Brooke Shapiro
Nov 2, 2022

Happy November, 

Do you ever feel like you aren't making as much traction as you hoped? You just keep adding flavors and changing the website hoping something will change. Or do you keep looking for more and more feedback? As an owner/founder, there always seems to be something to do, and when there isn’t, you always feel like you need to tinker. That's when I see a lot of Frozen founders that need support taking their business to the next level.

Look, there are times that I find myself doing this with my Sprinkles Parents Community.  I wanted to launch a fun holiday gift for parents and I kept talking about it, changing the colors, ask people's opinions over and over. I was just Frozen! Then, finally, I just had to stop making excuses on why I wasn’t actually bringing this idea to market. So, I created these TEAM NO SLEEP hats for a fundraiser but didn't promote it really even after I made the fundraiser site because I was tinkering around with it (trying to find the perfect timing for the holidays and Sprinkles events etc).

Honestly, I was scared of failure if no one were to buy it (I know that sounds crazy, right). But, I finally, just had to take my own advice and sit down and build/ execute a plan to launch it because I know there are lots of really tired parents at playgrounds, zoom calls and eating their kid's Halloween candy to stay awake right now;so they need to be wearing this hat.

With all that said, please grab one before they sell out if you are reading and/or enjoying this email! It's a great holiday gift or treat for yourself.

The good news is there is a secret cure to the tinkering and a way to unfreeze yourself (cue Olaf, Elsa and Anna.. ok bad Halloween Frozen movie joke). Are you ready for it? 

LAUNCH IT. Just start marketing it actively. Please stop waiting for it to be perfect and just share it with as many of the right people as you can. 

Develop that marketing plan so you know what to do (please don’t waste your dollars/time with seeing what sticks). If you start marketing it, then you will actually make some sales, which in return gives you the confidence to know it works. Don’t get me wrong, feedback is extremely important, and if you attended my community building webinar last week, you would’ve learned that one of the most valuable things you get from your community is feedback.

However, after going through it myself, I know how hard it is to actually start putting the marketing behind something to launch. You never know if it’s the right energy to be spending or the right thing to do.

I get it and I want to help you relax and for you to know your marketing is working!  

Client Highlight

Sapient Education was looking to connect with both parents and companies to provide a tutoring benefit service to kids. They realized that gamification helps kids struggling with learning be more open to a topic and subject. The founder was a really great developer and incredible designer, but he needed my support with marketing and selling the product to organizations. Since I launched a 500-person parent-employee resource group at Clorox during the start of the pandemic, I was able to help create a list of other groups that we needed to go after. We developed the pricing, product, and pitch deck together to win every time. We also had to market to the employees to ensure they were using the benefit and ALSO asking for this benefit too (this tactic also works for retailers where people beg for your product and then you actually need to sell the product in the store check out my next retailer Webinar to learn more :)). I was able to get us into Airbnb, Facebook, Maven, Workday, and a few more in our marketing pipeline. With marketing, it’s all about who you need to go after and I help founders figure that out through my network and to connect the right folks to get there!

The founder said "Brooke is the fairy godmother of marketing as she came in and turned everything in the right direction."

Would you like a fairy godmother that can just waive a wand across your business?

If yes, email me

Marketing Made Easy 

Fun fact, I can help every single founder no matter their budget to achieve their goals. It all just comes down to a matter of how much time the founders have to put into it and how long it will take to get there. 

Through Marketing Made Easy, I will share with you everything you need to build your own successful marketing plan on your own. If you are good at putting Ikea furniture together and just need the directions then this is the perfect program for you!! 


You will get:

  • Marketing Recordings and Resources to build your marketing plan

  • Roadmap template for you to create your own marketing plans based on your business needs

  • Content calendar

  • Marketing Check List

  • Targeting Tool kit

Bonus: 1 coaching session to review templates and tools to kick you off.

Coffee Date?

Saturday, November 5th, I will be in University Park meeting founders for coffee IRL. If you are around and would like to meet live, please email me

Upcoming Webinars

Can't wait to see you there!