xAI at weeklywed tomorrow and 100Days of XAI (Explainable AI)

Sudha Jamthe
May 10, 2022

AI is a blackbox and it is time to make it transparent with Explainable AI

Yash (our weeklywed host) has started 100 days of Explainable AI #100daysofXAI. on LinkedIn. She posts about XAI with a goal that everybody should be able to contribute to XAI research from their lived experiences.

Yash has earlier taught Explainable AI at Barcelona Tech School.
Yash will be explaining what is Explainable AI and why we need it at weeklywed xAI webinar tomorrow.

What to expect at WeeklyWed?

Yash will teach Explainable AI, what it means and go deeper into the technology resources and where you can take it in your business.

Below is example of xAI resources Yash has been sharing in her #100DaysofAI

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See you at weeklywed tomorrow/