Open Demo: Get hands on with Vision Pro, Oculus, NReal, mobile 3D applications and much more.
Treasury Demos are your way to experience the world of spatial computing, to become a Treasury Builder or Activator, to apply to the Treasury Builder Program, and to meet others exploring and developing in the space.
Join spatial creators, spatial app builders, infrastructure tech developers, investors, hackers and explorers in spatial computation including AR, VR, XR, metaverse, Vision Pro and more.
Get hands on with Vision Pro, Oculus, NReal, mobile 3D applications and much more.
Come see spatial work demonstrated first hand, demo your own work, and meet peers, collaborators, and partners in the emerging spatial computing space on the Treasury terrace and in the studio - and become a Treasury Builder.
Treasury Builders
Treasury Builders are users of Treasury's premium spatial assets to anchor their experiences. These are licensed and commissioned from the world's top architects, reality capture professionals, artists and more - visualizing real world urban locations, natural environments and landscapes, imaginary spaces, movie scenes, and much more, in the technical specification and with the right license to support their use case.
The Treasury Builder Program is an invitation-only group within Treasury builders for Builder Partners to receive free or discounted use credits to world-class spatial assets, direct relationships with creators, support from industry advisors, free access to Vision Pros, Oculus, and other devices, training and learning, office space and more, to accelerate the creation of the most valued and beloved spatial apps and experiences.
Treasury Demos are your way to explore the world of spatial computing, to become a Treasury builder, and to apply to the Treasury Builder Program.
Treasury is a registry and discovery system for the world’s most valuable digital environments - architectural designs, film sets, monuments, and natural environment scans.
It is Getty Images for the world’s best spatial assets. Protecting and distributing the work of spatial creators - architects, real estate owners, artists, engineers, and reality capture professionals - in the era of spatial computing and generative AI.
Builders of digital environments and spatial computing applications are invited to request a private discovery engine here: treasury.space/builder
Creators of spatial assets are invited to archive and fingerprint their work here: treasury.space/creator
Anyone with a passion for spatial design and spatial computing can become an advocate for their favorite creators and experiences, and be rewarded for doing so, here: treasury.space/activator
Join us at our Upcoming Demos
To stay updated on spatial computing events, news, and more –
Join the Treasury network here: http://treasury.space/network
To read our Spatial Computation Thesis, click here: whitepapers.treasury.space/spatialcomputation
For more insights on the launch of the Apple Vision Pro, click here: https://treasury.space/notes/dayone