⚾Field of $$ Dreams

Brooke Shapiro
Jul 26, 2022

Ever see the movie Field of Dreams? Honestly, I haven’t seen it because I really don’t like movies (ask me about it when we chat).

BUT,  I do know the famous line, “If you build it they will come”. While I think it’s true, it doesn’t always work that way in business. People need to know it exists in order to come, and they need to know where to go in order to get there. James Earl Jones didn’t explicitly tell poor Ray that he needed to market the field so that the people who came and loved it would share it with their friends. This is similar to ecommerce. You have to tell people to go to your page, and once they are there, they have to have the best/easiest experience to be there. If they know to get there, then they have a good easy experience that they will easily buy, which will turn into sales ($$ of dreams) for you!

Easy Eccomerce Marketing

If you want to learn more about how easy ecommerce can be, then join my webinar on 8/31. 

I want to hear what you would like to learn and any questions you may have!

Email: brooke.e.shapiro@gmail.com

Marketing Made Easy

All year long I will be hosting monthly marketing webinars to help you! 

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I love meeting as many people in the world as I can, so set up time to chat with me to see if I can help you today.

Let's talk about the movies!