29.10 / SAFE's & more

Rohit Yadav
Oct 30, 2022

SAFE’s at Pre-Seed

Valuing early-stage companies is always an ‘art+science’ job. It’s not purely KPI driven like other stages where there are more robust metrics that a VC can follow. The variation in valuation as well as the Startup capital ask varies so much that it becomes more beneficial and rather easier to go for SAFE’s.

SAFE’s were first introduced by YC (check link here). They have become increasingly popular.

Check out their complete report at Link

Lex Launch

I love a successful startup story. But you know I love even more - the explanation and emotions behind ‘how it came all about’. We got this last week with an email about Lex - ‘How Lex Happened’.

Following are some of the Lex launch metrics

25,000 signups in the first 24 hours

10,000 views of the demo video

1 million impressions of the announcement tweet

I would definitely recommend reading it whole article. It’s worth your time. The article is so much more than just Lex. For example this passage below. I always say in consumer - Simple Wins!

The lesson is that sometimes there is a lag between a technology advance and the consumerization of that advance. Sometimes the consumerization looks relatively simple, or even like a toy, but still ends up capturing a lot of value. Just think about the simplicity of Instagram or WhatsApp compared to the iPhone.

Read the article here.

Unicorn Country?

I asked Twitter family which country will have the max. growth in the number of unicorns until 2025. While this is not the only KPI anyone should look at, it’s definitely a high-level figure which a lot of VC/Startup people follow.

Results were quite astonishing 👇🏼