Grateful 4 U Parents

Sprinkles Parents
Nov 23, 2022

Hi Sprinkles Parents,

How often do you truly feel appreciated as a parent? You did laundry, signed up for soccer, planned Thanksgiving, etc. I struggle with giving and giving and giving only to get handed a half eaten chicken nugget and thrown up on. 

I want to thank you for reading this email. For the 1500 of you that have attended Sprinkles events in person and virtually. For the members, fundraiser supporters, donations, and everything else that kept helping other parents going throughout this crazy year. 

Thank you! I am so grateful for you!

TK/ School Sign Up

(Oakland parents only… if you have information on your city knowledge, don’t hesitate to share!)

Anyone have a kiddo born 2018 between September and December?

Or, do you have a 2018 year old about to start Kindergarten?

Sarah Wheeler created these amazing resource for the Oakland school lotto system and sign up process for schools. Keep your eyes out for a day for a Q&A to ensure you are set up for success in this crazy, stressful and weird process.

Are the amazing resources. Thank you Sarah!

Gift Guide Highlight 🎁

If you have a kiddo that doesn’t like going outside (my California boy hates stepping outside if it's under 65 degrees), you can inspire them through Outdoorwise! It’s all about getting your family outside more (hence the shirt). So if you are looking for some cute kids hiking gear for your little ones, check them out (note: sizes start at 5 right now). 

 Use code SPRINKLES10 at checkout to save 10% on any order.

$Financial Freedom $

2023 is going to be the best year yet for all of our families. One of the best ways we can set our families up for success is to ensure everyone has great financial plans and tools to communicate financials with our kiddos. Join us with family financial planning experts at TDLR to discuss family financial tips and tricks for success. 

Not So Fun Fact!

Infants and preschool aged kids (under 4 year old) get on average 6-10 colds per year (even higher number if in an daycare or multiple family)

~ UBCP Primary Pediatrics

Bring Sprinkles Parents to Work (please)

Does your office need better support for parents?

Would you like to have your  manager trained on  work/life balance and not have you feel like you need to choose your kids or work? 

Ask your HR to bring Sprinkles Parents to your company so that you easily have all of the tools/access to succeed in working and being a parent!

Your company can lean into Diversity and Inclusion initiatives to set you up for success.

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