☕🧇Expresso or Half Eaten Waffle?

Hi Sprinkles Parents,

Let’s talk about breakfast for ourselves as parents. As you try to get yourself and kids ready to get out the door, many of us may forget about feeding ourselves. Erika asked a great question in our Sprinkles Parents FB group and was hoping to share the wisdom: 

  1. Take time in the morning to treat yourself either with Latte/Espresso and quiche or something to celebrate post-kids drop-off and everyone being out the door. 

  2. Make your breakfast the night before so it’s not falling to the wayside in the morning. Try overnight oats, hard boiling some eggs (or just buy them already hard boiled from Costco).

  3. Smoothies are easy to get lots of nutrition in your body easily and on the go through a straw. It’s great for picky-eating toddlers too so you may be able to get a winner for everyone. Also, it's great to drink while breastfeeding since it’s through a straw and if it spills on the baby (unless it’s hot drinks) it’s sticky but fine. 

Warnings: Do not fall into the trap (GUILTY) of eating the kids half eaten/leftover breakfast. Your kids may have only had one bite of a now-congealed oatmeal or insisted on a second waffle you knew they would never eat. You deserve your own delicious and nutritious breakfast.

If you are in decision fatigue from all of the choices you make as a parent and just want a healthy food to be made for you to grab and go, try out Pinpoint Meal. You can get a 5% discount with Sprinkles Parents. 

Anonymous Tip 

Help us bring Sprinkles Parents to companies to support parents in the workplace.  We can train your managers to be supportive and set you up for success. We can ensure your company provides better benefits for your family. You can help your colleagues be supported as well. 

We know companies are hard to navigate and the corporate politics that come into play. So, please provide your HR contact so that we can reach out to them in order to bring Sprinkles Parents to your organization. 

We will not be sharing your name (unless you would like) but the hope is to speak with them and help improve their parent-employee experience. 


Holy Motherhood Facts 

If you haven’t yet seen The State of Motherhood that was recently published then check it out.

In order to get the support you need for motherhood please join us via Zoom for our Momternships. Moms join together to learn, grow and support each other through this crazy time of motherhood.

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