WeeklyWed: AI Act from EU and AI+Law for Product Managers

Sudha Jamthe
Jul 6, 2022

What is AI Law, how is it different across countries and how does it impact YOU!

​Facial Recognition, Biometrics, deepfake, AI claiming to read emotions - All are getting a blow with AI Act from European Union.

​What do you need to know about AI+Law when you build AI or deploy AI solutions?

​yes, we keep hearing about GDPR and privacy, is there more?

​Come hear Divya Dwivedi, Lawyer from Supreme court of India, teach us AI+law 101, interviewed by Dr. Thiaga Felipe Avanci of Brazil.

​Checkout what a force Divya Dwivedi is here and follow her daily posts.

​Here is Thiago Felipe Avanci's wikipedia page.

​The EU has launched the draft of AI Act and it is talking to lawyers but targets to Product Managers, Entrepreneurs and AI business innovators.

​Come find out at weeklywed July 6th 9am pt/18 cet/1pm Brazil.


​Yash & Weeklywed team