

PIONEERS, TRENDSETTERS, AND INNOVATORS Mindful was born from the incubator of a futuristic Spiritualist, it has never sought to conform or fit the general consensus. Through the tireless distribution of revelations about the true Self, it has gained popularity and recognition. Having a broader awareness and higher vibe is a trending phenomenon, and more companies are entering this arena—a space that we have already mapped and mastered. The tribe is a unique blend and is designed with the gift of knowing how to cause a 360° expansion. We are confident the gifts we have to disperse into the future will be amongst the most pioneering for metaphysical growth.

POINTS OF CONVERGENCE GROWING A MINDFUL CO. Utilizing the most advanced systems of analytics, marketing, and communication such as Zendesk, Beamer, CoSchedule and others, our technical savviness and nimble way of maneuvering allows us to navigate all the markets quickly while entering and exiting fields that boost commerce with speed and accuracy.

REINFORCING THE QUALITY OF CONNECTION Our conscious social networks create a communication hub inhabited by a wide range of Seekers all lending their experiences and wisdom to one another. This has created a greater awareness around healthy holistic living. The Innerversity instructs on energetic management, dietary regulations, and metaphysical training. It introduces an entire culture and regimen to follow as a virtual mentor that gives insight to the most hidden aspects of existence. This empowers, removes demoralization, and instills reason and meaning to life.

HERALDING NEW PARADIGMS We are the pioneers of a new era not by declaration but by action. The wise measure of each individual should not be used as a form of judgment but as a metric to complement the acceleration of their greatness. Hindering a human being by sending them a notion of inequality is the old paradigm. Mindfulness means we work to propel equal strength across lines of diversity while honoring the uniqueness of each part of the whole.

As our children draw forth substance from Terra, we honor our women who are a reflection of her magnitude. Mindfulness is balancing the struggle of the Divine Feminine and welcoming her as the vitality of a healthy, abundant community. Our plan to reach incentivized gamification is rooted in opening an avenue of resources for those who find themselves challenged by the current options presented by 3D matrix employment. This effort rewards self-expansion, and self-expression. It also engages the user which gives them purpose, reason, goals, allies, and fresh interaction.

WORLD IMPACT – THE TEMPLE LEGACY Mindful plans are in effect and involve short-term and long-term projections. Our overall efforts reduce the strain on the inhabitants of Earth and unify them under common interests which are infinite. Bringing that intention into physical reality means creating a micro model that is fully functional. This is a prime undertaking of mindfulness, to raise the vibration of all in proximity. With this in mind, our endeavors involve building a commune that functions with the same precision as a healthy body. These modules are completely symbiotic, operating as “powerhouses.” In these spaces, we enter Industries mentally, physically, and as spiritually erect strongholds.

I place emphasis on our range of disciplines which include but are not limited to: Alchemical Mastery, Aesthetic Disciplines, Animation & Theatrics, Advanced Grammatical, and Technical Engineering to name a few. This means that Industries that have thus far captivated humanity can be entered into and disrupted for a gradual release of their consumers, held as hostages due to these industries' monopoly on trends, namely—virtual reality and augmented reality, child entertainment and education, clothing, mindful electronics, and overall lifestyle materials.

Through these actions, our open source blueprint will be perfected. This diagram will be utilized by all Mindful communities worldwide to create fortified ecosystems in key locations. These initiatives are embodied within the Temple Legacy, fully operational nodes linking the organic grid and closing the gap of synchronicity. Temple Nodes function as touch points for energetic upliftment. They are constantly maintained by earnest honorings, gratitude, song, ceremony, and Spiritech harmonic field technologies.

Facts and Figures

FACTS AND FIGURES The Code to the Matrix, a book written by founder Sevan Bomar went viral on its second day with over 500,000 downloads! Astral Quest had the largest spiritual library on the internet with over 20,000 books.

In the first year, The Resistance had over 1300+ blogs about spirituality, ranking #1 on Google of the keyword “the resistance.” Sevan Bomar did Lightning in a Bottle in 2016, taking the network to another all-time high with interaction.

Spiritech has over 15000+ Specialists and 350+ Ambassadors in its Affiliate Program! The Secret Energy store carries over 120+ holistic products many of which are developed by Secret Energy.

The faction has its own school dubbed The Innerversity that is already in its 3rd Semester!

Profit Sharing!

Increasing Soul Coaching preferment!

PhiAqua is the world’s first water programming device for the consumer! Hydrolux is the first portable molecular hydrogen water generator! There are millions of impressions throughout the internet!


A PERFECT ALIGNMENT Our expertise across disciplines will assist us in actualizing our goals. The paramount work on Self is emphasized and achieved by those who follow the Mindful Code and make up the core of our faction. Over a 12-year period, we have ingrained a unique pattern into the worldwide conscious collective. As we endure our commitment to scaling up, this will have a positive impact on the community. We will continue to introduce sustainable, harmonic offerings that are for both the connoisseur of holistic wellness and those who seek a lifestyle in mindfulness.

With a multinational and global presence unified under one expression of wholeness, we have invented a range of solutions that cater to a wealth of aspirants and gurus alike. We continue to fortify these relationships by diversifying our content and utilizing our blueprints to bring uncanny and sometimes unorthodox remedies that have profound effects.

By activating this collective Tribe with incentives, we seek to inspire all participants to make an impact in their environment. These actions, which can be monitored by sensors of validation, govern the value of our utilities and protocols.

Our Council, which consists of savants and naturals in their own respective fields, can’t ignore facts and never miss the opportunity to bend future outcomes in the favor of humanity. The challenges presented by the world’s current imbalances will be met with quantum solutions. We have enlisted the most disruptive technologies and theorems and made them an active part of our stratagem.

PARTICIPANTS We do this because we have a passion to awaken the uniqueness within each Soul we interact with. Receiving the highest quality and harmonic interaction is our primary focus for those who interact with our products and applications.

THE MINDFUL COUNCIL With any endeavor of such a broad scope, there will be from time-to-time amendments to our Creed to ensure a healthy resonance within our members, structures, and systems. The Mindful Council takes responsibility for ensuring these codes are applied in all areas of designation. The Council also serves as a Board that any question, concern, or recommendation can be brought to. Inner Tribe “project pillars” are assigned to every major activity we engage in to ensure the upliftment of those involved and compliance. Any breach of the Code must be reported to a Pillar or Council Member via the provisioned methods, which have been made available to ensure every Soul interacting with our faction can have confidence when indicating what may lead to greater balance for the whole. That’s innerstanding, and that’s being mindful.

HARMONIC ENCOUNTERS Each unique member in our group who practices the Creed places direct emphasis on harmonic interactions. This means when we are engaged we work to leave a balanced impact utilizing the plethora of tools provided to balance the energetic scales. Our products, devices, and application are designed with harmonic technologies and elements that bring the body into a meta-chemical balance.

INCENTIVIZED AMBITION The Mindful ecosystem engages the youth and neophytes alike with mentorship through our channels of interaction. We recognize the need to promote advanced engagements, authenticate sincere interests, and promote progress. Gamified metrics are the way of the future and restore original game theory, which shows us the highest value is in that of participation. This is at the core fundamentals of a Tribe as each member has a unique value and place in the group.

NON – JUDGEMENT Our core fundamentals center around non-judgment to gain the broadest insight and perspective on any situation while operating initially as an observer. Mindful is solution-driven and we know solutions exist before the problem. Since a problem occurs due to an imbalance, most likely created by an incorrect judgment, being aware of this at every moment places us as effective arbitrators in the most complex scenarios involving all manner of relationships and life choices.

LINGUISTIC AWARENESS Through our numerous ventures in advanced mental training, we have come to discover the importance of creating linguistic alternatives for expression to greater assist their probability of manifestation. We consistently apply this awareness of “word magic” in all of our “textual” expressions.

ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS We are in an external reality that motivates and fuels its progress on combustion, so we instruct all our Mindful associates in the craft of energetic preservation to avoid manipulation. This creates a sustainable bioenergetic environment full of the potential powers needed to manifest grand visions since its conveyors remain in intentional harmony.

VIBE & CONDUCT You have a responsibility of maintaining the harmonic balance. While every day is not the same and there are a variety of integers that can affect our temperament, we ultimately remain responsible for the energy we bring to others. Since our inception, we have been proactive about keeping our reputation and stance with the global conscious community at its highest. We insist that those who represent Us do so in tune with the effects of their actions keeping a constant awareness of reliability.

TRUST & UNIVERSAL LAW The strongest bond of unity is that of trust. It is shared by the most influential Organizations and accounts for their great success and longevity. The Mindful inner community functions on trust and all those admitted to it will be held to it and by it. The universal laws of balance vs distortion are written on the heart and need not to be detailed; any person causing infractions against their own heart is not in tune with Self and will not be given the responsibility of being mindful to others.

FRIENDLY CHALLENGES Mindfulness has now emerged as a $4.5 trillion dollar industry. This has brought many market savvy opportunists into the space. It is all too often that disingenuousness is confused for authenticity. We are constantly implementing awareness safeguards for people to see a future in all transparency in the matters that should be clear between parties. Our mindful approach about this, places pressure on other self-claimed competitors to clean up their act to meet the level of transaction transparency we offer.

MINDFUL VIRTUES To the best of our awareness, we do not accept directly or indirectly any advantages from other parties, not in alignment with assisting the cause of planetary expansion. We encourage the Mindful tribe and all its Affiliates and Associates to operate with the highest sense of self-integrity in their interactions, especially those pertaining to things that will directly reflect on our house.

Inner Tribe Pillars

To us everyone is a part of our Tribe, however, there is a core distinction with inner Tribe since they are being consciously groomed for greatness. Due to this, they must conduct themselves in accordance with the Mindful Creed and the unique principles we have set forth in the commune.

The rainbow is a sign of the 7 colors or division of clarity. Clear is the only “absence of color” making black and white also colors or ideas. To build a perfect prism, all colors must be equal and in balance. For this reason, we see no Soul greater than another and will not tolerate division or discrimination. There are other Adepts moving through the real and fake Matrix, layered around this perception.

Inner Tribe will remain diligent in ensuring only qualified members are engaged in the missions and endeavors they have inherited through our recruitment. Inner Tribe health and safety from physical to metaphysical is our greatest concern and will be the strongest deciding factor in any event that demands a decision.

Our code of conduct with inner Tribe members is above industry standard and must remain as such. We have placed an array of incentives in our ecosystem for proper reciprocation to all members for their efforts. The highest value of Open Source is applicable wisdom that leads to endless resources.

We constantly remain aware of the impact we have made on others and are mindful of how that may determine their decisions. Being cognizant of this makes us responsible for not allowing any person interacting with us to overextend themselves beyond their own means.

As a whole, we are committed to each inner Tribe member’s growth into full discovery of their uniqueness. This organic guidance is administered by the Elders of the Commune.

As every fingerprint is designed with a unique swirl, we encourage a harmonic spin of uniqueness to be placed by each inner Tribe member on every manifestation they co-create.

Communication makes up the life flow and conduction of The Bridge. You are encouraged to utilize the numerous channels of communication along with the productivity tools given to you to remain in sync with the Tribe and its activities pertaining to you.

Uniqueness and difference can need time or intelligence for proper integration, because of this dis-harmonics may arise. We are mindful in creating dedicated spaces and techniques that can be used for a variety of arbitration needs. These solutions are paramount in conducting strong relationships and massive projections and should be utilized without hesitation.

Investors can rest assured they have fueled a generator of legacies and made an intelligent financial decision. Charging off kharma and building dharma maintaining probity.

CORE PRINCIPLES FOR INNER TRIBE “As every fingerprint is designed with a unique swirl, we encourage a harmonic spin of uniqueness to be placed by each inner Tribe member on every manifestation they co-create.“

Introduction To Charter

Wholeness Holder and Guardian,

Please read this Charter document thoroughly, as it defines your rights and responsibilities for participation, interaction, governance, and use of the Creator DAO as well as the relationships between Warriors of Love NFT Holders and those that interact with the Foundation. As a Holder, natural or legal person interacting with Creator DAO, you accept and agree to be mindful and be in balanced alignment as you are involved in this foundation. Forming an agreement between you and all else who participates or interacts with the Secret Energy Foundation and Creator DAO. If you do not accept or agree to be involved, affiliated, or bound by this foundation, you must cease to access, use, interact, and participate with the Secret Energy Foundation and Creator DAO.

Applicable Rules to the Creator DAO.

a) There are two layers of applicable rules in the Creator DAO, human-readable rules and, Smart contract code.) These rules forming the charter lay out the basic principles required for participation or interaction with the Creator DAO and are comprised of the following agreements:

I. Introduction To The Charter

II. Creator DAO Agreement

III. Smart Contract Code

IV. Creator DAO Guidelines

V. Creator DAO Governance Proposal (SEF-GP) Process

VI. Sub-DAO Agreements) In the event of any conflicts between paragraphs of these agreements, the above rank shall be used with "I" being the most important agreement superseding and prevailing over all others.

General Legal Principles

Except for any indemnification obligations or specific liability set out in this Charter, the liability of each natural or legal person that has drafted any part of this Charter or supported the initiation of this Charter of the Creator DAO, each NFT Holder, each member of a governance body (Secret Energy Foundation Board) and each natural or legal person interacting with Creator DAO shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The liability of each of the aforementioned is several and not joint.

Each of the aforementioned shall be liable only for its obligations (and not those of anyone else) under this Charter or in connection with this charter or Creator DAO.

Neither party participating or interacting with Creator DAO shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of anyone else participating or interacting with the Secret Energy Foundation or to bind anyone else to any contract, agreement, or undertaking.

This Charter and Creator DAO are fully independent and not controlled by the Secret Energy Platform. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will the Secret Energy Platform be liable for damages of any kind, under any legal theory, arising out of or in connection with your use, participation or interaction with the Secret Energy Foundation or Creator DAO, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of goodwill or loss of data, even if foreseeable.

Creator DAO is only represented by votes of the WOL NFT Holders and not by any single or a limited group of participants; everyone that is entering into any relationship (including but not limited to participation or any kind of interaction) with the Creator DAO acknowledges that the others also having a relationship with Creator DAO are neither jointly nor severally liable for acts or omission of Creator DAO. The liability of the Creator DAO is limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law; in case of any mandatory liability, the total liability of Creator DAO.

Except as otherwise set out in this Charter, any claims, disputes or controversies arising out of this Charter or in connection with the access, interaction, use or governance of Creator DAO or in connection with any relationship among the WOL NFT Holders or anyone else interacting with Creator DAO shall be settled:

By mutual agreement between the parties, using Secret Energy Foundation Board or another mutually agreed arbitration service.

STRATAGEM We’ve enlisted our Masterminds to design and implement a structure that will gradually bring its participants into total sovereignty, so they may experience fulfillment which is beyond success. Wholeness and Balanced Vibration

Creator DAO Agreement

Immutable Guidelines

The guidelines in this section shall not be amended and shall apply to all proposals submitted to the Creator DAO. If any other guidelines in this Agreement conflict with these immutable guidelines, the immutable guidelines shall take priority for enforcement purposes. Proposal Compliance i. Proposals must be governed by this Agreement or a future version of this Agreement as modified within the bounds of the Agreement. ii. Proposals must not disproportionately benefit a majority of WOL NFT Holders voting on a proposal over the minority. iii. WOL NFT’s held by the Main DAO and/or Sub-DAOs must not be used to influence proposals nor votes.

Mutable Guidelines

Guidelines in this section may be amended. These guidelines refer to all proposals brought forth to the Secret Energy Foundation. Proposal Compliances.

Proposals must be consistent with the Creator DAO Agreement, Secret Energy Foundation Manifesto, The Community Guidelines, and The SEF-GP Process, and if relevant any Sub-DAO Agreements, or a revised version of these documents approved by the community (approved as defined in the Secret Energy Foundation Charter).ii. Proposal must not contain directly, by direct link, or indirectly any non-consensual imagery, child abuse imagery, threats of violence and incitement, hate speech, bullying and harassment, sexual or human exploitation, illegal or certain regulated activities or matters, malware, spyware, or material that is owned via copyright, trademark or otherwise by someone other than one of the proposal authors (unless the use of said material is permitted by the copyright owner or otherwise protected under other legal standards).iii. Proposals must be accompanied by an accurate English-language Justification for the proposal. The Justification must include the following information:

1.The name(s) and/or username(s) of the author(s) of the proposal. The author(s) should be the primary point of contact for any questions or comments regarding the proposal.

2.The author’s preferred contact method, in case anyone has questions or comments regarding the proposal.

3.An accurate summary of the proposal in 280 characters or less.

4.A rationale section detailing the author’s reason(s) for creating the proposal.

5.It may also be required to include an accurate, long-form description of what the proposal will do if enacted, including the collective benefit in relation to the Secret Energy Foundation manifesto for the community around the Secret Energy Foundation.

6.The limitations of any benefits mentioned above or otherwise unaddressed areas of the problem space or possibility space.

7.A section acknowledging, by title and author(s), any similar or related prior work known to the proposal author(s).

iv. If the proposal amends one or more ecosystem contracts, then a security audit report of the Network contract amendment may be carried out and deemed passed (as defined in the SEF-GP Process). v. If a proposal deploys a new Creator DAO Registry contract and/or amends Secret Energy Foundation to use a new Guardians Registry, then the new Guardians Registry must use the CREATE Token as the native Guardian token. vi. Proposals must not use Creator DAO or Sub-DAOs role as a Foundation Board funds governor to transfer Creator DAO Tokens staked and/or activated by Creator DAO Guardians to another account outside of the Secret Energy Foundation, Creator DAO or Sub-DAOs.

As tribe members, contributors, and leaders we hold the responsibility of being warriors of love in our garden. Despite any perceived differences, we recognize all is self. We continuously make the choice to maintain wholeness and balance within ourselves and surroundings and lend a hand to others if able. Our goal is sovereignty in all planes as we prepare for each coming stage of awareness. We vow to be mindful of how we use and direct our energy, and interact with all things with wholeness and balance in mind.

Our Standards Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our Foundation include:

Assuming good intentions and demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people.

Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences.

Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback.

Proactively taking responsibility.

Clearly communicating if we might fail to uphold responsibility, working to avoid or repair negative consequences on others, adequately apologizing with the affected parties, and learning from the experience.

Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall ecosystem.

Embodying the values of the Secret Energy Manifesto.

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

Selling or renting votes.

Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks.

Public or private harassment, including stalking or repeated unwanted contact, including nonconsensual sexual attention, sexualized language or imagery, or advances of any kind.

Misleading or passive-aggressive comments.

Publishing others’ private information, including personal identifiable information such as a physical address or email address, without their explicit permission.

Hate speech such as promotes violence or hatred against people based on characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.

Doing any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities.

Spam (unsolicited off-topic messages, especially commercial in nature).

Inciting or threatening violence, encourage, glorify or incite violence against anyone relate to extremism, terrorism, or human trafficking, directly or indirectly, or encouraging others to hurt themselves.

Propose or make any payments or behave directly or indirectly in a way that results in a violation of applicable anti-corruption laws.

Discussing the price of a token or asset, or giving any type of financial advice

Violations & Consequences

Foundation Members will follow the guidelines listed below, in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Correction Foundation Impact: A single use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unwelcome in the community. Consequence: Deletion or removal of the post in question, in addition to communicating which rule was violated and how to avoid such violations in the future. If the action was in person, direct communication with that individual to identify which rule was violated and how to avoid such violations in the future.

Warning Foundation Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions. Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued inappropriate behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in foundation spaces as well as external channels like Telegram, Geneva, Discord, Reddit, Foundation Forum, etc. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

Temporary Ban Foundation Impact: A serious violation of Foundation standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior. Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the foundation for a specified period of time.

No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.

Permanent Ban Foundation Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of foundation standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes 12 of individuals. Vote-selling or vote-renting classifies for a permanent ban.

Consequence: Permanent removal from any sort of interaction or public communication with the Foundation for a specified period of time. If an individual has alternate accounts, those may be removed as well. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed.

Reporting and Enforcement Every Foundation member has a duty to promote the use of the Foundation Guidelines, call to attention members of the foundation who come close to or violate the Guidelines (as long as this doesn’t put their personal safety in jeopardy), and inform platform admins of violations. Ultimate responsibility for enforcing the Foundation Guidelines in each platform rests with the platform admins of each platform. To report a violation of the Foundation Guidelines, members can:

Tag a moderator in the platform where the violation has occurred.

Email the moderators at support@secretenergy.com


The information in this Whitepaper is subject to change or update and should not be construed as a commitment, promise or guarantee by Secret Energy, Secret Energy Foundation, Creator DAO, or any other individual or organization mentioned in this white paper relating to the future availability of services related to the use of the NFT's, Tokens, Protocols, Utilities or to their future performance or value.

The document does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities. It does not constitute or form part of and should not be construed as an offer for sale or subscription of or any invitation to buy or subscribe for any securities nor should it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied upon in any connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Secret Energy, Secret Energy Foundation, and Creator DAO expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from reliance on any information contained in the white paper; any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or any action resulting therefrom.

This is not a recommendation to buy or financial advice. It is strictly informational. Do not trade or invest in any tokens, companies, or entities based solely upon this information. Any investment involves substantial risks, including, but not limited to, pricing volatility, inadequate liquidity, and potentially, the complete loss of principal.

Investors should conduct independent due diligence, with assistance from professional financial, legal, and tax experts on topics discussed in this document, and develop a standalone assessment of the relevant markets prior to making any investment decision.

We have prepared all information herein from sources we believe to be accurate and reliable. However, such information is presented “as is,” without warranty of any kind – whether expressed or implied. All market prices, data, and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy, are based upon selected public market data, reflect prevailing conditions, and our view as of this date, all of which are accordingly subject to change without notice.

The graphs, charts, and other visual aids are provided for informational purposes only. None of these graphs, charts or visual aids can and of themselves be used to make investment decisions.

No representation is made that these will assist any person in making investment decisions and no graph, chart or other visual aid can capture all factors and variables required in making such decisions.

The information contained in this document may include, or incorporate by reference, forward-looking statements, which would include any statements that are not statements of historical fact. No representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. Any projections, forecasts, and estimates contained in this document are necessarily speculative in nature and are based upon certain assumptions.

These forward-looking statements may turn out to be wrong and can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, most of which are beyond control. It can be expected that some or all of such forward-looking assumptions will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results.

Member Agreement

This is the agreement between you and Secret Energy Foundation. You agree with all the terms and conditions contained herein when you become a member of this site or associated services. As used herein the titles, Secret Energy, Spiritech, Creator DAO, and SE shall include their associates and related companies, and each of their subscribers, members, affiliates, directors, employees, and contractors.

By purchasing a Warriors of Love NFT to become a Member of Creator DAO, you are representing and warranting that you have reviewed, fully understand, and agree to all of the following terms and conditions.

Membership Requirements

You represent and warrant that you will not exploit materials, ideas, or intellectual property from SE in any way. SE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any Membership Application for any reason or no reason at all. Approval is at the sole discretion of SE and its administrators. Any person who falsely represents their intention, when joining Creator DAO, SE or Spiritech, is subject to immediate cancellation regardless of NFT purchase or Whitelist. Please report any suspected violation of these terms and conditions to SE immediately via live support.

Information and Confidentiality

The information contained on our sites, as well as any other information provided directly or indirectly by SE, is for your personal and educational use only. None of the information is intended to invite, induce, or encourage any person to make legal, medical, financial, or investment decisions. You should consult with a licensed professional in the appropriate field(s) before acting upon any information or recommendations that are made directly or indirectly by SE. The information you receive as a result of your Membership with SE shall be treated as Confidential Information, whether or not it is labeled as such. You agree to never share your SE Membership account credentials with anyone for any reason to avoid fraud or impersonation scams.

Disclaimers and Warranty

While SE hopes to provide its Members with accurate and up-to-date information, we make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the information and assume no liability or responsibility for any error or omission in the information provided on this website and within our services. No one shall be entitled to claim that there is a duty to update or correct any such information.SE shall provide, in its sole discretion, information directly or indirectly to its Members in the manner, format, and at such times as SE chooses. SE makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the amount of information that will be provided, when or how often that information will be provided, if or when requests from Members will be answered or by whom, if or when Members will receive mentoring or by whom, and if, when or where, webinars or other seminars or workshops will be offered.SE may modify, suspend, discontinue, or restrict the use of any portion of its website and/or services, without liability. SE may deny access to any person or user at any time for any reason. SE does not guarantee that, as a result of your connection with SE or any of the following, i.e., information provided, products or services you receive directly or indirectly that you will receive any money, bonuses, PROFITS, LOANS, CREDIT, personal or real property, business offers or anything else of monetary value, minimize your tax liability, improve your health, lose weight, or live longer. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. Your use of this site and any other information, products, and services provided directly or indirectly by SE shall be done at your own risk. SE assumes no responsibility, and shall not be held liable for any resulting damages to, or viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property. ALL OF THE INFORMATION, SERVICES, AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY SE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING SUITABILITY OF THE INFORMATION, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, AND TIMELINESS. SE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THIS SITE IS FREE FROM BUGS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. YOU EXPRESSLY COMPREHEND AND AGREE YOU BEAR ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH USING AND RELYING ON THAT CONTENT.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, at your sole expense, SE from any claim or action brought by a third party relating to (a) your use of the site and/or (b) your breach of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use.

Cancellation Remedies

SE reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Membership and/or Subscriptions at any time for any reason or no reason at all. You may cancel your Membership at any time by visiting the Paypal Cancellation page located on their website. Canceling your Ambassador account will not affect your free SE account. If your membership is canceled for any reason, you agree that you will return the original and all copies of any Confidential Information to SE within 10 business days of the cancellation.

If you ever wish to come back to SE, you agree to submit a new Membership application that SE will review and approve at its sole discretion. If your new application is accepted, you are required to pay the appropriate enrollment fee and you will be treated as a new Member. Upon cancellation and rejoining, you will forfeit any previous status, personally recruited Members, Membership Levels, Downlines, and any associated permissions or recognition, unless otherwise decided by an authorized agent in writing for reinstatement. Except as otherwise provided herein, if either party ever has a disagreement regarding any issue, both parties agree to work out such disagreements in a fair and reasonable manner.

If the parties cannot work out their disagreements, your only remedy is to request a binding arbitration with a single arbitrator. The party that wants to initiate arbitration shall call a well-established arbitration organization located in Costa Rica and request arbitration with a single arbitrator and SE on a date and time that is mutually agreeable to both parties and the arbitrator, but no later than fourteen business days from the date of the request. The party that initiates the arbitration will notify the other party in writing of the arbitration within one day of making that request. Both parties agree to the following arbitration format: The arbitration shall be attended by each party either in person or via telephone with or without an attorney(s) present. Each party will privately discuss with the arbitrator the facts as they see it, and their views regarding the disagreement.

The arbitrator will listen to both parties and ask questions or request information to clarify or verify facts. The arbitrator will then take all the facts and make a decision, which will be binding, within 72 hours. The arbitrator will be required to base his/her decision, not on the technicalities of the law, or the technicalities or wording in any specific contract, but the decision will be based on “fairness and equality”, and “under the spirit of true justice and original intention,” and what is “fair” for all parties concerned today. The arbitrator may award compensatory damages and legal fees, as he or she deems appropriate. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Intellectual Property

All material on this website, including, but not limited to text, graphics, logos, audio clips, video clips, links, digital downloads, and trademarks is owned, controlled by or licensed by SE and is protected by standard copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. As between you and SE, SE exclusively owns all rights, titles and interest in and to the site content. You agree not to do anything that might impair such rights, nor will you assert ownership claim in any of the above-referenced intellectual property or site content. You may download one copy of the site on a single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you maintain all copyright and trademark notices. No other use is permitted without the prior written consent of SE. The site may link to or frame third-party websites. Framing allows a visitor to view content provided (and managed) by a third party without losing access to this site’s navigational menu. SE is not responsible or liable for content, products, or services on framed sites or any other third-party websites and does not endorse any third-party websites or the content on those sites.

System Resource Sharing

You may not use any shared system resources provided by Secret Energy in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system. You agree that Secret Energy may quarantine or delete any data stored on a shared system if the data is infected with a virus, or is otherwise corrupted, or has the potential to infect or corrupt the system or other data that is stored on the same system.

Vulnerability Testing

You may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate or test the vulnerability of a Secret Energy system or network, or to breach the Secret Energy security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques, without Secret Energy’s express written consent.

Offensive Content

You may not publish, transmit or store on or via the Secret Energy network or equipment any content or links to any content that in Secret Energy’s belief: constitutes, depicts, fosters, promotes or relates in any manner to child sexual abuse, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts; is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence or contains harassing content or hate speech; is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain letters and pyramid schemes; is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy; creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement; improperly exposes trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information of another person or business; is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protections; infringes on another person’s copyright, trade or service mark, patent or other property right; promotes illegal drugs, violates export control laws, relates to illegal gambling or illegal arms trafficking; is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to you or to Secret Energy; or is otherwise malicious, fraudulent or may result in retaliation against Secret Energy by offended viewers. This list includes examples of content that Secret Energy may deem inappropriate but any prohibited content is not limited to the aforementioned list.

Ohms Incentivization Programs

By becoming a Member of Secret Energy and using our services, you understand that participation in all incentivization programs is done at your own discretion and you hereby release SE from all responsibilities incurred by any losses obtained while utilizing Ohms. While having use within our ecosystem and within the boundaries of our protocols, Ohms are not to be seen as legal tender and have no value outside our protocols. Secret Energy reserves the right to depreciate, delete, or terminate any incentivization program and digital points acquired in those programs. Secret Energy reserves the right to confiscate Ohms, $SE, Badges, Awards, and Rewards, if it deems they were obtained illegally or unfairly.


SE reserves the right to change this Membership Agreement and Terms of Use from time to time at its discretion and to notify Members of any such changes by posting a notice on the site, posting the new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use on the site, sending the new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use to the Members, or in any other way that SE deems fit. Your continued membership in SE after a new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use is in place will constitute your agreement to be bound by that new Agreement. This Membership Agreement and Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Costa Rica, without regard to its choice of law provisions. If for any reason, any provision of this Membership Agreement and Terms of Use is found unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties as reflected in that provision, and the remainder of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use shall continue in full force and effect. The failure of SE to enforce or exercise any provisions of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. I give SE expressed permission to call any and all telephone numbers listed on my account, to speak to me in person, or to deliver a previously recorded message, for any purpose including but not limited to informational, promotional, or the marketing of new goods or services. I give SE expressed permission to call my telephone numbers with such calls, even if those numbers are registered on national and/or state do-not-call lists, while I am an Associate and/or Member in SE. I also give SE expressed permission to contact me via email, direct mail, or any other method of communication, for any reason, while I am an Associate or Member of SE. I give SE expressed permission to use any testimonial I submit, in any format for sales and marketing promotion including, but not limited to, use on the SE website, in written mail and email materials, audio and video productions, any social media platforms, and any other method of communication.

Code of Conduct

All SE Members & Associates agree to strictly adhere to the SE Code of Conduct. Violation of this Code of Conduct may, at the discretion of SE, result in the termination of your account. I agree to abide by this Code of Conduct at all times. I agree to adhere to all SE guidelines, rules, policies, and procedures. I acknowledge that this Code of Conduct may change, with or without notice, and that it is my responsibility to regularly review and understand this Code of Conduct. I acknowledge that any violation of this Code of Conduct may, at the discretion of SE and in accordance with SE procedures, result in the termination of my account. I agree that my actions will be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. I acknowledge that I am not able to participate in, or benefit by, any promotion that is prohibited by applicable law. I agree to never jeopardize the reputation of SE, any of its Members and Associates, staff, speakers, owners, presenters, and contractors, in any way, including but not limited to using any social media platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.), email, telephone, print, or public announcement. I agree never to attempt entry to an SE event without registration and/or payment. I agree to conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner at all times. I agree to never solicit Members and/or Associates of SE, directly or indirectly, or to promote other loans, investments, products, or services unless otherwise given written permission by SE. I agree to never use the SE website, my account, or status within SE for any fraudulent purpose, including but not limited to allowing non-Members and or Associates access to the protected parts of the SE website or any of SE’s published information. I agree to never harass any Member and/or Associate in any way, including but not limited to physical stalking, bullying, online stalking, using email or telephone calls. I agree to never misrepresent myself, or my status within the organization, including my relationship with staff, speakers, owners, presenters, contractors, or other Members or Associates. I acknowledge that SE, at its sole discretion, can terminate my Associate account, in accordance with SE procedures, if SE believes that I have violated this Code of Conduct.


SE reserves the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Member Agreement and Terms of Use, and the Member Code of Conduct for all Associates. In order to ensure compliance with the Member Agreement and Terms of Use and Code of Conduct, SE shall have the right to impose any of the following: Warning- A written warning to an Associate, or group of Associates, identifying the violation and offering a fair amount of time to remedy the violation. A letter shall also advise that failure to comply may result in more severe recourse. Suspension- a period of suspension can be issued at the sole discretion of SE. During a suspension, all Associate privileges are suspended, including but not limited to commissions, website access, Associate codes, promotions and eligibility for promotions. Expulsion- SE, at its sole discretion, can expel an Ambassador, Specialist, or Member for any violation. The expelled Ambassador, Specialist or Member shall no longer have any right to commissions, website access, or any other Ambassador or Specialist privileges. Expelled Ambassadors or Specialists may never sign up again as a Member and/or Ambassador or Specialist.

Under Age 13

Our Website is not intended for children under 13 years of age. No one under age 13 may provide any personal information to or on the Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are under 13, do not use or provide any information on this Website or on or through any of its features or register on the Website. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information.

Member Agreement This is the agreement between you and Secret Energy Foundation. You agree with all the terms and conditions contained herein when you become a member of this site or associated services. As used herein the titles, Secret Energy, Spiritech, Creator DAO, and SE shall include their associates and related companies, and each of their subscribers, members, affiliates, directors, employees, and contractors. By purchasing a Warriors of Love NFT to become a Member of Creator DAO, you are representing and warranting that you have reviewed, fully understand, and agree to all of the following terms and conditions.

Membership Requirements

You represent and warrant that you will not exploit materials, ideas, or intellectual property from SE in any way. SE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any Membership Application for any reason or no reason at all. Approval is at the sole discretion of SE and its administrators. Any person who falsely represents their intention, when joining Creator DAO, SE or Spiritech, is subject to immediate cancellation regardless of NFT purchase or Whitelist. Please report any suspected violation of these terms and conditions to SE immediately via live support.

Information and Confidentiality

The information contained on our sites, as well as any other information provided directly or indirectly by SE, is for your personal and educational use only. None of the information is intended to invite, induce, or encourage any person to make legal, medical, financial, or investment decisions. You should consult with a licensed professional in the appropriate field(s) before acting upon any information or recommendations that are made directly or indirectly by SE. The information you receive as a result of your Membership with SE shall be treated as Confidential Information, whether or not it is labeled as such. You agree to never share your SE Membership account credentials with anyone for any reason to avoid fraud or impersonation scams.

Disclaimers and Warranty

While SE hopes to provide its Members with accurate and up-to-date information, we make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the information and assume no liability or responsibility for any error or omission in the information provided on this website and within our services. No one shall be entitled to claim that there is a duty to update or correct any such information.SE shall provide, in its sole discretion, information directly or indirectly to its Members in the manner, format, and at such times as SE chooses. SE makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the amount of information that will be provided, when or how often that information will be provided, if or when requests from Members will be answered or by whom, if or when Members will receive mentoring or by whom, and if, when or where, webinars or other seminars or workshops will be offered.SE may modify, suspend, discontinue, or restrict the use of any portion of its website and/or services, without liability. SE may deny access to any person or user at any time for any reason.SE does not guarantee that, as a result of your connection with SE or any of the following, i.e., information provided, products or services you receive directly or indirectly that you will receive any money, bonuses, PROFITS, LOANS, CREDIT, personal or real property, business offers or anything else of monetary value, minimize your tax liability, improve your health, lose weight, or live longer. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. Your use of this site and any other information, products, and services provided directly or indirectly by SE shall be done at your own risk. SE assumes no responsibility, and shall not be held liable for any resulting damages to, or viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property. ALL OF THE INFORMATION, SERVICES, AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY SE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING SUITABILITY OF THE INFORMATION, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, AND TIMELINESS. SE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THIS SITE IS FREE FROM BUGS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. YOU EXPRESSLY COMPREHEND AND AGREE YOU BEAR ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH USING AND RELYING ON THAT CONTENT.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, at your sole expense, SE from any claim or action brought by a third party relating to (a) your use of the site and/or (b) your breach of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use.

Cancellation Remedies

SE reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Membership and/or Subscriptions at any time for any reason or no reason at all. You may cancel your Membership at any time by visiting the Paypal Cancellation page located on their website. Canceling your Ambassador account will not affect your free SE account. If your membership is canceled for any reason, you agree that you will return the original and all copies of any Confidential Information to SE within 10 business days of the cancellation. If you ever wish to come back to SE, you agree to submit a new Membership application that SE will review and approve at its sole discretion. If your new application is accepted, you are required to pay the appropriate enrollment fee and you will be treated as a new Member. Upon cancellation and rejoining, you will forfeit any previous status, personally recruited Members, Membership Levels, Downlines, and any associated permissions or recognition, unless otherwise decided by an authorized agent in writing for reinstatement. Except as otherwise provided herein, if either party ever has a disagreement regarding any issue, both parties agree to work out such disagreements in a fair and reasonable manner. If the parties cannot work out their disagreements, your only remedy is to request a binding arbitration with a single arbitrator. The party that wants to initiate arbitration shall call a well-established arbitration organization located in Costa Rica and request arbitration with a single arbitrator and SE on a date and time that is mutually agreeable to both parties and the arbitrator, but no later than fourteen business days from the date of the request. The party that initiates the arbitration will notify the other party in writing of the arbitration within one day of making that request. Both parties agree to the following arbitration format: The arbitration shall be attended by each party either in person or via telephone with or without an attorney(s) present. Each party will privately discuss with the arbitrator the facts as they see it, and their views regarding the disagreement. The arbitrator will listen to both parties and ask questions or request information to clarify or verify facts. The arbitrator will then take all the facts and make a decision, which will be binding, within 72 hours. The arbitrator will be required to base his/her decision, not on the technicalities of the law, or the technicalities or wording in any specific contract, but the decision will be based on “fairness and equality”, and “under the spirit of true justice and original intention,” and what is “fair” for all parties concerned today. The arbitrator may award compensatory damages and legal fees, as he or she deems appropriate. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Intellectual Property

All material on this website, including, but not limited to text, graphics, logos, audio clips, video clips, links, digital downloads, and trademarks is owned, controlled by or licensed by SE and is protected by standard copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. As between you and SE, SE exclusively owns all rights, titles and interest in and to the site content. You agree not to do anything that might impair such rights, nor will you assert ownership claim in any of the above-referenced intellectual property or site content. You may download one copy of the site on a single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you maintain all copyright and trademark notices. No other use is permitted without the prior written consent of SE. The site may link to or frame third-party websites. Framing allows a visitor to view content provided (and managed) by a third party without losing access to this site’s navigational menu. SE is not responsible or liable for content, products, or services on framed sites or any other third-party websites and does not endorse any third-party websites or the content on those sites.

System Resource Sharing

You may not use any shared system resources provided by Secret Energy in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system. You agree that Secret Energy may quarantine or delete any data stored on a shared system if the data is infected with a virus, or is otherwise corrupted, or has the potential to infect or corrupt the system or other data that is stored on the same system.

Vulnerability Testing

You may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate or test the vulnerability of a Secret Energy system or network, or to breach the Secret Energy security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques, without Secret Energy’s express written consent.

Offensive Content

You may not publish, transmit or store on or via the Secret Energy network or equipment any content or links to any content that in Secret Energy’s belief: constitutes, depicts, fosters, promotes or relates in any manner to child sexual abuse, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts; is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence or contains harassing content or hate speech; is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain letters and pyramid schemes; is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy; creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement; improperly exposes trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information of another person or business; is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protections; infringes on another person’s copyright, trade or service mark, patent or other property right; promotes illegal drugs, violates export control laws, relates to illegal gambling or illegal arms trafficking; is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to you or to Secret Energy; or is otherwise malicious, fraudulent or may result in retaliation against Secret Energy by offended viewers. This list includes examples of content that Secret Energy may deem inappropriate but any prohibited content is not limited to the aforementioned list.

Ohms Incentivization Programs

By becoming a Member of Secret Energy and using our services, you understand that participation in all incentivization programs is done at your own discretion and you hereby release SE from all responsibilities incurred by any losses obtained while utilizing Ohms. While having use within our ecosystem and within the boundaries of our protocols, Ohms are not to be seen as legal tender and have no value outside our protocols. Secret Energy reserves the right to depreciate, delete, or terminate any incentivization program and digital points acquired in those programs. Secret Energy reserves the right to confiscate Ohms, $SE, Badges, Awards, and Rewards, if it deems they were obtained illegally or unfairly.


SE reserves the right to change this Membership Agreement and Terms of Use from time to time at its discretion and to notify Members of any such changes by posting a notice on the site, posting the new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use on the site, sending the new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use to the Members, or in any other way that SE deems fit. Your continued membership in SE after a new Membership Agreement and Terms of Use is in place will constitute your agreement to be bound by that new Agreement. This Membership Agreement and Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Costa Rica, without regard to its choice of law provisions. If for any reason, any provision of this Membership Agreement and Terms of Use is found unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties as reflected in that provision, and the remainder of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use shall continue in full force and effect. The failure of SE to enforce or exercise any provisions of the Membership Agreement and Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. I give SE expressed permission to call any and all telephone numbers listed on my account, to speak to me in person, or to deliver a previously recorded message, for any purpose including but not limited to informational, promotional, or the marketing of new goods or services. I give SE expressed permission to call my telephone numbers with such calls, even if those numbers are registered on national and/or state do-not-call lists, while I am an Associate and/or Member in SE. I also give SE expressed permission to contact me via email, direct mail, or any other method of communication, for any reason, while I am an Associate or Member of SE.I give SE expressed permission to use any testimonial I submit, in any format for sales and marketing promotion including, but not limited to, use on the SE website, in written mail and email materials, audio and video productions, any social media platforms, and any other method of communication.

Code of Conduct

All SE Members & Associates agree to strictly adhere to the SE Code of Conduct. Violation of this Code of Conduct may, at the discretion of SE, result in the termination of your account. I agree to abide by this Code of Conduct at all times. I agree to adhere to all SE guidelines, rules, policies, and procedures. I acknowledge that this Code of Conduct may change, with or without notice, and that it is my responsibility to regularly review and understand this Code of Conduct. I acknowledge that any violation of this Code of Conduct may, at the discretion of SE and in accordance with SE procedures, result in the termination of my account. I agree that my actions will be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. I acknowledge that I am not able to participate in, or benefit by, any promotion that is prohibited by applicable law. I agree to never jeopardize the reputation of SE, any of its Members and Associates, staff, speakers, owners, presenters, and contractors, in any way, including but not limited to using any social media platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.), email, telephone, print, or public announcement. I agree never to attempt entry to an SE event without registration and/or payment. I agree to conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner at all times. I agree to never solicit Members and/or Associates of SE, directly or indirectly, or to promote other loans, investments, products, or services unless otherwise given written permission by SE.I agree to never use the SE website, my account, or status within SE for any fraudulent purpose, including but not limited to allowing non-Members and or Associates access to the protected parts of the SE website or any of SE’s published information. I agree to never harass any Member and/or Associate in any way, including but not limited to physical stalking, bullying, online stalking, using email or telephone calls. I agree to never misrepresent myself, or my status within the organization, including my relationship with staff, speakers, owners, presenters, contractors, or other Members or Associates. I acknowledge that SE, at its sole discretion, can terminate my Associate account, in accordance with SE procedures, if SE believes that I have violated this Code of Conduct.


SE reserves the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Member Agreement and Terms of Use, and the Member Code of Conduct for all Associates. In order to ensure compliance with the Member Agreement and Terms of Use and Code of Conduct, SE shall have the right to impose any of the following: Warning- A written warning to an Associate, or group of Associates, identifying the violation and offering a fair amount of time to remedy the violation. A letter shall also advise that failure to comply may result in more severe recourse. Suspension- a period of suspension can be issued at the sole discretion of SE. During a suspension, all Associate privileges are suspended, including but not limited to commissions, website access, Associate codes, promotions and eligibility for promotions. Expulsion- SE, at its sole discretion, can expel an Ambassador, Specialist, or Member for any violation. The expelled Ambassador, Specialist or Member shall no longer have any right to commissions, website access, or any other Ambassador or Specialist privileges. Expelled Ambassadors or Specialists may never sign up again as a Member and/or Ambassador or Specialist.

Under Age 13

Our Website is not intended for children under 13 years of age. No one under age 13 may provide any personal information to or on the Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are under 13, do not use or provide any information on this Website or on or through any of its features or register on the Website. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information.

Shipment Processing Time

All orders are processed within 2-3 business days. Orders are not shipped or delivered on weekends or holidays. If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed by a few days. Please allow additional days in transit for delivery. Due to the global pandemic, shipping times may be longer and tracking information inaccurate.

Confirmation and Tracking

You will receive a Shipment Confirmation email once your order has shipped containing your tracking number(s). The tracking number(s) will be active within 24 – 48 hours.


Secret Energy is not liable for any products damaged or lost during shipping. If you received your order damaged, please contact the shipping carrier to file a claim. Please save all packaging materials and damaged goods before filing a claim.

International Shipping Policy

General Guidelines

The recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees, which are imposed once a shipment reaches the recipient’s country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the recipient. Secret Energy has no control over these charges, nor can Secret Energy predict what they may be. We will not alter prices, invoices, or any legal documents to accommodate international customs requirements. Customs, duties, and taxes are non-refundable: so a shipment that is refused because of unexpected import fees, the cost of the original shipping and any return shipping charges will not be refunded. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local Customs office for more information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates. To avoid a delay in receiving your order from Customs, we strongly suggest: Providing a phone number where you can be reached by Customs when your product arrives. This phone number will be listed on the commercial invoice so Customs can reach you to clear your order. Please do not refuse a shipment or ignore requests from carriers regarding duty and/or tax liability charges. Be aware that most carriers will hold a shipment for 5 days after arrival in your country before they return it to the sender. We do not refund original shipping charges for goods that are refused for delivery at Customs. We will not refund your money for an order that has been destroyed by Customs. Due to the global pandemic, shipping times may be extended and tracking information inaccurate.

Return and Exchange Policy


Certain products are exempt from being canceled or refunded. These products include online courses, items on sale, downloadable software, e-Books, and downloadable frequencies. Products that have been opened or used cannot be returned. Once a product seal is broken, the product's energetic potential and integrity are compromised. In relation to Hydrolux, once you use the device, the membrane may be contaminated by your water supply. For this reason, we do not accept returns on units that have been used unless the unit is malfunctioning. Products not included in these categories must be canceled at maximum, 24 hours after purchase. All cancellations must be made prior to this window or restocking fees will apply. Products that are damaged during shipping or defective must be returned for exchange or refund at a maximum of 14 days after arrival.


When a refund is granted, you will be provided with shipping instructions to return the item. Once your item is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item and began processing your refund. Refunds will automatically be applied to your original method of payment, minus the shipping and restocking fees for the item(s) purchased. You must contact support before shipping back an item. There may be processing time before a refund is posted back to your account. Please allow up to two weeks to allow this process to be complete.


Exchanges are available for damaged and defective products. Products can only be exchanged for the same product. If you need to process an exchange, contact us via the support link found at the base of our site. You will be responsible for shipping costs for returning your item as shipping costs are non-refundable. In the event of a refund, the shipping cost will be debited from the total amount. Depending on your location, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. If you are returning an item with a value over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We have no guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

Lost or Stolen Packages

Secret Energy is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. Once your tracking notification has been generated and the package has been picked up from our distribution warehouse, all other issues fall under the purview of the carrier. The carrier will generally determine if your order can be left in a safe secure place at your delivery address. If you believe your package may have been lost or stolen, please contact your local USPS or applied shipping agency to resolve the issue. You can visit this web address for more ways to fix this issue: https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm​

International Orders and Customs

Import Taxes

All order from Secret Energy are shipped from the United States. You may have to pay import taxes and/or customs duties in your local country to obtain our products. You may also be required to pay a brokerage (handling) fee for the shipment based on laws specific to your own country. These charges are separate from your shipping charge and you may be billed directly for them by your Customs office before you can retrieve your package. Secret Energy is not responsible for these charges nor the return or destruction of the package(s) if you refuse to pay customs duties.

Declaration of Value

Due to International laws, Secret Energy states the full value of your order on the shipping label with no exceptions. We will indicate the quantity of all the products ordered along with the following product description; “Natural Products for Personal Use.”


Secret Energy will not be liable for packages refused or held by Customs for delivery. We request that you contact your local customs office and ask about import regulations and restrictions before placing your order.

It is important for you to become familiar with your Customs policies for your specific country before ordering. Customs regulations differ by country and ignoring these laws can result in high import duties levied against your products, they're being delayed in delivery, being returned, or even destroyed.

Affiliate Agreement An Ambassador, Ambassador Pro, Sovereignty Mentorship, Sovereignty Mentorship Pro or Specialist Account in Secret Energy “SE” or Spiritech is held to the same terms as are outlined in this Affiliate Agreement.


Be at least 18 years of age or the minimum legal age in your jurisdiction. Applicants who are less than 18 years of age, or below the legal age in your jurisdiction, will need to provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian to become an Affiliate. You must be legally able to enter into legally-binding agreements or be cosigned by a legal guardian. An Affiliate must complete the registration process, which includes reading, understanding, and agreeing to the Member Agreement, Terms of Use, Chat Policy, and Member Code of Conduct. You cannot spam or solicit affiliates.

Data mining of other users information is prohibited. We reserve the right to revoke your affiliate account without reason. You are not allowed to use Secret Energy or any of its affiliate platform's intellectual property that has not been included in our affiliate materials without prior written consent. You are not allowed to speak for or impersonate yourself as an administrative agent of Secret Energy and its affiliate platforms. Becoming a Secret Energy affiliate does not entitle you to speak on behalf of Secret Energy.

Ambassador Membership Status

Ambassadors understand and acknowledge that in order to maintain their Ambassador status, they must pay their Ambassador fees once each calendar month. Failure to pay the Ambassador subscription fee for 30 consecutive days will lead to the cancellation of your Ambassador status.

Ambassador cancellation means you are no longer eligible for Ambassador perks and/or bonuses. Should an affiliate account be fully terminated at any time, and for any reason, that account may be deleted from the succession tree and all first-level Members and/or Associates (and their downlines) may be placed under the terminated account holder’s sponsor without notification from SE. Loss of Ambassador membership due to non-payment of fees is not a full termination, however, any additional commissions awarded by the Ambassador status will be forfeited. After cancellation, you are not entitled to access any portion of the site that is for “Ambassadors Only,” or any other information designated as such.

Soul Coach Commission Split

In the event that a customer previously assigned to you under the Secret Energy Affiliate Program becomes a “Creator” in the Soul Coaching program of Sovereignty Mentorship Pro, you agree to split the commissions 50/50 with the Soul Coach who will be responsible for the Creator.

Independent Contractor

As a Secret Energy and/or Spiritech Affiliate, I am an independent contractor, and not an employee, agent, partner, legal representative, or franchisee of Spiritech. I am not authorized to and will not incur any debt, expense, obligation, or open any checking account on behalf of, for, or in the name of Secret Energy and/or Spiritech.

I agree that I will be solely responsible for paying all expenses incurred by myself, including but not limited to travel, food, lodging, secretarial, office, long distance telephone and other expenses. I UNDERSTAND THAT I SHALL NOT BE TREATED AS AN EMPLOYEE OF SPIRITECH OR SECRET ENERGY FOR FEDERAL OR STATE TAX PURPOSES. Spiritech and/or Secret Energy is not responsible for withholding, and shall not withhold or deduct from your bonuses and commissions, if any, FICA, or taxes of any kind, unless specifically ordered to do so.

Affiliate Program and Link Restrictions

Your customer made a purchase without using your affiliate code.

The client used a browser that removed affiliate tracking authentication.

The origin of your sale came through a restricted method. i.e. sharing your link inside the network.

You have used your own affiliate link to make a purchase for yourself. We do not pay commissions on affiliates own purchases due to the Ambassador and Specialist discount.

We are not responsible for paying commissions in the following instances. You are not allowed to post your affiliate link on coupon sites and redirect customers. In the event we detect this, your affiliate link will be suspended and all previous payouts will be redacted via the payment provider. You cannot post your affiliate link in any chat rooms, live streams, and comment boxes of any of our services or events to recruit downlines from existing members, viewers, and subscribers. This is deemed a serious offense and will result in removal from the network. All affiliate links must be used outside the network in order to maintain the integrity of our ecosystem. Chat Policy We are in many ways responsible for what happens to members inside of our ecosystem. In the event someone has a less than desirable experience within our platform, our reputation is on the line. We take these policies seriously and by agreeing to our terms and conditions, which you have done by using our services, any infractions will result in a reprimand or removal from our network and all associated services. We reserve the right to refuse the use of any part of our ecosystem including Sovereignty Mentorship and the Affiliate program.


Respect others personal information. We have designed an organic network that allows everyone involved to feel free to connect with others in the Tribe. This means personal information may be shared between Members from time-to-time. Because of this, you are not allowed to use any personal information of another member to judge, exploit, or utilize to any negative end. We ask that things like gossiping and creating division be strictly avoided as any Adept knows what such an environment eventually produces.


No Spamming. While we share our projects and goals with each other, we do not condone spamming and soliciting other members. This includes to join, buy, or engage in your products or services unless they have specifically asked for information or services that you have to offer. Please use your own discretion. If you are sending something to someone else that they did not ask for, this is spamming. If you are unsure, email us at support and we will let you know how to proceed.

Data Mining

You are not allowed to compile and/or collect any personal information of other Members from our network channels. Compiling and collecting information such as email addresses of Members from our network channels which include Teamwork, WhatsApp, Spiritechs, and all affiliate channels is strictly forbidden. Utilizing such information without proper consent will result in legal recourse in the event we are able to determine an infraction has taken place.

No Deities

We do not subscribe to external forces. While Ambassador Training is predominately centered around assisting members with their financial stability, we also connect this with the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of life. One of our main principles is keeping the space clear from external gods, entities, and forces. You are not allowed to recommend the worship or prayer to any external deity or force to another Member.

Energy Vamping

No energy vamping. We are here to assist you with expanding your life and reaching fulfillment, however, we are very astute in knowing the difference between someone who wishes to change vs. someone who has become accustomed to waddling in self-pity while pulling others into it. We ask all Members to be responsible at all times for the energy they are bringing to others.

Controlled Substance

Conversations that involve the sale of controlled substances across any of our channels is prohibited and will result in immediate removal from our services.

No Affiliate Links

You cannot post referral or affiliate links of other services and networks before clearing it by staff in order to avoid affiliate and referral link spamming.

Private Groups are Prohibited

The Geneva Lounge and Video areas are designated for Tribe collaboration. We ask that no private meeting links such as your own personal zoom links be placed in the chat. You are not allowed to create a private group and then invite everyone to it. Hate Speech Policy You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. We also do not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories. Hateful imagery and display names: You may not use hateful images or symbols in your profile image or profile header. You also may not use your username, display name, or profile bio to engage in abusive behavior, such as targeted harassment or expressing hate towards a person, group, or protected category. We are committed to combating abuse motivated by hatred, prejudice or intolerance, particularly abuse that seeks to silence the voices of those who have been historically marginalized. For this reason, we prohibit behavior that targets individuals or groups with abuse based on their perceived membership in a protected category.

Violent Threats

We prohibit content that makes violent threats against an identifiable target. Violent threats are declarative statements of intent to inflict injuries that would result in serious and lasting bodily harm, where an individual could die or be significantly injured, e.g., “I will kill you. "Note: we have a zero tolerance policy against violent threats. Those deemed to be sharing violent threats will face immediate and permanent suspension of their account. Wishing, hoping or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people Note: we have a zero tolerance policy against violent threats. Those deemed to be sharing violent threats will face immediate and permanent suspension of their account. Wishing, hoping or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people Note: we have a zero tolerance policy against violent threats. Those deemed to be sharing violent threats will face immediate and permanent suspension of their account. Wishing, hoping or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people

Hoping that an entire protected category and/or individuals who may be members of that category dies as a result of a serious disease, e.g., “I hope all [nationality] get AIDS and die.”

Wishing for someone to fall victim to a serious accident, e.g., “I wish that you would get run over by a car next time you run your mouth.”

Saying that a group of individuals deserve serious physical injury, e.g., “If this group of [slur] don’t shut up, they deserve to be shot.”

Encouraging others to commit violence against an individual or a group based on their perceived membership in a protected category, e.g., “I’m in the mood to punch a [racial slur], who’s with me?”

References to mass murder, violent events, or specific means of violence where protected groups have been the primary targets or victims We prohibit targeting individuals or groups with content that references forms of violence or violent events where a protected category was the primary target or victims, where the intent is to harass. This includes, but is not limited to media or text that refers to or depicts:

genocides, (e.g., the Holocaust);


Incitement against protected categories We prohibit inciting behavior that targets individuals or groups of people belonging to protected categories. This includes content intended:

to incite fear or spread fearful stereotypes about a protected category, including asserting that members of a protected category are more likely to take part in dangerous or illegal activities, e.g., “all [religious group] are terrorists.”

to incite others to harass members of a protected category on or off platform, e.g., “I’m sick of these [religious group] thinking they are better than us, if any of you see someone wearing a [religious symbol of the religious group], grab it off them and post pics!“

to incite others to discriminate in the form of denial of support to the economic enterprise of an individual or group because of their perceived membership in a protected category, e.g., “If you go to a [religious group] store, you are supporting those [slur], let’s stop giving our money to these [religious slur].” This may not include content intended as political in nature, such as political commentary or content relating to boycotts or protests.

Note that content intended to incite violence against a protected category is prohibited under Wishing, hoping, or calling for serious harm on a person or groups of people. We prohibit targeting individuals and groups with content intended to incite fear or spread fearful stereotypes about a protected category, including asserting that members of a protected category are more likely to take part in dangerous or illegal activities, e.g., “all [religious group] are terrorists.” Repeated and/or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that degrades someone We prohibit targeting others with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals. We also prohibit the dehumanization of a group of people based on their religion, caste, age, disability, serious disease, national origin, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. In some cases, such as (but not limited to) severe, repetitive usage of slurs, epithets, or racist/sexist tropes where the primary intent is to harass or intimidate others, we may require removal of post(s). In other cases, such as (but not limited to) moderate, isolated usage where the primary intent is to harass or intimidate others, we may limit post(s) visibility as further described below. Hateful Imagery We consider hateful imagery to be logos, symbols, or images whose purpose is to promote hostility and malice against others based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or ethnicity/national origin. Some examples of hateful imagery include, but are not limited to:

symbols historically associated with hate groups, e.g., the Nazi swastika;

images depicting others as less than human, or altered to include hateful symbols, e.g., altering images of individuals to include animalistic features; or

images altered to include hateful symbols or references to a mass murder that targeted a protected category.

Media depicting hateful imagery is not permitted within live video, account bio, profile or header images. All other instances must be marked as sensitive media. Additionally, sending an individual unsolicited hateful imagery is a violation.


Under this policy, we take action against behavior that targets individuals or an entire protected category with hateful conduct, as described above. Targeting can happen in a number of ways, for example, mentions, including a photo of an individual, referring to someone by their full name, etc.