Organizing For The Time We Are In - Session 3
In the face of many new and harmful actions by the new administration, it can feel overwhelming to know where and how to act. This biweekly series is open to all and offers us a chance to come together to build skills for generative resistance. Together, we can take action grounded in Quaker principles and convictions in pursuit of justice.
[Session description forthcoming]
Beacon Hill Friends House puts these events on for free to live into our mission. Donations help us cover our real costs including materials, staff time, technology, and more. If you're financially able to do so, consider making a donation as a part of your registration to support BHFH.
Online program: This series will be facilitated on Zoom, and its primary programming will be happening on Zoom.
Encouragement to form small groups: These events are centered around an affinity group organizing model. We encourage you to gather with your local group and Zoom in together (such as in someone’s living room, at your Meetinghouse, etc.) If you don't yet have a small group to do this work with, you are still welcome and we'll share some ideas for how to invite others.
Can I drop into sessions? This series is designed as a progressive skill-building set, but each session can also stand alone. Drop in for one, or join us for all! We'll share all materials from the sessions and additional resources in a Google Classroom that participants can access at any time.
The format? The first hour will be information-sharing and small groups. Each one-hour session will be followed by an optional 30-minute action time where participants can take individual or collective action related to that day’s topic.
Accessibility: This series will be conducted in English and on Zoom. Our workshop and planning model assume participants have a wide array of capacities or spoons. We will have closed captioning available in the main room and breakout rooms. We encourage folks gathering in-person to check in about how you can have care for each other in shared physical space (masking, bringing food to share, etc.). Please let us know if there are other ways we can make this program more accessible for you on your registration form.
Other safety considerations:
We will never record participants nor share participant information outside of the facilitation team.
We will have a waiting room for Zoom and only admit registered participants.
We will have a set of community norms to support participants and protect individual privacy.
About the facilitators
About Beacon Hill Friends House
Beacon Hill Friends House is a Quaker Center for Learning and Action in downtown Boston, MA. Founded in 1957, its mission is "to embody the Quaker principles of faith, simplicity, integrity, community, and social responsibility in order to nurture and call forth the Light in all of us." BHFH lives into its mission by:
Providing a center where Friends and others can meet, worship, and learn
Advancing and fostering the principles of the Religious Society of Friends
Offering opportunities for leadership development, personal deepening, and collective action
Maintaining a diverse, intentional, residential community guided by Friends principles