Mentorcam event + WEB3 + OuterEdgeLA

Satellite Social
Mar 7, 2023


Quick reminder this week of a few things happening around LA.

  1. Check out this startup event with cocktails, snacks, and great conversation

2. The Kollectiff is closing soon, so come on Friday to hang with some WEB3 friends

3. NFT LA is now OuterEdge and LOTS of things going in soon.

And a random quote to keep us all healthy. Today I'm thinking about healthy habits (or my lack thereof)

"Too often we convince ourselves that massive results require massive action."

We put pressure on ourselves to make some earth-shattering improvement that everyone will talk about."

"Improving by 1% isn’t particularly notable, sometimes it isn’t even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful – especially in the long run."

"If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done." — James Clear

And with that, let's all get 1% better today!

See you around LA!