Your Slate Is Wiped Clean 🧼

Jan 1, 2022

Welcome to 2022. 2021 is gone, good-bye-sayonara, baby. Good riddance!

Today, you have a fresh start, you are released from everything that happened in 2021. You are allowed to let go of all the times you berated yourself for all of your perceived mistakes and flaws, all of the times you felt anxiety and deep worry for something that never came to pass, all of the times you looked at your body in the mirror and said “I hate me.” All of that is wiped clean. Pick your poison, you no longer have to drink it ☠️

In this new beginning, we have the chance to live our lives exactly how we want. As you know, we can't make every change we want ALL AT ONCE, this shit takes time. But as you also know - you have time. You have today, right this very moment to begin 🕰 Choice by choice we have the ability to change everything.

To honor that we have a fresh start, if you want to do this with me, I'm heightening this feeling of newness by doing something physical that screams, "FRESH START!" I'm going to figure out what to do with this random basket full of cords and books and clothes to give away. Right now, it sits in my guest bathroom, taunting me. It has sat here for exactly one year. I am going to tackle this because I think about it almost every day and its certainly not worth me thinking about it ANY DAY. I want to clear the headspace this basket occupies so that I can think about better things than a basket full of give-aways.

What could you do to physically mark this fresh start? It could be throwing away all the old things in the fridge, it could be finally organizing that one drawer in your desk, it could be as simple as walking on fresh snow ❄️ ⛄️ . Pick something that will mark this new beginning for you. When you do it, notice how good it feels to GET STARTED INSTEAD OF THINKING ABOUT GETTING STARTED.

I am so excited to work with you NEXT WEEK (finally!) and wanted to offer you a week of prompts and an exercise to get yourself in the mood ❤️

Try 'em out! Worst case scenario: you discover something about yourself.



Exercise for this week or maybe even RIGHT NOW

On a sheet of paper, write out al of the months of 2021, leave space for you to write. Under each month, write how you spent your time. If you can’t remember, that’s valuable information. Try not to look at a calendar or to ask others how you spent your time. This is for you to remember.

Prompts for the Next Week

As I look at the past year, I am proud of myself for:

The best compliment or loving gesture I received last year was:

Here is one thing I improved in my life in 2021 (even if really small):

Here are the steps I took to improve that one thing in 2021:

Here is one thing I want to improve, deepen, change in the next year:

Here is the thing I spent the most time worrying about that never came to pass (describe how the worry felt, how often you thought about, be specific):

These are the relationships that sustained me, fed me, made me come alive in 2021 (describe each person):