Homeschool Lessons for Everything - Homie Hug #4

β€‹πŸ€—Hey Homie,

​Last week, I watched my sons turn their yard work time into a time to play with fire. I could tell they were intrigued. I sought to know what their fascination with fire was. They had so many questions.

​So, of course, I turned that into a lesson.

​"There's a lesson in everything. You just have to find it." - Unknown

​As we go into another beautiful fall week - whether just starting out or been in this for a while, following a strict curriculum or simply going with the wind - be encouraged by the fact that our children are naturally curious.

​Follow their natural curiosity. Ask them interesting questions. Help them embrace learning by building on what they already love.

​Don't be surprised at how many more smiles (or even hugs) you get out of simply building learning into what they already love.

​One for the πŸ’—

  • ​Follow your child's heart to find wonderful opportunities to instill the love for learning.

​One for the πŸ€”

  • ​Think of the different topics that hold your child's attention; for instance, technology, cars, frogs. Now, think of ways you could build a lesson or even a whole unit study around that.

​One for the ✍🏼

  • ​We're sharing a Free Unit Study & Lesson Planning template we made - just for our homies. Use it to plan lessons around any topic that piques your child's interest. Get it here!


​Feeling overwhelmed or doubtful and in need of expert guidance? πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

β€‹πŸ€ Grab a free 30-minute consult from one of our homeschool experts HERE - current and former homeschool parents putting their wisdom to use as they guide others like you on their homeschool journey.

​Other Expert Resources & Support

​Intimate Homeschool Parent Support Groups:

​This past week, we kicked off our intimate homeschool parent support groups (HSG's). 🎊

​HSG's are for parents who not only want socialization, but also crave support and accountability for their homeschool journey. They are intentionally small and consistent (you meet with the same parents every week, online) - to foster true connection.

​Interested in joining an HSG? Let us know your interest and availability here.

​Free Homeschooling Workshops:

β€‹πŸ•™NEW TIMES: Come join us for any of our upcoming workshops. We're testing out new times that might work better for parents. Saturday at 10am ET/7am PT

​Nov 06: Homeschool Curriculum: Planning Your Own Lessons & Unit Studies

​Nov 18: Hidden Heroes - Celebrating Homeschool Dads

​Let us know any topics you would like us to do a workshop on.


​Free Tools:

​Missed our Free Homeschool Planner & Homeschool Blueprint? **Download them here**!

​Find out your child's dominant learning style using our free Learning Style Quiz: Get it here!

​Wondering about ways to earn income at home? Watch the workshop replay or download the PDF.

​Past Workshops:

​Finally, feel free to catch up on our Intentional Homeschooling workshop replays with Clarissa, Beth, Keely, Marie, and Laura and all the other homeschool parents who are lighting the path for those seeking guidance*.*

​Big Group Hug,Β πŸ€—

​Your Homies