Fission Events Update

Mar 20, 2023

Here's your weekly round-up of upcoming events.

​​This Week's Events

On Tuesday the 21st, we're meeting for our weekly IPVM community call! We've made great strides on the Interplanetary Virtual Machine and would love to share our progress with you.

IPVM Community Call
Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 4:00 PM UTC

Later that same day, join us for our monthly UCAN community call! Everyone's favorite decentralized authorization protocol is approaching it's version 1.0 release, and we can't wait.

WeCAN — UCAN Community Call
Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 6:00 PM UTC

On Wednesday the 22nd, Chad Fowler of BlueYard Capital will moderate an AMA about Causal Islands with the rest of the programming committee. Learn what you can expect from the conference and ask your burning questions! Join us at 4PM ET / 1PM PT on BlueYard's YouTube Channel.

On Thursday, IPFS Developer Advocate Daniel and his guests present their monthly This Month in IPFS livestream. ​The live stream will cover a wide range of topics related to IPFS, including live coding sessions, demos, guest interviews with IPFS contributors and developers, and updates on the latest developments in the IPFS community and working groups. (Note: This is not a Fission event but we love supporting community events!)

This Month in IPFS - Live stream
Thu, Mar 23, 2023, 4:00 PM UTC

On Friday, we will wrap up the week with our monthly Distributed Systems Reading Group meeting. We'll be discussing the paper, Multiparty Languages: the Choreographic and Multitier Cases. We hope you can join us!

Distributed Systems Reading Group
Fri, Mar 24, 2023, 4:00 PM UTC

​​​Causal Islands Conference

​​We're delighted to announce several exciting speakers chosen from CFP submissions. Check out the lineup so far and buy your tickets today!

​​Have a great week!

​​​-Team Fission