Cover Image for Nature Journaling: Noticing our Home
Cover Image for Nature Journaling: Noticing our Home
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Rituals, practices, and tools to help nurture your creativity, tend to your spirit, and remember your connection to all that is.
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Nature Journaling: Noticing our Home

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Connect to nature with an hour of poetry, ritual, and journaling.

Our theme for this month's nature journaling class is "Noticing our Home," with special guest Darla Antoine, an Indigenous interculturalist and spiritual worker. She runs the Your Enchanted Planner and the Serendipity Daily newsletter, a free resource for intuitive development that drops magic, wonder, and winks from the Universe in your inbox, every weekday.

Darla will share a practical ritual that's helped her find a connection to home while living as an expat in Costa Rica. Together, we'll explore how we can connect to a feeling of home and belonging, no matter where we are in the world. We'll also spend time journaling under the light of the full moon for a unique evening edition of our workshop.

​Please prepare for this class by thinking of where you feel most at home. We'll practice drawing a "home map" and creating a real or imagined visual of our home.

Supplies: Please have a multi-media sketchbook on hand and your choice of materials to journal with. These might include watercolor paints, markers, colored pencils, magazines for cutting out photos, or an assortment of what inspires you!

Avatar for Creative Contemplation
Rituals, practices, and tools to help nurture your creativity, tend to your spirit, and remember your connection to all that is.
4 Going