Camille Eddy on Robotics+AI at weeklywed March 23rd 9am pt

Sudha Jamthe
Mar 23, 2022

Photo Credit: White House

Tomorrow's Weeklywed topic is Confluence of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Read On! Join us for the inspiration and learning!

Here's a reprint of the full details at our new #Weeklywed newsletter on LinkedIn at Business School of AI. (pass it onto your LinkedIn friends)

There is a curious streak in most of us but it takes a great deal of inspiration and motivation to career pivot to a new technology. Confluence of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is a niche area where innovation can make a mark on the world.

We are bringing you Camille Eddy, a Product Engineer, keynote speaker at International speakers with experience in multiple firms to make you take that leap of a lifetime to break into Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. 

Camille at NASA

Micro-G NExT is an exciting Undergraduate NASA research program formerly know as Microgravity University. It involves developing a real space took for surveying the geology of an asteroid. Camille with her classmate were involved tested their Technical contribution at the  NASA Johnson Space Center this past summer in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab.

Camille in the White House

Camille was mentioned by President Barack Obama during one of his campaigns appreciating her achievements and showcasing her as a role model for other students.

We are honored to have Camille Eddy as our speaker tomorrow at WeeklyWed on March 23rd at 9 AM PT 

Camille Eddy has been contributing to many technical projects across organizations and here is a glimpse of her journey!

Camille is a mentor

Camille has been mentoring lot of students and professionals and is here at WeeklyWed to provide guidance to all the students and bring your questions to the table and have key takeaways which can help you career pivot to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 

In her own words:

As a Product Engineer and International Public Speaker, I help mission-driven startups build inclusive engineering platforms that scale. And I am a visibility strategist for Women in Engineering and Science! - Camille Eddy

Let's get into space flight mode at 9 AM PT on March 23rd at WeeklyWed at 9am pt to learn more from Camille Eddy. Look out for your luma invitation tomorrow one hour before the event.

WeeklyWed is our International Speaker series on AI, AV and IoT at Business School of AI.

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