Execution Trumps Ideation. Everytime.

Hello Builders,

2022 seems to have started off with WFH again seems to be becoming the norm, as the world again gets engulfed in a covid wave.

Please isolate yourself, drink lots of water, and keep a check on your health.

We, at the builders club, will try to make your 2022 as productive as possible.

A few updates:

We have launched our new Zero to One series where we talk about the things to keep in mind when you are trying out an idea for the first time. We are doing daily articles and Twitter spaces.

Here are the previous spaces in case you have missed out.

Marketing for first time Founder

Mindset of a First Time Founder

We just launched our newest initiative, The Builders Camp, where we are taking 100 builders through the process of zero to launch in 50 days.

The idea is to learn the process of launching instead of trying to build a ‘startup’.

The Builders Camp

Building anything from scratch is a journey. You might start with an idea, but end up changing course mid-way during the process when the users tell you to course correct.

A lot of Builders fail in the initial stage because they give up too early. They do not realize that building anything is an iterative process. there is no success or failure.

There is only learning.

You might abandon an idea completely, but it does not mean its a failure.

The intent of the builders camp is to make you go through the whole process from discovering or working on an idea creating a prototype and putting it in front of your users to for them to tell you whether it is something which they would like to use or not.

The whole intent especially when you are starting out, should be to understand the process rather than to try and build a 'startup'.

A lot of builders with an idea make this mistake of thinking directly of fundraising without going through idea validation and MVP testing.

We want every builder who has an idea, or wants to build something in future, to have the right frameworks whenever they are approaching an idea so that it even if they fail, they know why.

Then they can make amends, and move ahead.

Knowing the right frameworks helps you in minimising your failure rate and making course corrections at the right time.

In 6 weeks we intend to to guide you through the frameworks which can be used for any idea that you are working on, either in present or in the future.

These six weeks will be full with masterclasses coaching sessions workshop assignments and your back reviews.

You get to build under the guidance of some of the best in class masters mentors.

We are taking in only 100 builders.

Slots filling up fast. 🚀🚀

Join the Builders Camp

For all the builders in our newsletter community, we are giving out an EXCLUSIVE 15% discount if anyone signs up and gets selected. Just mention TBCEMAIL as referral code when signing up.