Cover Image for Book Club: Self-Help
Cover Image for Book Club: Self-Help
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12 Going

Book Club: Self-Help

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3 Spots Remaining
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About Event

***Note: Alida may reach out to registered guests and collect a max $15 fee to cover the cost of renting an external space ✨

This book club is organized by Alida on behalf of Club Cascadia | IG @clubcascadia ⬇️

What we're reading 🌿

Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

Itinerary ⬇️

  • 6:30p: Arrival, please be prompt

  • 6:30-6:50p: Fill your plate/eat & create discussion circle(s)

  • 6:50-8:00p: Book discussion

  • 8:00-8:30p: Social time to connect + clean up

Preparing for this Book Club ⬇️

**FOOD** Potluck Theme: To be announced 2+ weeks before event date --> this can be store bought or homemade

Discussion Questions

  • ​1 sentence check in/thoughts about the book

  • ​What resonated with you?

  • ​What is something you're taking with you from this book?

  • ​Add'l book-specific questions Alida will prepare onsite

As a facilitator, I ask participants (and will step in as needed):

  • Please give everyone an opportunity to share, practice active listening and do not interrupt during discussion 

  • If a participant shares a hard personal experience in relation to the book’s content – our role is to listen and hold space, we are not responsible to fix or advise; I may ask we pause for a moment to hold space then resume our discussion 

  • Stay on topic of book’s content, and do not introduce events & experiences that do not intentionally support the conversation


  • Location to be confirmed/added at least 1 week before event date; if not a public location, Alida will host at her home in North Ballard

  • ​WhatsApp Group Chat — TBD; Alida to follow up on this

  • If you are waitlisted, strongly encourage you read the book in case you're moved into a confirmed spot

RSVP COURTEOUSNESS: If you are no longer able to attend please change your RSVP, and give at least 48+ hours notice so Waitlist Guests have advanced notice. A short notice cancellation can have big impact including: guests who are spending $ making a dish for you and Waitlisters not having enough time to make adjustments in order to join, etc.

Release Agreements

  • Photo/Video Release: Registering and/or Waitlisting for this Club Cascadia event, you consent to your photo/video being taken and shared on public social platforms and used for marketing purposes. If you would prefer not to have your picture or video taken, please let Alida know onsite

  • Hold Harmless Agreement: Registering and/or Waitlisting for this Club Cascadia event, you agree you do not hold Alida Hammond or Club Cascadia liable for any damages, injuries that may incur en route, when it attendance, or departing on the event date

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Presented by
Hosted By
12 Going