Cover Image for Monad Madness Hong Kong - Pitch Competition
Cover Image for Monad Madness Hong Kong - Pitch Competition

Monad Madness Hong Kong - Pitch Competition

Hosted by Monad Foundation & Michael
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About Event

Monad Madness香港站是一场汇聚大中华区顶尖创新力量的路演竞赛,专为构建于Monad协议的前沿项目打造。参赛团队不仅将在业内重量级投资人面前展示创新实力,还将角逐200万港币奖金池,同时有机会获得专项投资,加速项目在全球市场的落地与扩展。这是连接创新者与资本的关键平台,也是大中华区Web3开发者展示技术实力的绝佳舞台。

⏳ 香港站活动日程(4月9日 | 周三)

  • 具体安排将稍后公布

Monad Madness Hong Kong is the premier pitch competition bringing together Greater China's most innovative builders and leading investors. Teams will compete for $2M HKD in prizes and showcase their projects to a panel of judges from top venture capital firms. Beyond the prize pool, selected teams will gain access to earmarked capital specifically for Monad ecosystem projects, providing a unique opportunity to secure investment and accelerate growth.

​​ 📅 Weds (April 9) Schedule

  • (To be announced)

This invite is specific to the Hong Kong Location of this event. We look forward to an eventful competition. Join the madness!

More Info:

Please register to see the exact location of this event.