The 8 common misconceptions about meaningful work

Sep 22, 2021

Work is something we all do to earn a living or to help other people.

It's a way to feel productive and useful.

It's also a way to spend time.

And there are many common misconceptions about meaningful work.

Meaningful work to some people is doing something for money and to others it's doing something for free.

For others, meaningful work also connects us with other people and gives us a sense of purpose.

For many, meaningful work is work which makes us happy.

But what is a more realistic perspective on meaningful work?

And what are the common misconceptions?

Read more on each common myth:
Myth 1: Meaningful Work = High Salary
Myth 2: Meaningful work = Low paying jobs
Myth 3: Meaningful work is a luxury
Myth 4: Meaningful work = Saving the world
Myth 5: Meaningful work = No stress
Myth 6:You should already know what meaningful work is for you
Myth 7: You are too late/early to find meaning in your work
Myth 8: Finding meaningful work means no more bad days at work