Cover Image for Podcast Party - Masterclass with Angie Lee & Rachel Gibler🎉
Cover Image for Podcast Party - Masterclass with Angie Lee & Rachel Gibler🎉
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Podcast Party - Masterclass with Angie Lee & Rachel Gibler🎉

Hosted by Angie Lee & Rachel Gibler
Past Event
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About Event

Picture this: I’m 23 years old. I charmed a geek I met in my Chem class, sweet-talked him into teaching me to code my blog and borrowed his microphone for the birth of my podcast. 

My boyfriend at the time told me it was a stupid idea & no one would listen. 😑 #ByeBrad #HowYouLikeThemApples

After thousands of “What the fudge sticks am I doing? Who's even going to listen? What if I run out of things to say? Who am I to even do this? What if I suck and people leave mean reviews?" moments, I said screw it & went all in.

What began as recording in my closet on a $20 mic turned into a Forbes top 100 podcast with 15 million downloads and 7 figures in revenue.

Was it easy? Nope.

Did I monetize it overnight? Definitely not. I won't bullshit you. I don't teach fast cash scams. I want to help you build a sustainable brand that pays you, for YEARS.

A podcast takes work and consistency, just like anything worth having in life.

But if you love it, it's also SUPER DAMN FUN. 😊

My podcast gave me the opportunity to host sold out live events, grow our physical product brand to 8 figures (SOUL), teach thousands of women via courses and speak on big stages.

The best part? I did it without following all of the serious bro marketing "rules".

(I'm highly allergic to boring🤪).

Join me for this FREE training as I pull back the curtain and give you the real deal on why you should have a podcast in 2024.

I'll be busting myths like “is is too saturated?!” + why podcasting is one of THE best ways to grow your brand, expertise and business in 2024.

You're here to do big things and share your story.

And's not too late & you didn't miss the boat. 😉

And if you already have a show, I want to be your hypegirl that gives you the creative clarity to get excited about your show again.


Hey, y’all! I’m Rachel Gibler, host of the Top 12 Spirituality Podcast, It’s F*cking Spiritual.

I’m here to join Angie on the podcast party to share my story and expertise alongside her… and hopefully give you the kick in the booty to FINALLY go all in on that dream of launching your own brand and podcast.

Picture this: Like Angie, I’m (also) 23 years old… I’m working 80 hours a week for a corporate job I hate, when I suddenly get in a freak accident that forces me to take medical leave from work.

Laying in bed, I started searching for answers on Google about “how to change your life.”

The FIRST podcast I ever come across? The Angie Lee Show.

I pressed play, wondering who this bubbly chick was that was sharing about how you could change your life by building a brand on the internet.

Intrigued, I end up flying solo to her event for women entrepreneurs, Pays To Be Brave.

All the thoughts of doubt were spiraling in my head: Who am I to do this? What would I sell? How do I even get started? Who would even listen to me if I started my own show?

I took the leap anyway and got myself in the room… and that’s where everything began.

A few years after that first event, I launch my own podcast It’s F*cking Spiritual.

With consistency, tenacity, and a little bit of unhinged humor… my podcast took off, and so did my brand.

3 years later, we’ve hit 1 Million downloads, over $700,000 in revenue, and my once dream list guests have now become my friends. (Looking at you here, Ang!).

My podcast has allowed me to quit my job, host sold out in person retreats, have hundreds of women go through my online courses, and make more money than I ever thought possible.

I hope my story gives you the inspiration that actually, yes… you can do it too.

I didn’t know what I was doing when I got started.

I didn’t know what I would talk about or who would listen.

I didn’t know the logistics, and I feared the market was oversaturated (hint: it’s not).

The one thing I did know?

I saw Angie up on that stage 6 years ago and I declared to myself in my journal…

“One day, I’ll be up there, too.”

Now? Here we are.

You don’t need to know the “how.”

You just need to have enough belief to get in the room, say yes to yourself, and take the f*cking leap.

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