I interviewed Arvid Kahl + some news from (The Indiecast) (work in progress)
In August, I got the chance to chat with Arvid Kahl. I've been wanting to chat with him ever since I started this podcast.
Arvid previously built FeedbackPanda, with his partner and sold it 2 years ago. Ever since then, he's worked on growing his twitter to 40K + followers, wrote 2 books, and is now working on a course related to building an audience on twitter.
Also, I have got some news + thoughts to share with you, at the end of the newsletter!
You can listen to the episode here!
Without much spoilers, me and Arvid chatted primarily about FeedbackPanda, and Audience building. There was one question, I wanted to ask him ever since I found out he followed more than 10k+ people.
Arav (me): Why do you follow 10K people
I was generally also surprised about the fact how little paid marketing Feedback Panda did, and their community-first approach.
You can tell I had a lot of fun with this episode. Before you go I got some news, I'm going to be publishing 2 episodes every month, with the next one out in a few days!
I've been really anxious recent about what to make, and how I can grow my projects. Writing this newsletter, has made me realize how much fun podcasting and content-creation. I'm going to set aside the expactions, and just focus on providing valuable content.
I'm going to try and experimet till March, and I'll see how this podcast goes. One last thing: subscribe to the channel please, it helps a lot!
Happy 2022!