WeeklyWed: AI Act from EU and AI+Law for Product Managers

Sudha Jamthe
Jun 29, 2022

What is AI Law, how is it different across countries and how does it impact YOU!

Facial Recognition, Biometrics, deepfake, AI claiming to read emotions - All are getting a blow with AI Act from European Union.

What do you need to know about AI+Law when you build AI or deploy AI solutions?

yes, we keep hearing about GDPR and privacy, is there more?

Come hear Divya Dwivedi, Lawyer from Supreme court of India, teach us AI+law 101, interviewed by Dr. Thiaga Felipe Avanci of Brazil.

Checkout what a force Divya Dwivedi is here and follow her daily posts.

Here is Thiago Felipe Avanci's wikipedia page.

The EU has launched the draft of AI Act and it is talking to lawyers but targets to Product Managers, Entrepreneurs and AI business innovators.

Come find out at weeklywed June 29th 9am pt/18 cet/1pm Brazil.


Yash & Weeklywed team