Fission Events Update

Feb 17, 2023

Here's a recap and round-up of past and future events.

Recap of Past Events

Last week the Distributed Systems Reading Group met to discuss the paper Distributed Reset (1990, FSTTCS) by Arora and Gouda. The replay and transcript are available on the Fission Talk forum if you missed it.

​Next Week's Events

Community Event - This Month in IPFS is a live stream hosted by IPFS Developer Advocate Daniel. It covers a wide range of topics related to IPFS, featuring live coding sessions, guest interviews with IPFS contributors and developers, and updates on the latest developments in the IPFS community and working groups.

This Month in IPFS - Live stream
Thu, Feb 23, 2023, 4:00 PM UTC

Fission Event - The monthly IPVM Community Call is next Friday. The IPVM is an effort to add content-addressed computation to IPFS. The calls are focused on implementers, but everyone is welcome.

IPVM Community Call
Fri, Feb 24, 2023, 5:00 PM UTC

​Causal Islands Conference

More speakers for Causal Islands: The Future of Computing Conference will be announced very soon! Check out the lineup so far and book your tickets today!

Have a great weekend!

​-Team Fission