Self Esteem is the topic for our next live workshop 🙌🏼

Apr 8, 2021


Registration is now open for our next FREE, LIVE 45 minute workshop on Friday 16th April at 12:30pm

It's the biggest topic we've tackled to date: Self Esteem.

Self Esteem really is the foundation for our own wellbeing and yet it’s the area that most people struggle with. We are going to look at what it is, how our self esteem affects so many different aspects of our lives, why you can never have too much of it and how you can build it.

​This is a big one! (Squeezed into 45 minutes 😄)

If you've decided that 2021 will be the year you look after yourself more, focus on your own interests and dedicate more time to YOU! Then please join us.

➡️ Register for the next free wellbeing workshop ⬅️

This is for you if any of these apply:

💥 You want to dedicate 45 minutes to your own personal development and growth

💥 You want to develop your self worth and become more confident

💥 You want to learn practical ways to build self esteem

💥 ​Your lack of self esteem stops you from doing things

All you will need is a pen and paper. You do not need to be a FidlLeaf customer to join the workshop.

Feel free to eat your lunch during the workshop, you will not be on camera. Be comfortable! 

Register now

PS - It would really help us if you would share something about this workshop on social media. Someone you know may might really benefit from it. Thank you!