Cover Image for Bithumb x BONK Week AMA
Cover Image for Bithumb x BONK Week AMA
Hosted By
538 Going
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Bithumb x BONK Week AMA

Hosted by BONK!!!
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빗썸 x 봉크 위크

빗썸 나눔센터에서 처음으로 개최되는 AMA, BONK와 함께하세요!

BONK의 핵심 기여자인 Nom의 특별한 스피킹 세션과 BONK 생태계를 탄탄하게 만들어 온 주요 연사들과 패널 세션이 진행될 예정입니다.

이벤트 현장에서는 BONK 푸드트럭에서 다양한 간식이 제공되며, 이번 행사에서만 받을 수 있는 BONK 한정 굿즈도 만나볼 수 있습니다!

주요 일정:

  • 5:00 PM | 게이트 오픈

  • 5:30 PM – 5:45 PM | BONK 비전 및 프로젝트 소개

  • 5:45 PM – 6:00 PM | 패널 세션: BONK의 전통 금융 진출

  • 6:00 PM – 6:20 PM | 패널 세션: Solana 생태계 내 BONK의 역할과 확장

  • 6:20 PM – 6:30 PM | KK9R – 블록체인이 만드는 긍정적인 변화

  • 6:30 PM – 6:45 PM | Q&A 세션

  • 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM | 클로징 & 네트워킹

전시 안내

Bithumb x BONK Week 동안 빗썸 나눔센터 지하에서 BONK의 Exchange Art와 Team BaoBao의 애니메이션을 감상할 수 있습니다.

전시 일정: 3월 11일 ~ 3월 15일

*주차 공간이 없어서, 대중교통 이용을 권장드립니다. (삼성역 4번 출구, 도보 1분)

**주류는 신분증 확인 후 증정이 가능합니다.

Bithumb x BONK Week

Join us for Bithumb’s first-ever AMA session at the Nanum Center, hosted by BONK!

BONK’s core contributor, Nom, will lead an exclusive speaking session, followed by a panel discussion featuring key figures from the BONK ecosystem who have been instrumental in strengthening the community.

Enjoy delicious treats from a BONK food truck, and don’t miss your chance to receive exclusive BONK merchandise—available only at this event!


  • 5pm | Gate Open

  • 5:30pm - 5:45pm | Introduction to BONK’s Vision & Project 

  • 5:45pm - 6:00pm | Panel Session - BONK’s Entry into Traditional Finance 

  • 6:00pm - 6:20pm | Panel Session - BONK’s Role and Expansion in the Solana Ecosystem

  • 6:20pm - 6:30pm | KK9R - Real Blockchain change for the Good 

  • 6:30pm - 6:45pm | QnA Session 

  • 7:00pm - 8:00pm  | Closing & Networking


During Bithumb x BONK Week, you can enjoy BONK’s Exchange Art and Team BaoBao’s animation in the Bithumb NANUM Center(Community Center) basement.

Exhibition Schedule: March 11 – March 15

*Transportation Notice: Please note that there is no parking available, so we highly recommend using public transportation.

**Alcohol will be provided only after ID verification.



BONK is the social layer and community project that started on Solana with deep utility integrations across a wide base of applications, protocols and cross chain partnerships within the Web3 ecosystem.

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Bithumb is Korea's leading virtual asset exchange with remarkable performance, including No. 1 liquidity, No. 1 subscriber, and No. 1 brand reputation. It provides safe and convenient virtual asset trading services and also offers a reliable trading environment for users based on the industry-leading security system.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Hosted By
538 Going