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Accelerating Innovation Across the Open Social Web — AM
Hosted by Flipboard + Surf & Marci McCue
Past Event
About Event
9am: Fediverse House is open! Stop by for coffee and a morning of inspirational talks on the future of social and the internet.
9:30am: Welcome from Mike McCue, CEO and Co-founder, Flipboard and Surf
9:45am: “A Better Web Is Possible” with Molly White, Researcher, Software Engineer and Writer
10am - 11am: David Imel’s Fediverse Corner with Mike Masnick, CEO and Founder, Techdirt, and Board of Directors, Bluesky; Evan Prodromou, co-author ActivityPub and Research Director, Social Web Foundation; and Peter Cottle, Software Engineer, Threads
11:30am - 1:30pm: Networking session, presented by the Social Web Foundation
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