Weeklywed: Foundation Models and Research

Sudha Jamthe
May 18, 2022

You can innovate in technology in your business or as a startup idea or in publishing research?

Dr. Usha Jagannathan brings a unique mix of experience form industry and academia and is an expert at emerging technologies. She has spoken to us about Explainable AI and is now bringing lessons about how to get into research.

Research is the foundation to look at the cutting edge of technology and question what is possible and how innovation can happen by challenging status quo - beyond academics to everyone as innovators.

Image credit: Openai.com

I have been teaching Foundation models at Stanford "Artificial Bootcamp for Product and Business Managers" and focusing on bringing global collaborations on voice AI and language models to be built.

If you are interested in Yashaswani's weekly XAI (Explainable AI) digest, feel free to signup HERE.

Come to weeklywed to learn about how you can enhance your career with innovation in research, emerging technologies and foundation models.

- Sudha

Weeklywed is a speaker series hosted by Yashaswani (Yash) at Business School of AI on Wednesdays at 9am pt/18 cet/1pm Brazil. Pass it onto friends if they want to get the weekly zoom link to signup to get the weekly recordings here.