Cover Image for AI造福人类:解锁未来的智慧 | AI for Humanity: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Future
Cover Image for AI造福人类:解锁未来的智慧 | AI for Humanity: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Future
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AI造福人类:解锁未来的智慧 | AI for Humanity: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Future

由 Tan Siok Siok 和 Ong Lay Hong 主办

Join Tan Siok Siok, Co-author of “AI for Humanity,” for an insightful discussion on how we might build a sustainable, human-centered AI.(Event is in Mandarin Chinese. )

活动简介 | Event Description

诚挚邀请您参加由纪录片制作人兼创新者陈惜惜(Tan Siok Siok)主讲的《AI造福人类》分享会。本次活动将在吾庐会所举行。

活动亮点 | Event Highlights

  1. 新书分享|Book Insights

解析AI for Humanity核心理念,了解AI如何重塑我们的商业模式和生活方式。

2. 实践案例|Case Studies


3. 互动问答|Q&A Session


活动详情 | Event Details

时间 | Date & Time:

2024 年12月6日 7点-9点

December 6, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

地点 | Venue:

吾庐俱乐部 @72 Club St

Goh Loo Club @72 Club St

活动语言 | Event Language:


关于讲者 | About the Speaker

陈惜惜(Tan Siok Siok) 是一位纪录片制作人和创新者,她的作品探索人性、社会变革与科技之间的紧密联系。她的纪录片和移动摄影作品受到了全球媒体的广泛关注,包括CNN、《卫报》、《人民日报》和《印度时报》等。她的叙事方式跨越了不同的媒介,倡导一个科技赋能人类的未来。她的最新作品《AI for Humanity》(Wiley 2024)是一部与AI科学家和治理专家合作的跨学科作品。自发布以来,这本书迅速走红,登上亚马逊科技类图书畅销榜首,并赢得了全球思想领袖的关注。AI for Humanity 已被全球超过400家大学和研究所图书馆收藏,覆盖了5大洲的30多个国家。

Tan Siok Siok is a filmmaker and innovator whose works explore the nexus of humanity, social change, and technology. Her documentaries and mobile photography have captivated global attention from CNN to The Guardian, from the People’s Daily to The Times of India. Her storytelling transcends mediums, advocating for a future where technology empowers humanity. Her latest work, AI for Humanity (Wiley 2024), is an interdisciplinary collaboration with an AI scientist and AI governance expert. Since its debut, the book has quickly captured global attention, topping Amazon bestseller lists and garnering the attention of thought leaders worldwide. AI for Humanity is now part of more than 400 libraries’ collections in 30 countries across 5 continents.


期待与您相见! | Looking Forward to Seeing You!

Goh Loo Club
72 Club St, Singapore 069471
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