Top 3 Financial Lessons Bhagavat Gita taught us!

The Builders Club
Oct 19, 2022

1. The Six Demons

 “O Parth, the qualities of those who possess a demonic nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance.” 

When pride and arrogance consumes us, we can’t think clearly. Pride infatuates us with our temporary possessions and sends us off on a dangerous ego trip.

Whenever you refuse to sell bad investments because you think you know everything, look at the world with an impassioned lens, be ready to be wrong and keep your ego aside when you realize it's time to sell. 

2. The Changing Face of Greed

“Arjuna, know that you rule the senses, mind and intellect. Center them in the Self to overcome the hungry enemy of desire/ greed.”

Market crashes are premised on greed, which make us do stupid things. In fact, all market crashes in the world can be attributed to greed in one way or the other. 

3. Your mind is your biggest enemy

“A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.” 

Us humans, we have so many biases within ourselves- hindsight bias, anchoring bias, trend chasing bias, self attribution bias, regret aversion bias and many others. One must elevate themself from such biases and realize when it becomes unhealthy for you!

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​The Builders Club is a community driven platform which is an enabler in your startup journey.

​We have multiple initiatives and events which we do regularly to help you accelerate your growth and move to the next stage of your startup life cycle.

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