Catharsis Computer Club August 2022

Aug 29, 2022

Dear tech fellows,

Welcome to the August 2022 edition of the Catharsis Computer Club Magazine. Here you can find the most interesting technical news from my timeline in August, structured in categories.

This is just a small collection of news; if you don't want to miss anything, you can also follow me on Twitter or join the Catharsis Computer Club in Linkedin.

AlphaFold reveals the structure of the protein universe: expand the AlphaFold DB by over 200x - from nearly 1 million structures to over 200 million structures. (link) #biotech #deepmind #startups

Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models: The problem domain extends through pre-calculus, including algebra and geometry, roughly at a high school level  (link). #science #maths #AI

Responsible AI: Explore resources designed to help you responsibly use AI at every stage of innovation - from concept to development, deployment, and beyond (link). #ai #machinelearning #ethics

What is Agile? Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development (link) #software #agile #engineering

The Seattle Report on Database Research (link). #database #research #report

MoCapAct, a large library of pre-trained humanoid control models along with enriched data for training new ones. (link) #robotics #software

The reproducibility crisis in ML-based science: online workshop aimed to highlight the scale and scope of the crisis, identify root causes of the observed reproducibility failures, and solutions. (link) #research #machinelearning #science

Causal discovery infers a causal graph from experiments involving interventions, allowing discovering agents that would adapt their policy if their actions influenced the world (link). #research #science #statistics

A neural network solves, explains, and generates university math problems by program synthesis and few-shot learning at human level (link) #maths #science #research

A guide covering Photogrammetry including the applications, libraries and tools that will make you a better and more efficient Photogrammetry development. (link) #3D #opensource #photogrammetry

Once Go 1.19 is released, it is time to check the brand new Guide to the Go Garbage Collector (link) #golang #developers #opensource

How to build an Open Source Business in 2021 (link). #opensource #startups

First map of immune system connections reveals new therapeutic opportunities (link). #startups #biotech #trends

NASA and the FAA are working to revolutionize air traffic control for the drone era (link). #drones #robotics #trends #startups

The fascinating world of two dimension physics: artificial atoms, Moire superlattice and many more... (link) #trends #startups #physics

How to Deal With Work Stress and Recover From Burnout: These evidence-based strategies can help you achieve healthy work-life balance (link) #wellbeing #work #people

NVIDIA Hopper Architecture In-Depth (link) #hardware #nvidia #ai

How to Build a GPT-3 for Science: unlock scientific data at scale to make generative AI for science possible (link) #science #research

It's summer time, so allow me to diverge from more formal tunes and offer you some nice pieces of modern music.

SOFI TUKKER - Good Time Girl feat. Charlie Barker (link)

Cerrone x Purple Disco Machine - Summer Lovin' (link)

Parcels - Tieduprightnow (link)

And that's is all.

I hope you enjoyed this new edition.

Do you have feedback? Feel free to add comment to this post, send me a message or join to the discussion on Twitter or the Catharsis Computer Club.
