08.11 / Hiring Woes & more.

Rohit Yadav
Nov 8, 2022

Hiring Woes

I saw a post on Twitter where a manager posted that he rejected a ‘good-on-paper’ candidate because she didn’t bring in references. Now I don’t know what exactly happened behind the scenes but surely there is a scope for massive improvement in our hiring processes.

Hence, I did a small poll yesterday around the same topic. Turns out most people would like to hire a ‘great candidate,’ even if they don’t bring in references.

There are so many reasons why someone can’t produce recommendations - culture of not giving out references in past companies, toxic managers, too short time in last company to build meaningful relationships, etc.

It genuinely pains me to see great candidates getting rejected because of not so relevant stuff. Recommendations are important but they are an accessory to an interview. I have had so many conversations with great candidates who can deliver amazing results for the company - but are not hired because the new manager seeks external validation. Hope it improves!

Rising East

It has been a telling for sometime now that the East is rising (of sorts) in terms of their GDP power. A few good books have been written on the topic and countless media articles on how to counter such topics from the West perspective.

But nothing is well understood in one second - without having a cool graph. Look below.

A snippet from this article caught my eye

The rise of China in the past three decades has seen the balance of global power shift away from democratic free-market countries. Bloomberg Economics’ projections suggest the trend will continue, with the share of global gross domestic product from Europe, the US and Canada sliding from 59% in 1989 to 41% in 2022, on a path to 24% in 2050. For the global economy, it makes sense to think about that shift as triggering two types of problems: short-fuse blowups when tensions between the two sides erupt, and slow-burn costs as they move farther apart.

So we all can definitely expect a lot happening in the geopolitics and policy perspective globally. Some will go in the right direction, while many will create additional stress and tensions for us.

Read the complete article here.