Real World MPC (RWMPC 2025) Workshop
Co-located with Real World Crypto 2025
Organized by the MPC Alliance In Cooperation with IACR
Conference website:
The Real World MPC (RWMPC 2025) Workshop, which will take place on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, co-located with Real World Cryptography 2025 in Sofia, Bulgaria, seeks submissions for contributed talks on real-world applications of secure multiparty computation (MPC). The workshop will not have proceedings; hence, submissions can be based on work in progress, papers in submission, or papers published elsewhere.
Talks would be covering:
Real-world deployments of MPC
Novel protocols/paradigms for MPC
MPC standardization efforts
Cryptanalysis of real-world MPC protocols
Programming languages, software frameworks, and compilers for MPC
Formal verification of MPC implementations
Real-world security of MPC implementations and/or deployments
Real-world studies of the economic impacts of MPC
Legal and policy implications of MPC
Download the Call for Contributed Talks
Submit Contributed talks here:
Program Committee Chair:
Jonathan Katz (Google)
Program Committee Members:Niek Bouman (Roseman Labs)
Brian LaMacchia (MPC Alliance)
Jim Miller (Trail of Bits)
Jay Prakash (Silence Laboratories)
Roderick Rodenburg (Roseman Labs)
Location: Grand Hotel Millennium, Sofia, Bulgaria
Please make your reservation using this reservation page for RWC and RWMPC 2025 attendees.